Take Control of Your 4800 Video Card's Fan @ [H]

I fully agree with Kyle on Expertool. In fact another reason to use the CCC profiles to set the fan speed on the 4870 x2 is that activating a CCC profile solves the driver bug someone is experiencing that causes the master gpu to idle at 3d state after windows bootup. This really helps in driving down the temps. Moreover it lets to underclock the memory in 2d state, which is great, reducing greatly the power consumption in idle.
About rivatuner 2.11 i'm currently beta-testing it: it really takes the fan control of 4870 x2 to another level...when i made that guide (...i'm the first to say that is a little too complicated) i wasn't expecting Unwinder to be so fast in releasing new version with full support of 4870 x2, well, i was wrong, that guy really surprises me.
And btw, thanks Kyle for rating my thread as excellent :)

Please let me know when you get your guide together for the RivaTuner 2.11. I would love to showcase the auto ramping setup as a follow-up, but want to be sure that it works for most 4800 owners first. Thanks for being a valuable addition to our community even though you have been here for a short time.
Thanks very much Kyle. This was very clear, informative and helpful. I had heard about editing fan speeds but didn't really know how to do it. I even managed to follow along, creating and editing my profiles in real-time while the video played :)
Way behind the curve on this one one (as mentioned above per http://www.hardforum.com/showthread.php?t=1320351 ) . The bigger picture is that this kind of issue has been exhibited by the 8800GT (now mostly fixed by an upgraded factory cooler and card bios) and the 48xx series (no fix other than workaround) and reviews here and elsewhere never bother to mention the cooling is unacceptable. .

I have bought 4 4870s for my customers and it is no damn fun making the profiles and explaining to the user why they are needed and training them to make them.

I do not see in the article where anyone is all over AMD/ATI to fix the driver to allow proper operation and user control of the onboard cooling.
Rebooting didn't work. What do I do now to put it back the way it was?!

I would try the following.......
1) do you have a system restore point before you made profiles???? you could try that.
2) open the profile in overdrive, make a new one.....call it original fan speed or something.
go into the .XML and make a new profile that is identical to the original, including returning to "automatic".......that should fix it.:D
Ati should really start using the same fan control chip that nvidia uses which has dynamic fan control. With a couple inputs into riva tuner, the fan will automatically speed up/down depending on temps, every degrees the gpu heats up the fan will speed up according to the range you input. Its nothing like the way ati tool does it in varying stages, its totally dynamic, no need to remember any hotkeys.
I have a 4870 in the new rig I'm building and this is the first issue I worked on after the OS install. It seems to me the current loaded profile must be saved to a reg entry because it seems to come back to the last used profile after a reboot. I noticed this because I made a 50% fan speed profile for testing. I shut the the system down and did some hardware swapping last night and today when I fired it back up I was surprised to hear my fan still running at 50%.
Wow, Unwinder is really on the ball. It is great to see him supporting ATI so aggressively.

I wonder if he will add a flip queue option for Rivatuner^^
Thanks very much Kyle. This was very clear, informative and helpful. I had heard about editing fan speeds but didn't really know how to do it. I even managed to follow along, creating and editing my profiles in real-time while the video played :)

Kickass, that is exactly what I wanted to happen with it. Make it frigging easy.
Thank you Kyle.
About the guide, it will be ready soon, i'm already working on it. First i'll cover 4870x2 fan control and be sure, this time, to illustrate all steps.
However 4870 and 4850 use different fan controller from x2 (integrated vs external) so making a guide for these cards will be a little more difficult because i don't have them. Anyway i'll do my best.

That is cool. I can throw on one of those here on a test system and make sure it works.
I would try the following.......
1) do you have a system restore point before you made profiles???? you could try that.
2) open the profile in overdrive, make a new one.....call it original fan speed or something.
go into the .XML and make a new profile that is identical to the original, including returning to "automatic".......that should fix it.:D

Or just reload the driver. I just did that to test and it worked fine. Actually found my previous profiles, but they were broken.
I have bought 4 4870s for my customers and it is no damn fun making the profiles and explaining to the user why they are needed and training them to make them.

I do not see in the article where anyone is all over AMD/ATI to fix the driver to allow proper operation and user control of the onboard cooling.

Have you had any PROBLEMS with the cards due to heat at stock fan settings?

I am not sure there is an 'issue," but I am for SURE that I don't was bigass card like that radiating heat into my case that needs not be there.
You will be able to configure an automatic profile in RivaTuner 2.11.
It should be out in a week or so.
It isn't ready yet, but should work something like is outlined here:http://www.vaguetech.com/index.php?pageid=rt207

If you give this a read before RT 2.11 is released it will give you a pretty good idea of what you will be doing. It's a great RT tutorial.

You may not be performing at 40%, I use 40% + 45% on my dual X2s and never change them for gaming. I have never had the cores go over 75C in games. You may have an issue somewhere, 100C is way too hot at 40% duty cycle.:eek:

Hmm, I have a thermaltake Mozart TX with 3 120mm fans blowing right over the thing. My idle drops into the low 50's/high 40's at 40% fan speed, but in Assassin's Creed, BF2142, etc it will hit 100C on manual 40%.
That was a nice bit. You know, I'd really love to have part of the [H] card reviews include dB ratings and sound clips, since it's becoming somewhat important to know how LOUD your prospective card is in addition to how hot it gets. I don't have an X2 yet but that was very important to me, to see how bad it is (I used to have X1900XT's in crossfire, that was pretty much a hairdryer in your case and was totally uncool).

The most impressive thing to me was hearing that with modern performance cards, you can tell over the phone when someone is gaming AND to some degree what card they are using and how many they have. That just seems wrong. That would be a totally evil thing for cubicle workers... no more alt-tabbing away from the boss you slacker, I can hear your fan going!
I guess my card is "unique" Kyle's method of using the profiles does not effect the temps nor can I hear the fan ramp up, same goes for the Experttool and Rivatuner. Pisses me off I have a card that runs great but will be 110c+ after 20-30 minutes of gaming. I have tried re-installing the drivers but that was no help either. I am running Vista x64, maybe that is the problem.
I edited my bios on my 4850 to 'fix' the fan speed. Now it ramps up to speed much faster and runs at 45% and 66C with a full load. The fan ramps up with the temps, and it is a permanent fix. It doesn't matter what os your using or if you update drivers...
I was getting decent load temps (~83C while folding), but jacking up the fan to 30% dropped temps by a good 10C. At first I tried setting my Game profile to 85%, but it sounded like a tornado :eek:. I settled on 40% for that in the end. It would be nice if there were some recommended fan settings for the 4870 and 4850 instead of just the X2, since they evidently don't have similar noise levels at given speed percentages.
kyle is that u talking?

thanks for the tip. i'll use it when i get my 4870x2 :)
thanks for the article. very useful

85 for game profile is a bit high. the thing is like a hair dryer.
Pretty nice little option. My 4850's were decreasing in temperature as I haveowned them, but bumping up the fanspeed has made a big difference.

However, how do I control BOTH fans? Is fanspeed_1 my second card?
nm, answered my own question via trial and error.
The answer is Yes. fanspeed_0 is one card, _1 is the other. pushed the fanspeeds to 40 on both, temps fell from 67-70 degrees idle to 50-53 degrees.
I guess my card is "unique" Kyle's method of using the profiles does not effect the temps nor can I hear the fan ramp up, same goes for the Experttool and Rivatuner. Pisses me off I have a card that runs great but will be 110c+ after 20-30 minutes of gaming. I have tried re-installing the drivers but that was no help either. I am running Vista x64, maybe that is the problem.

Yeah I'm having some issues as well. I've got 2x 4870 in CrossfireX on Windows Vista 64, and I can't seem to get anything to work as expected. I set up the profiles but activating them doesn't seem to have any effect. Also in the ATI Overdrive window I can test overclocks, but Accepting the overclock doesn't "stick" for some reason and my cards stay at 500 GPU / 900 Memory instead of the tested OC of 780 / 1090.

Kind of lame. Also, in the CrossfireX Diagnostics window, the white textbox is always empty. I thought it might have been an issue with the earlier driver revisions, but it is still happening with Catalyst 8.8 so I dunno.
My above posts were in 64bit, so its not the OS.
What brand cards?
Yeah I'm having some issues as well. I've got 2x 4870 in CrossfireX on Windows Vista 64, and I can't seem to get anything to work as expected. I set up the profiles but activating them doesn't seem to have any effect. Also in the ATI Overdrive window I can test overclocks, but Accepting the overclock doesn't "stick" for some reason and my cards stay at 500 GPU / 900 Memory instead of the tested OC of 780 / 1090.

Kind of lame. Also, in the CrossfireX Diagnostics window, the white textbox is always empty. I thought it might have been an issue with the earlier driver revisions, but it is still happening with Catalyst 8.8 so I dunno.

I have x64 Vista and my profiles work just fine.
1st mistake I made: make sure you activate the profile in the profile manager.
I'd read this thread and follow the instructions:http://www.hardforum.com/showthread.php?t=1320351
If you follow the instructions it should work everytime. Remember, you have 2 cards, so you will have to set them BOTH to "manual" and the increase EACH cards duty cycle.
To do so.........make your profile in Overdrive, locate the .XML file, look at the lines of code, you should have TWO algorithm lines set to "automatic" and two fan speed % lines set to somewhere between 12 and 26%. You need to set each card up for the profile to work. Save it and exit.
2nd mistake I made: make sure you change the algorithm line to "manual"
3rd mistake: save the profile
4th: go out of the CCC and come back in, click on profiles and click on your profile and that should do it.

As for Crossfire.......you should have it automatically enabled in the CCC if its working correctly. The diagnostics box will only read something if there is a problem.
Look in your device manager, it should show two cards.
If you still have issues, re-download the drivers, remove your drivers via the uninstall, run Drivercleaner.net in safe mode and then reinstall a driver of your choice.:D
I actually found the solution to this on google a few weeks ago when I first got my card. I set my fan speed to 65% and it works good enough to keep my card at 50-55c idle and only 60-65c load.

Very good I say.
My above posts were in 64bit, so its not the OS.
What brand cards?

My card is a sapphire 3870x2. the overdrive does work, since when I change the clocks it does make a difference in performance. I ahve a trouble ticket with Sapphire tech support and they just told me that these cards just run hot. It is a problem cause after I play CoD4 for about 20 minutes the temps will get up around 118c!!! and my FPS will drop from 130-140s to 30-40 and get extremly jerky. Obviously, since I noiced this problem I don't game for very long as I don't want to fry another 3870x2. I am going re-install Vista this weekend since I will be changing my HD config in my system mybe that will fix the issue.
My card is a sapphire 3870x2. the overdrive does work, since when I change the clocks it does make a difference in performance. I ahve a trouble ticket with Sapphire tech support and they just told me that these cards just run hot. It is a problem cause after I play CoD4 for about 20 minutes the temps will get up around 118c!!! and my FPS will drop from 130-140s to 30-40 and get extremly jerky. Obviously, since I noiced this problem I don't game for very long as I don't want to fry another 3870x2. I am going re-install Vista this weekend since I will be changing my HD config in my system mybe that will fix the issue.

Have you tried to adjust your fan duty cycles????
I assume the program is very much the same and should fix your problem.
What "clocks" are you talking about???? If you've overclocked your card's GPU and memory and it's running hot and artifacting, it's not Sapphire's fault. You need to return the card to stock or get some cooling..........otherwise the card is going to blow up.
I was in Saint John roughly 2000 miles away from my computer so I had to wait to try it, and OMG that was so amazing, my card went from 75C to about 40C just sitting at the desktop on the game profile, very impressive.
Have you tried to adjust your fan duty cycles????
I assume the program is very much the same and should fix your problem.
What "clocks" are you talking about???? If you've overclocked your card's GPU and memory and it's running hot and artifacting, it's not Sapphire's fault. You need to return the card to stock or get some cooling..........otherwise the card is going to blow up.

I did change the clocks down to make sure that overdrive was working, but I have NOT overclocked the GPU or Memory. Getting over 100c at stock does not do much for me wanting to O/C the thing. Funny thing is that I do not get artifacting, performance just drops into the basement, like one of the GPUs jsut turns off, probably due to the heat.
Short vid for me, I had to stop right after creating/saving the profile. Why don't I have an AppData folder?

EDIT: nevermind, I just saw I need to be able to see hidden folders. Problem is, when I tried to do that, I got an error and now my profile is gone! WTF! All I have under Users is 'Public'

EDIT2: wow, gg Vista, somehow "show hidden files" = delete my user profile.
I jacked around with the XML's, but if you have multiple profiles it's a pain. Easiest thing I found was Gainward ATI EXPERTool 4.00 and select fixed mode....just move the fan control slider to whatever you want and exit. Also nifty to see how much you can take before you turn it back down under 65%. My 4850 is running 39c from 50c idle with 55% fan speed.
I'm a little late to the party on this one (just got my 4850 on Friday), but thanks a ton for this. It dropped my idle temps by ~12c and my load temps by about the same. Warhammer runs flawlessly with the card. : )
I have fan set in Rivatuner 2.10 at 54% duty, it idles at a 44 and 57 load.
Great guide Kyle! The only problem I had was realizing I hadn't enabled ATI Overdrive in the first place because I was afraid to tweak anything and have it overheat lol. Once I figured that part out (facepalm) everything worked perfectly.