Take Down Notice Over “Fake” PS3 Slim Pictures?

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Remember those “fake” PS3 Slim pictures that surfaced last week? Well some Chinese company has sent Engadget a cease and desist order asking them to remove the pictures. Hmmm, odd since I’ve never seen a cease & desist over photoshopped pics before, maybe these are legit? Hit the link to read the letter and see all of the previously posted pictures. Here are a few for those of you too lazy to click the link.
Maybe some Chinese company which is under contract to fabricate the prototypes of the casing for Sony.
That's not a PS3, its an ESb with a bad font. Comes preloaded with 500 crappy 8-bit games and only costs $80!!!!

OK, who knows. It's a theory anyway.
It's a lower cost ps3 with only half the number of cell processors... so it really should be a ps2.5 :)
We are investigating this violation and will bring all necessary legal
actions regarding this matter. In order to protect the confidential
information and prevent you from further legal issues and
infringements, please immediately remove those pages and keep our
request confidential.
If you have any question regarding this issue,
please feel free to contact us.

Your cooperation is deeply appreciated.

Best regards
If the pics are real then Sony should be sending the cease and desist order, not the manufacturer contracted to do the work.

I'd like to see an official from Sony comment on this.
Maybe they're trying to make cheap knock-offs and don't want to be exposed...

*shifty eyes*
Thats what I was going to say. The fuckers copy and bootleg everything in the world and get bent over pics??? Now thats some funny shit.

I actually read an article one time "The New Chinese Economy" or something like that. They actually interviewed people who during the interview complained about other people ripping off their design, THEN in the same interview described how they got their company started originally --- by copying other people's designs and selling cheap knockoffs.

And I'm not talking about ONE guy that did that - there were several that all mentioned having copied somebody else's work to get started, then after making money that way they decided to make something of their own and are now complaining about others not respecting their IP.
I would rather have seen a smaller footprint, myself...

At any rate, I still won't buy a PS3. Can't beat Xbox Live, they just can't.

What if.... What if Sony lowered the price to $250 to compete with the Wii, and STILL didn't sell as many?
I'd love for the PS3 to be smaller, but rather than make is skinnier they really should shorten the width and the depth as well. Damn thing is so big.
I really don't have a problem with the PS3's size other than the fact that it's kind of a weird shape if you want to use it "laying down". It's rounded so you can't really stack anything on top of it. I mostly use it "standing up" anyway, though, so it's no biggie. I also prefer having the power block inside the console, unlike the 360 where you have to additionally carry around this gigantic power brick.
Sounds like it could be coming, a slimmed down version of PS3. The same happened for the original PS & PS2 also.
Looks like the cover to a real PS3, only painted flat gray. It's missing the other half, the fatter half.
If the pics are real then Sony should be sending the cease and desist order, not the manufacturer contracted to do the work.

I'd like to see an official from Sony comment on this.

Perhaps the plant is trying to cover for the leak? Perhaps they are trying to take action before sony goes postal on their asses for leaking the pictures?
I really don't have a problem with the PS3's size other than the fact that it's kind of a weird shape if you want to use it "laying down". It's rounded so you can't really stack anything on top of it. I mostly use it "standing up" anyway, though, so it's no biggie. I also prefer having the power block inside the console, unlike the 360 where you have to additionally carry around this gigantic power brick.

I have to agree about the power brick, and if they release a Slim version the internal power supply is probably going to be no more...
I would rather have seen a smaller footprint, myself...

At any rate, I still won't buy a PS3. Can't beat Xbox Live, they just can't.

What if.... What if Sony lowered the price to $250 to compete with the Wii, and STILL didn't sell as many?

They already have for some actually..I own both.

The Sony Store offers me nearly everything that Live marketplace does..except it's free. I canceled my Live sub months ago. I am sure for some users there are a few limited things that live offers that can't be found that makes it worth paying for, but don't assume the same is true for all users.
I can't speak for PS3 games because I don't have any, but I will say that PS3 as a Blu-ray entertainment system is made of win. I have it connected to a gorgeous Samsung Series 7 46" TV and a Yamaha digital surround sound system (receiver and speakers) using optical cables and it's awesome.

If I had to start over, I'd still get a PS3 as a Blu-ray player.
The Sony Store offers me nearly everything that Live marketplace does..except it's free. I canceled my Live sub months ago. I am sure for some users there are a few limited things that live offers that can't be found that makes it worth paying for, but don't assume the same is true for all users.
I'm not talking about the marketplace. Screw that.
I'm talking about a great online gaming system...

Sure, part of it might be that Microsoft's is already established, but whatever the case, Microsoft>Sony in that area. Sony's just playing catch up at this point.

If I had to start over, I'd still get a PS3 as a Blu-ray player.
Which IMO is sad. This is the #1 reason I hear why someone got a PS3.
You buy a gaming console because it can play a certain type of movie format? lol...
First of all, what's wrong with getting one cuz it can play BluRay techie?

Secondly, that thing is fugly.
First of all, what's wrong with getting one cuz it can play BluRay techie?

Nothing at all. Don't get me wrong, I don't have anything against it as buying one as a BlueRay player.

My point is the "LOL" factor at Sony... They're selling more of these as movie-players than game-players.
Which IMO is sad. This is the #1 reason I hear why someone got a PS3.
You buy a gaming console because it can play a certain type of movie format? lol...

True, but I picked it over other players for variety of reasons, number one being that (at the time) it cost the same as a standalone player. Why gimp myself with a featureless standalone when I have the opportunity to do so much more with a PS3?
If they did come out with a slim, I wouldn't buy it. I like having hardware BC in both my PS3s.
Haha, that has to be the most poorly worded “cease and desist” letter I have ever seen. Chances of it being legit are next to nil. Most cease and desist letter will have multiple violations noted in the article, not “we are investigating this violation”. Furthermore, unless the “law firm” has a license to practice at state or at federal levels, their “legal action” means absolutely nothing in the United States. Finally, if they were “confidential photos” of a new Sony product, Sony would have their legal team all of this like stink on shit. And yes, the photos might have a chance of being removed if this happened.