Tapped Out?


Limp Gawd
Feb 24, 2005
4 weeks later and I was able to OC a bit more out of this Opty 170 and wanted to know if I am at the limit of this CPU. It is running in an Abit KN8 SLI rig. Temps with the stock cooling are about 55-56 under load.

If I raise the FSB to 311 Prime will crap out. It is stable for 18 hours with the below config.

Should I be happy and call it a day?

AMD Opteron 170 @ 2.8GHZ - CCBBE 0615EPMW
• FSB = 310
• HT Frequency = 3x
• Multiplier = x9
• DRAM/Memory = DDR266
• CPU Voltage = 1.45
• Memory G.Skill 2GB @ 2.5-3-3-6 @ 2.6v (No voltage increase)


Now way we can know, every chip has its own limits. All I can think of is to try setting the HTT multi at 2.
you will get better performance from a tras of 8ish than with that 6.it may buy you some head room as well. Nforce chipsets run hot as hell too so an extra fan blowing accross the northbridge always helped me when I ran nforces. stock cooling? upgrade to something better and you may be able to go higher those temps are ridiculously high for such a low vcore.
I can tell you from experience, that when you approach the magical threshhold of 130F (55-56C) on that chip, you're maxing it out. It will fail Prime95/Orthos/SuperPi at this temp. You'd be lucky to not get reboots. I'd make the same suggestion, get a way to dump the heat from your processor to see if you can go any higher. Your RAM is just over spec, and should be fine at normal RAM voltages. Also, your CPU is pretty well pegged, unless you voltmodded your board, or have more options in BIOS for vCore. My ASUS A8R32-MVP Deluxe is pegged for that same spec CPU (opty 165 CCBBE 0615EMPW) at 1.45v. However, my CPU temp is 110F under load (29-30C) Using a Zalman CNPS9700LED. Those temps are also in a maxed out Antec Nine Hundred case. You may be hitting the wall of your OC, but I would suggest better cooling, just to make sure.

Edit: stealthy123: actually, the temps are ridiculous, but the vcore on this chip starts at 1.3, so 1.45 is actually as high as most board will go on this cpu.
Why not try setting like this?

FSB = 300
HTT Multi = 3X
CPU Multi = 10X
Memory Divider Speed = 133 MHz

This should yield you around 3.0 GHz with a memory speed of 200 MHz.
Edit: stealthy123: actually, the temps are ridiculous, but the vcore on this chip starts at 1.3, so 1.45 is actually as high as most board will go on this cpu.

you and I have the same board I can run my vcore @1.55 and not hit anywhere near his temps. I am maxxing out full load on both cores @40c-ish. I run an xp-120 though.
and my guess is that you're running a san diego core, starting are core volts of 1.4 or 1.45v?
I don't mind moving off the stock cooler, however I don't want a 747 in my case. Any recommendations for a cooler that is close to stock from a dB stand point yet is more efficient AND runs in a $30 price range? At idle the temps are 33-35.

DejaWiz: I did try that and it was a no go. Had to reset the CMOS, wouldn't even POST.

Thanks for the tips guys, I appreciate it.

I put the side of the case back on and temps dropped a couple of degrees. Before investing in a new cooler, I am going to pull the stock 4 pipe AMD cooler off and try some AS5 and reinstall it.

I put the side of the case back on and temps dropped a couple of degrees. Before investing in a new cooler, I am going to pull the stock 4 pipe AMD cooler off and try some AS5 and reinstall it.


not a bad idea. the FreezerPro64 linked above is HUGE. it'll def help you with temps.
Well, that didn't help any.

A little spooked by some of the Egg comments on the Frozen. Broken clips, PITA to get it installed, etc.

I've had the Freezer 64 Pro for 2 years now and used it on 3 different processors. No problems here. The clip is a little bit tricky before u learn how to work it, but it's pretty trivial.

The Madshrimps link does seem like it performs better than stock cooler?