Tarr Chronicles - A new space combat sim


Supreme [H]ardness
May 24, 2005
Well here's yet another space combat sim we can try out. The demo was released today. Here's a link to some info about a hands-on experience: http://www.gamespot.com/pc/sim/tarr...&om_clk=newsfeatures&tag=newsfeatures;title;1

A snip from the hands-on: "There's a bit more to Tarr Chronicles than just the combat, though. You'll have the added advantage of being able to customize your fighter with more than 100 different parts and components. These can range from hull type to weapons, reactors, armor, shields, and more. Another neat aspect of the game is that you can salvage raw materials and use them to create entirely new parts, which adds a crafting element to the game. If this is all a bit confusing, an auto configuration button can take all the hassle out of your hands and give you the best possible ship based on what parts are available."

They also add that there's nothing revolutionary about the title but it could be a solid space combat game. The HUD looks eerily similar to FS2. lol :D The demo can be found at the usual places. Hopefully this one will be decent...
Tried the demo, had really good acting/cinematics, but the lack controller support and somewhat bad gfx turned me off. Plus AA doesn't seem to work me. Damm was hoping for a good flight/space sim game. Haven't gotten in since Fury3/Deccent lol.
The demo doesn't allow for tuning of graphics, but they're still pretty nice. I hope the retail version allows for tuning. I only played for about 5 minutes since I have to leave for work soon, but what I played was fun. I'll dig into it more tonight after I get home.
Thanks OP.
I like space combat sim games. I enjoyed Freelancer, but definitely Freespace 2, takes top honors, even if I usually prefer a more arcadish type of game, instead of strick simulation. I'll try this one out for sure.
Well poo. I tried the demo and there weren't too many positives for me.

Good: Graphics were decent, control scheme simple, easy to get into, the large structures looked nice

Bad: Audio was awful, depth/speed of ships was difficult to gauge, there was so much talking happening while fighting I couldn't do both at the same time (maybe I'm old?), the story and events seemed very slapped together and nothing had a good "flow" to it, the looping music got annoying very quickly (but u can turn it off thankfully)

It's tough for me to nail down the biggest flaw but everything seemed so sloppy and disjointed. I think I'll just uninstall this one and call it a day. ;)
Anyone else get this:

TARR: error message
GDIFontLibClass.CreateFont: cant find font

comment on blue shows guy having same font bs error as me...we'll see what happens.

EDIT: same error...I blame WYLM for all my problems today!! :p
Is there a fix/workaround for the font crashing bug? I can't get this demo to start, even with the latest patch.
I would love to know, cause this game looks like it could be the first fun space game since Colony Wars on the PS One for me.
worked for me, but wasn't terribly impressed. Uninstalled already, maybe if I find it cheap I'll get the full version.