TCCD + Super Pi + Memtest + OCing questions


Limp Gawd
Oct 9, 2004
I was interested to find out how far I could push my OCZ Platinum Rev. 2's the other night, so I decided to venture into a little overclocking quest. I was able to get the sticks to DDR610 with 2.5-4-3-8 timings at 2.8v, passing loops of Memtest86+ v1.51 (on my 3/10 dfi nf4 ultra-d bios). I thought I was one of the semi-lucky ones who could get their TCCD chips past DDR600, so I booted into windows. Everything went fine until I started up CS:S. Halfway through loading up, the game just crashed and my computer restarted. I was like :eek: ...when the computer fully loaded, I ran the Super Pi tests. The small tests went by alright, but when I ran the 1M test, the test failed. I dont quite remember what the error messages said... :rolleyes:

I left everything in the bios exactly the way they were but changed the FSB to 250. Booted into windows, ran the same SuperPi tests and they still failed.

My CPU is an Athlon 64 3200+ Winny, I lowered the multiplier to 6x along with..I"m not sure what the correct word is, I think hyper transport bus (?) to 3x. I have the DFI LanpartyUT nF4 Ultra-D mobo with 3-10 bios.

Does this mean my memory can't really work at DDR610?
Should I increase the voltage?
Lower the timings?
How much volts can you feed TCCD for long term, or even short term use? I have mine at 2.8v, should I increase it?
Could the problem possibly be from my CPU? SHould I increase the voltage on that? Its at stock right now.
mickey987 said:
Does this mean my memory can't really work at DDR610?
they can, as was shown by memtest86, but the memory controller freaks out. try with one stick of ram, or at 2T
I tried running them at 2T and with one stick each and I still couldn't finish 32M.

Whats the average FSB that A64 Winchester (or Venice) memory controllers can handle?

I've got mine to run up to 240FSB right now. I haven't tried higher.
mickey987 said:
I tried running them at 2T and with one stick each and I still couldn't finish 32M.

Whats the average FSB that A64 Winchester (or Venice) memory controllers can handle?

I've got mine to run up to 240FSB right now. I haven't tried higher.
Isn't the big difference between the Winny and the Venice the memory controller?

Does the processor still barf if you set the memory divider to something lower than the FSB? I'm just wondering if you hit the limits of the processor itself, but the RAM and the memory controller will let you go farther on that merit.
Well last night, I passed super pi running the FSB at 230 on a 1:1 ratio with the CPU at 8x. I couldn't pass the 32M test with a fsb of 235. I then tried overclocking the CPU using a memory divider, 4:5 or something like that I can't remember, anyway, it coudln't get past 235FSB either! Could it be my mobo? I have the DFI nF4 Ultra-D...

I have my SATA HD on port 2, I've heard that they should be in port 3 or 4. Is that true?

EDIT: I just updated the bios for my mobo to version 623-3. I lowered the CPU multiplier to 6x, used a 3:4 ratio on the memory, and it failed the Super Pi 2M test. FSB was at 250...
mickey987 said:
Well last night, I passed super pi running the FSB at 230 on a 1:1 ratio with the CPU at 8x. I couldn't pass the 32M test with a fsb of 235. I then tried overclocking the CPU using a memory divider, 4:5 or something like that I can't remember, anyway, it coudln't get past 235FSB either! Could it be my mobo? I have the DFI nF4 Ultra-D...

I have my SATA HD on port 2, I've heard that they should be in port 3 or 4. Is that true?

EDIT: I just updated the bios for my mobo to version 623-3. I lowered the CPU multiplier to 6x, used a 3:4 ratio on the memory, and it failed the Super Pi 2M test. FSB was at 250...
Sounds like you hit the ceiling on your Winny. What's your Vcore and Vdimm, though? I've still got a gut feeling that it's not your RAM and DFI boards tend to be great OCers as of late (although, this one could be a dud). I bet if you dropped a Venice in there, you'd get something nice.
My vCore is at 1.425v and my vDimm is at 2.6v.

Yah I'm going to have to agree with you. I'm pretty sure it's my Winny that's holding everything back. I just flashed my ultra-d to the 623-3 bios and tried running the FSB at 250 with my CPU at 6x and memory on a 3:4 ratio. It passed the 32M test no problem but when I set the CPU multiplier back to default (10x), the test failed.

I'd put install a Venice chip in a heartbeat if I had one! I noticed that no one's talked about Winny's ever since the Venice/San Diego cores came out. Did everyone sell their winny's? I doubt anyone would want to buy my winny.. :rolleyes:
mickey987 said:
I have my SATA HD on port 2, I've heard that they should be in port 3 or 4. Is that true?
Ya, you should move it because (iirc) only ports 3 & 4 are locked.