Team Fortress 2 - Arena


Nov 14, 2005
Wow! Arena mode is very fun, and it has rejuvenated my interest in the game for now. It seems much more of a skill-based game now - where you always feel like the kills you get, or even just the damage you do (no health packs), all brings your team that much closer to the win. The 1v1 encounters don't seem so pointless anymore, which makes the game much more exciting.

After playing arena all weekend, I joined up in a Dustbowl match last night, and was immediately bored and frustrated. The 'old' game is still just about which team can successfully charge up ubers to overcome the multiple level-3 SG's that are inevitably guarding the CP. If you play any other class, even if you get on a nice kill streak, it does little to help your team move forward if they're clueless. Everyone just respawns and the cycle continues.

In arena, because of the smaller maps and the lack of respawn, if you're good, you can feel very useful.

The teams are usually smaller in size. Most servers have it at around 6v6 to 9v9. The sever will also fluctuate team size to accommodate how many people are in the sever. But the bad part is it always seems to be be swapping random players around - and I have yet to figure out the logic. So if you're currently on a good team - careful, you could be on the other team the next round. Also, if the server gets full enough, some people from the losing team may have to sit out a round. Most rounds only last a few minutes. None of this is really an issue though. After awhile you just accept that teams get mixed around a lot and you just go out and try to fight the good fight every round.

Engineers are more difficult to play now, as the spawn points are very close together and it's hard for him to get those SG's up. I wouldn't say the Eng is worthless - but they need to be much more careful (and skillful) to build (and protect) their SG's.

Scouts are much more powerful and fun. I suppose mainly because SG's are more rare now, but also because a Scout is a strong 1v1 class, and a lot of the battles in arena are skill-based, mano e mano fights.....

Snipers are as worthless as they've always been, imo. Perhaps even a tad bit more worthless, as the arena maps are smaller with less wide-open space.

All the other classes play about the same. Unfortunately Valve continues to update these classes piecemeal - which creates some nasty balance issues.

Arena! ROR!!
Arena is awesome, I can't wait for TWL to start their arena league so my team can get in on that.
9v9 with 6 people waiting to play = FAIL

I agree. While I like arena, I don't like having to wait to play. I think they need to adjust the max number of people allowed in the server and have room for maybe 1 or 2 people who have to wait so you aren't down people when someone leaves the server.
I agree. While I like arena, I don't like having to wait to play. I think they need to adjust the max number of people allowed in the server and have room for maybe 1 or 2 people who have to wait so you aren't down people when someone leaves the server.

Agreed. I think 6 people waiting to play is more a server setting issue than an Arena one. I don't mind having to sit out every once in awhile - but if the server is too full and it gets to be a frequent occurrence, thats irritating.
I consider having to wait 20 seconds to spawn then 20 seconds to get to your enemy in the normal matches already too long, especially considering the number of crits flying about that you turn a corner and just run into by accident, or snipers, etc.

But having to wait while people draw out rounds even longer, no thanks, servers are already being modified to have faster respawns or no respawn timer at all, whatever makes valve think that people want to be sitting around longer doing nothing rather than actually playing?
Arena mode is fine just the way it is, you add in respwans and its just gonna be a stupid pray and spray, not skills, not taking time to make sure the shot is right, i mean if your gonna instantly respawn why even care where the shots go?

no, arena mode should be left alone, its perfect in the way it is, valve knows what their doing, Arena Mode is just like gladiatorial combat, you die, your gone, theres no respawn, your gone, thats why gladiators were always as skilled as they could get. Arena mode is all about skill, u want a deathmatch map? go to duel_duel it gets boring after a couple mins, but arena mode is always fun, i havent stopped playing since it came out

But idk what you guys are talking about with excessively waiting, all the servers ive been on only 1 or 2 wait not 6 or 7...
For christ sake, it's not that long to wait - if you have to wait at all. And it's much more preferable than playing more Dustbowl.
I don't prefer to play TF2 like counter-strike. Thats basically what arena is.
But idk what you guys are talking about with excessively waiting, all the servers ive been on only 1 or 2 wait not 6 or 7...

It should only be 1 person waiting EVER. If 2 people are waiting they could both be assigned to teams. This is the biggest reason I will not play arena.
Eh, not my cup of tea. But I do think Arena is great when you have a small group of friends to play with.
Wow haven't played TF2 in a while, been busy. What's all this arena stuff about?
Its a new game mode, like ctf_ cp_ pl_...
Arena play like counterstrike where you battle in a small map and won't respawn until a team wins.
Recently attended a LAN party where we played 5v5 in Arena mode ... great fun. Same goes for the pubs I've played in ... but it needs to be approximately 5v5. Anything else and it's just too chaotic, doesn't feel like a team effort.
At first I did not like arena because of the down time, but there is a simple solution. Just join a server that has a max capacity of 16. You will never have more than one person sitting out since the server will auto adjust team size up to the max of 8 vs. 8. Just remember that smaller player capacities are better for arena.
If I wanted to play counter strike, id play counterstrike. I for one hate it.
I would think servers still have options right? I mean they can reduce wait time/respawn any way they choose, so I imagine it's just servers adjusting for its users. Am I right in this thinking?
jesus... how many noobs are here? Since when is CS the only game thats setup like this? There have been many mods/games I've played where if you die you wait till next round. Its for players that want more of a challenge, and imo the more skilled players prefer this...not always tho. It doesn't cater to noobs that just respawn, die, respawn, die and think they are actually helping out... Well they're not, which is why most massive TF2 pubs have 2 - 4 people doing everything and everyone else is just spamming or getting spammed. If you complain that you have to wait, learn to stay alive... Or perhaps get better at playing? See some people like a challenge, and knowing you could die and not return till next round makes your strategy different... You use more defense, you use other weapons, you rely on teamates for help...All these things make you a better FPS player. Sure its not everyone's cup of tea, but calling it shit b/c there is no respawn just sounds, weak. :p
If one of your teammates didn't get the message that they could sit out next round then they could care less is they lost or not. I'm okay with dying and sitting out, but I'm not okay with being chosen at random to sit out an entire round when there are 3 other people waiting to play. We could all be on a team playing, but someone didn't think that was a good idea for some odd reason.
If one of your teammates didn't get the message that they could sit out next round then they could care less is they lost or not. I'm okay with dying and sitting out, but I'm not okay with being chosen at random to sit out an entire round when there are 3 other people waiting to play. We could all be on a team playing, but someone didn't think that was a good idea for some odd reason.

yah that doesn't sound right.. I'd think with the right settings, that shouldn't happen.. Anyone know for sure?