Team Fortress 2 Graphics Problem


Feb 20, 2006

I have noticed an odd phenomena in TF2, and I was wondering if it is my hardware or something about the engine that is causing it. I have two examples below.

What I am talking about (if it is not obvious) is the sparkly line in both the screenshots. This line tends to stay around for a while, so I am not sure if it is my graphics card artifacting or not. It is worth noting, however, that I have only seen this after playing for a bit and having my video card get pretty hot.
If you are talking about the red streak, it is normal. Some servers turn it on to show you the shot that killed you. It starts where it was fired from and ends where your carcass got ventilated. I think how long it stays is dependent on your decal stay time in options.
If you are talking about the red streak, it is normal. Some servers turn it on to show you the shot that killed you. It starts where it was fired from and ends where your carcass got ventilated. I think how long it stays is dependent on your decal stay time in options.

Are you sure about that?

I play TF2 3-4 times a week and Ive NEVER seen that before at all. And I bounce around from server to server all the time.

Which servers are doing this?
Are you sure about that?

I play TF2 3-4 times a week and Ive NEVER seen that before at all. And I bounce around from server to server all the time.

Which servers are doing this?

Very random servers. I have seen it only on server and when I went back recently it was turned off; I use to see it in many Counter-Strike (1.6) servers when I use to play online with that. It was a great tool to know where you go killed from (since it had no zoom to killed by player) and shows where you made an error in exposing yourself to the enemy.
Are you sure about that?

I play TF2 3-4 times a week and Ive NEVER seen that before at all. And I bounce around from server to server all the time.

Which servers are doing this?

Yes, I'm sure. I have seen it only a few of times on TF2 servers. Have seen it more in CS. It has been a while since I have seen it TF2 but some servers are obviously running with it on. It is a server side option. Ask an admin to turn it on for you in your favorite server. It is helpful on the instant respawn servers. Let's you know how you bit the dust.
Yes, I'm sure. I have seen it only a few of times on TF2 servers. Have seen it more in CS. It has been a while since I have seen it TF2 but some servers are obviously running with it on. It is a server side option. Ask an admin to turn it on for you in your favorite server. It is helpful on the instant respawn servers. Let's you know how you bit the dust.


Okie Dokie....I'll have to keep an eye out for that one. Ive been having issues with heat, this game and my 7900, heh, so if I did see it, I probably thought it was just an artifact, lol.
Yeah that just points to where the bullet that killed you came from, lol. CS and other Half-life mods had this so I assume some TF2 servers use it too.