Team Fortress 2.. Its monday. still says pre-loaded!

[RCKY] Thor;1031442351 said:
Mine say 100% ready, but wont launch, anyone else?

Same, acts like it's going to launch, the dialog box goes away, TF2 goes to the downloading section, says 100%, comes back, doesn't launch.

Man, the Steam forums are getting hammered. I can't imagine what kind of hell it is in there right now.
Same, acts like it's going to launch, the dialog box goes away, TF2 goes to the downloading section, says 100%, comes back, doesn't launch.


100% ready, pops up dialog to run, then it goes away and... nothing happens :(.
Yup, everyone everywhere is having this problem. I guess Valve left out some very important file in their rush to put it up before the deadline. Maybe TF2.exe? :rolleyes:
They are just buying time with this.

Probably. Maybe they realized they couldn't meet the deadline exactly, so they "released" it, but "Oh no! We forgot to put in some key files so the game won't start! Guess we'll have to wait another two hours before we can fix it. Gosh darn."

Blah, it's 3AM. I'm going to sleep, and hopefully it will be up in the morning.
Probably. Maybe they realized they couldn't meet the deadline exactly, so they "released" it, but "Oh no! We forgot to put in some key files so the game won't start! Guess we'll have to wait another two hours before we can fix it. Gosh darn."

Blah, it's 3AM. I'm going to sleep, and hopefully it will be up in the morning.

Probably what happened, but they couldn't just apologize and admit it :rolleyes: :(. 3am here too, but I'll be up a little longer, so... here's hoping :p !
When we can actually play, Come to this server or

24 Man server in LA
Wow, all the servers are full...practically every single dedicated server is at capacity (including mine). Sucks when your friends are complaining as they can't get a spot. Oh well, game was fun, but weird without grenades. Certainly looks good.
Probably. Maybe they realized they couldn't meet the deadline exactly, so they "released" it, but "Oh no! We forgot to put in some key files so the game won't start! Guess we'll have to wait another two hours before we can fix it. Gosh darn."
You don't really believe that, do you? I mean, it didn't even sound absurd to you, yourself, as you typed it?
I was dissapointed not as much fun as I thought I would have. It will probably grow on me. But right now FF destroys TF2 in terms of fun.

- Waiting to spawn
- No grenades

Anyone feel like this was dumbed down for the consoles? Thats the way I feel.

Not what I expected for a 8+ year wait.
Well the game is turning out to be phenomenal. It is really something special and I think anyone interested in multiplayer gaming should give it a shot. Visually, the game looks as good ans anything I have ever seen. It has a level of polish and attention to detail that exceeds anything I've seen on the Half-Life 2 engine up to this point.

On the audio front, it has some amazing sound effects and even better voice acting.

I'm too tired to write a whole review but let me just say that Valve has created some really fantastic characters in this game and the game is a constant celebration of their abilities and personalities. Every aspect of the game's design seems bent on emphazing the absurd nature of the weapons and tactics you are using. Everything that was great about TFC is augumented with TF2 polish.

It isn't as faithful to the original as fortress forever but what it is new is very good.
I think this is the most fun I've ever had with an online multiplayer game.

I'm a Team Fortress noob, so my opinion has no bias, but from where I'm sitting this game blows Fortress Forever out of the water and then rapes it anally.

Here are a few reasons why TF2 is better than Fortress Forever

- Far superior artistic direction

- Way better technical graphics and it runs better to boot.

- Enormously improved older maps, with clearly defined control points (something that FF fails miserably at), and much much much nicer looking level geometry. Dustbowl in FF is an exercise in tedium, featuring a metric ton of grenade, rocket, and bullet spam along with capture points that barely stand out. I just got done playing a Dustbowl match in TF2, and never once did the game feel cheap or confusing, I always knew where to go, and every firefight came down to skill, not cheap spam luck.

- The combat feels approximately 10x more solid, and all of the classes are useful. The scout in FF absolutely pathetic, but I can use the scout to dominate a server just as well as any Heavy Weapons guy in TF2.

- Hilarious and very well acted voice acting, infinitely more polished and interesting character models, and more distinct weapon loadouts that make each class an entirely new experience.

Honestly, if I wanted to I could probably go on all night. There is not one single thing that TF2 doesn't do better than FF. I'm sure for diehard TFC fans who wanted the same game with a new coat of paint, FF is probably a more fun game from their perspective, if a little tired at this point.

I do know what it's like to see a sequel change things up and feel totally alienated. Personally I feel every last change they made was for the best, but once someone has grown fond of a certain type of gameplay it's quite a shock to the system to see it changed up. Definitely give this game a fair shake though, I fail to see how any one wouldn't end up being won over by it's rich aesthetic, it's solid gameplay, and it's hilarious characters.
We knew there wasn't going to be grenades for a while now... and if you think Fortress Forever "destroys" TF2 in terms of fun, we must have vasty different opinions on what is fun in a multiplayer game... Everything about TF2 is fun, right down to the goofy models and voice acting. Oh and no bugs and about 450% more polish... I'm rather glad there is no grenades, offensive classes actually have to use their xhair now. :eek:
No grenades at all? That was half the fun in the original. :(
Grenade jumping for the win!
No grenades at all? That was half the fun in the original. :(
Grenade jumping for the win!

I don't see why everyone is making a big deal about this. Everyone in the game I was playing in was tweaking out that there were no grenades.

First of all, the developers thought through this and decided against it. Trust me, you can trust them to know what they're doing.

Second of all, this isn't new news. We've known this for awhile.

Third, stop comparing this to TFC. It's a different game and (gasp!) there will be differences.
I think this is the most fun I've ever had with an online multiplayer game.

I'm a Team Fortress noob, so my opinion has no bias, but from where I'm sitting this game blows Fortress Forever out of the water and then rapes it anally.

Here are a few reasons why TF2 is better than Fortress Forever


I couldn't agree with you more... I did play the original HL's Team Fortress Classic to death back then, so I'm probably biased more toward the whole "old-style" gameplay on it, but TF2 just blows FF away, hands down. There's no contest... FF may as well not exist.

I don't see why everyone is making a big deal about this. Everyone in the game I was playing in was tweaking out that there were no grenades.

First of all, the developers thought through this and decided against it. Trust me, you can trust them to know what they're doing.

Second of all, this isn't new news. We've known this for awhile.

Third, stop comparing this to TFC. It's a different game and (gasp!) there will be differences.

I for one am glad there isn't nadespam... and yeah, we've known it for awhile :D.
I for one am glad there isn't nadespam... and yeah, we've known it for awhile :D.

I think the offensive nades were too much, but things like the scouts caltrops, and then spys nade which makes you halucinate were really good touches and could have done to be left in. Same with concussion nades as well actually except make them propell you a lot less or not at all.
I love the game, I really like how distinguished and different the classes are. The polish already is simply amazing.
I think the offensive nades were too much, but things like the scouts caltrops, and then spys nade which makes you halucinate were really good touches and could have done to be left in. Same with concussion nades as well actually except make them propell you a lot less or not at all.

That hallucinating nade is the only one I'll miss... I used to walk into those on-purpose!
Probably. Maybe they realized they couldn't meet the deadline exactly, so they "released" it, but "Oh no! We forgot to put in some key files so the game won't start! Guess we'll have to wait another two hours before we can fix it. Gosh darn."
Sounds akin to "Woops! Our source code was stolen! We'd better delay our totally complete, finished game! Dang!"

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