Team Fortress 2’s Marketplace Flourishing


Limp Gawd
May 3, 2010
Within mere weeks of the Mann-Conomy update for Team Fortress 2, the first five people that released content have made between $39,000 and $47,000 each.
There really is no doubt at this point that there's a huge demand for community-created content in TF2 and, hopefully, more games will start to tap into this demand."
Yea I'm not seeing a story here on the front page John.
I don't play TF2 and I do not know how much each item is, but that sounds great. Maybe companies that make games, like EA & Activision will remember what PC gaming is all about. I know some people will never want to pay for user created mods, but I don't mind paying some money for some mods, especially when they are really good and I know it took a lot of time, work, and love to create. I am afraid the days of purchasing a game that has both a good single player bundled with a good multiplayer experience that also has the ability to have custom mods, maps, and servers is about to an end.
I don't play TF2 and I do not know how much each item is, but that sounds great. Maybe companies that make games, like EA & Activision will remember what PC gaming is all about.

Thats the only way those companies would remember what its about, if they seen another opportunity to line their pockets even more after the games release. It would just be another addition to booster packs or expansions for them. :mad:
There's people raging on the TF2 forums over how much these guys have gotten. It's pretty sad when for once modders can get paid something for their hard work and people have to be mad and jealous over it.
There's people raging on the TF2 forums over how much these guys have gotten. It's pretty sad when for once modders can get paid something for their hard work and people have to be mad and jealous over it.

Exactly, if they don't like it don't buy it. I think it's great their making money, my hats off to them. Pun intended.
Exactly, if they don't like it don't buy it. I think it's great their making money, my hats off to them. Pun intended.

Wait until every piece of garbage mod is buy only. I really can't get behind fan made mods being pay for, for the simple fact that they are supposed to be made for your love of the mod you are creating. If you want to create a whole new game, then thats cool, but I have a feeling it will just be a nickle and dime affair, kinda like the app markets are today.
i wish i had the $20 i spent on this game back.....played it a few times and realized it was really no different than playing unreal tournament or any other deathmatch fast action twitch clicker of a game......if i could sell a steam game it would already be gone
I like how we get new weapons and can purchase them. The trading part pisses me off. Half my team once sat there and bartered for crap instead of playing the damn game. And then there is the idiots who macro trade requests and spam all game long.
This is false, all non promotional items are available in the game free of charge, and you can't buy said promotional items anyway.

The only item the in game that can't be found by playing is keys for opening the Mann Co. crates.

haha, i got 5 crates. No clue what the hell to do with them really :p

I just play the game and don't bother with crafting and trading
I just play the game ...

You mean you can actually play TF2? I thought it was just for getting achievements and hats. ;)

Seriously though what is the point of everything they have done to TF2? It has been a long time since I have seen an entire server just play the game.
You mean you can actually play TF2? I thought it was just for getting achievements and hats. ;)

Seriously though what is the point of everything they have done to TF2? It has been a long time since I have seen an entire server just play the game.

Exactly. What the heck did they do to the game. The core gameplay is still there but now it's totally item focused.
i wish i had the $20 i spent on this game back.....played it a few times and realized it was really no different than playing unreal tournament or any other deathmatch fast action twitch clicker of a game......if i could sell a steam game it would already be gone

O rly? You mean this game is a FPS and therefore requires aim? To compare this to any other fast action twitch fest is wrong though. You must not be very good at FPS is all. Sorry.
Wait until every piece of garbage mod is buy only. I really can't get behind fan made mods being pay for, for the simple fact that they are supposed to be made for your love of the mod you are creating. If you want to create a whole new game, then thats cool, but I have a feeling it will just be a nickle and dime affair, kinda like the app markets are today.

You sound like a liberal. Every thing in life isn't free. You will find that out when you get older.
You mean you can actually play TF2? I thought it was just for getting achievements and hats. ;)

Seriously though what is the point of everything they have done to TF2? It has been a long time since I have seen an entire server just play the game.

Exactly. What the heck did they do to the game. The core gameplay is still there but now it's totally item focused.

Well I do not know what servers you are playing on, but I played this for several hours on both saturday and sunday.

Some ocassional trading went on but it didn't supercede the gameplay.

There are specific servers just for trading and craft help, with some kind of plain map, but heck if I know where to find them.
I predicted this sales strategy would be extremely successful in a different " ALternative to DLC Thread". Its shown extremely profitable turns in Korean markets.

This is the way to go really. They will make more money off item sales than TF2 sales ever did.
i wish i had the $20 i spent on this game back.....played it a few times and realized it was really no different than playing unreal tournament or any other deathmatch fast action twitch clicker of a game......if i could sell a steam game it would already be gone

So the spy is like playing Quake or UT? No wonder I suck at spy.

In all seriousness though, did you ever actually play TF2? Because half the classes are about as far away from twitchy as you can get.
sorry cant read the link...
so why were these people chosen their items in steam? Because I doubt they let just anyone put their homemade items on there to sell.
You sound like a liberal. Every thing in life isn't free. You will find that out when you get older.

I'll bite. Lets say I'm liberal. Liberals lean more towards paying more in taxes and spending taxes on public programs. So what makes you think we want stuff for free? Lets get into stereotypes. Conservatives lean more towards less taxation and want to absolve programs. So wouldn't that make him a conservative?

I've never met a liberal who wanted anything for free. That doesn't seem like a very appropriate label for someone wanting something for free.
There's people raging on the TF2 forums over how much these guys have gotten. It's pretty sad when for once modders can get paid something for their hard work and people have to be mad and jealous over it.

Typical jealousy reaction.
hey Laro the creator of the tankbuster pack is a proper gaming friend of mine - well done for that hard work he puts in !
I call him razzle dazzle as his sledgehammer is a gleaming silver as he created it
is it easy to make items? i dont see an sdk or toolkit or anything to make them.
I've spent about 20 bucks on the marketplace for TF2. Mostly keys for crates and an hat+paint. Probably won't spend anything else though. I finally have decent items for trading now. I wanted to give something back to Valve for supporting TF2, so much over the years.
I think other games might have some difficulty in being as successful with this as TF2 has been, simply because in TF2 items are pretty much anything goes and the game doesn't take itself too seriously. Thematic consistency is not a high priority. Also, most of the user-created items don't have effects. The ones that do are pretty situational or require/allow very different gameplay styles. In most cases the original weapons are better, especially for new players. The only one I can think of that's a pretty clear upgrade is the new heavy Gloves of Running Urgently, so long as you have a medic. Any item (except keys, I think) can be found randomly and most can be crafted.
I'll bite. Lets say I'm liberal. Liberals lean more towards paying more in taxes and spending taxes on public programs. So what makes you think we want stuff for free? Lets get into stereotypes. Conservatives lean more towards less taxation and want to absolve programs. So wouldn't that make him a conservative?

I've never met a liberal who wanted anything for free. That doesn't seem like a very appropriate label for someone wanting something for free.

Fial, Liberals hate other people profiting from there labor. It's simple if you don't like it go play WOW with all the other MILF's. HAHAHaaa
Man wtf happened to tf2. I don't mind modders making money, in fact I applaud Valve for providing the opportunity.

But is it me or is tf2 turning into a mess. The game feels less and less polished than it was at release
Why are people asking what happened... i think it still plays exactly the same. Everyone once in a while I get something that says "Item unlocked" or something, i just click OK and keep playing. Reason I never got into the items is I read them and they always have a negative attribute that seems to outweigh the positive.

Do these items/hats/etc actually effect game-play or is all this stuff just for looks?