Teamspeak or Ventrillo


Limp Gawd
Aug 13, 2004
We (8 of us R/L friends) have always used TS but we are changing servers and now have the option to use Ventrillo. For those that have used both RECENTLY, which one would you recommend? Why?
Ventrillo FTW Im not really a teamspeak guy, i have used it before and just the way it was layed out didn't appeal to me. Not as many options as vent either.
In my opinion, I say it doesn't really matter that much. I never went crazy looking at how many CPU cycles each uses.
My personal opinion on the matter, there are 2 reasons why I lean towards Team Speak
  1. They have a working Linux client, and a 3rd party has made a Mac port
  2. You can run your own server with up to 100 slots (in use) and you don't have to pay a dime as long as its not commercial (you don't charge others to use it)
I wouldn't doubt that some one will bring up the voice quality subject some where, and I would like to make a small point on that. People have said that TS has lower quality then Vent, this isn't exactly the case. They both basically support the same codecs for audio, its just that Team Speak defaults to using lower quality to try and save bandwidth, while Vent I believe actually defaults to a higher quality, but also one that uses more bandwidth. With TS you can just have the person running the channel set the codec to a higher quality one, and this becomes a non-issue.
Xipher said:
My personal opinion on the matter, there are 2 reasons why I lean towards Team Speak
  1. They have a working Linux client, and a 3rd party has made a Mac port
  2. You can run your own server with up to 100 slots (in use) and you don't have to pay a dime as long as its not commercial (you don't charge others to use it)

Yeap, thats a nice feature, I ran my Planetside clan's Teamspeak server off my linux box for quite some time.
I rent a 24 slot vent, use it with some RL friends, its only 5 bucks a month.
my clan uses both...they both annoy me for different reasons.

Ventrillo: has better sound quality, but you can't bind the back button on your mouse (without making that button emulate a keystroke first). The author of vent is a goofball and has a really crazy EULA. By his terms, most people are using vent illegally.

Teamspeak: great bind abilities, sometimes crashy though. I've used the linux client (while ago) and it's decent. The biggest gripe I have with TS is a big deal to me, may not be for anyone else...the main window of the program is *always* this wierd shade of blue, but the text color is taken from your windows theme. If you're using a dark theme with light text, you won't be able to read the names in the ts window easily. Many people won't care as their game covers TS, but with dual monitors, it's pretty annoying. Either force the entire theme of TS(blue background, black text), or use windows' entire theme. it's silly to have half and half, and i want to spit at the dev who did that. It's one damn property to change.

That said, i like TS better overall.
I like Ventrillo more. I think the client is "lighter" and the sound quality is definitely better.
I game with both Vent and TS. Vent is much better.. the layout and ease of use. I personally prefer vent.
teamspeak ... so many option... interface way easier... cheap hosting.. less bandwith...

wnat more?

I use Teamtalk, from BearWare, because I can host it on my own server and, unlike goddamn TeamSpeak, they don't require in the EULA that I allow them to monitor my server for license compliance.

Hey MisterE, I had problems binding buttons on my mouse with vent as well, but when I enabled Use Direct Input to detect hotkey, it works fine.
Using vent and loving it as well. We all tried to make a swich to TS but unanimous discontent had us switch back.
Vent > * every. It is not demanding other then maybe the codec you choose to use.

I personally use, was recommended from a friend that use to use one for 100 poeple for his WOW guild until he moved on to a bigger one. My pings are usually under 15ms. and Speex codec owns.
Glyphic said:
Hey MisterE, I had problems binding buttons on my mouse with vent as well, but when I enabled Use Direct Input to detect hotkey, it works fine.

hrm, i've tried it both ways, and it still hates me (using a logitech g5). Currently, if i want the back button to work, i've got to load up the logitech crapware and reassign that button to a key (in my case, "u") and then bind vent to u.