TEC advice


Mar 14, 2004
I'm looking at creating a TEC based water loop. I have NO experience with TEC other than what info I've read online. I know what it is, and the premise behind it, what I still need to learn is how to mitigate condensation, what wattage to get, and where to get one (other than the 2 on frozencpu).

This will be built into a "trash rig" at first, an old p4 rig that I can learn on and later implement into a rig I use. It will likely be a dual PSU setup. This is just a learning project at this point so if anyone has done this in the past or if anyone has ideas, I'm all ears.
I did a little more research on my own ( I know, gasp!) Im still a little fuzzy on condensation control. I see most just covering around the CPU (with misc preventatives like nail polish or plastidip) but would I have to worry about water dripping down to say my VGA or not likely? Or do I need to coat everything with a dielectric substance?
Most times I've seen people doing it they are using a test bench or something so the board is lying flat. If you want to mount it into a tower I could see where dripping COULD be an issue but I don't know how likely as I've never done any sub-freezing cooling myself. How humid it is where you live will of course be a big factor too.

Maybe spend some time looking into how the Phase-change guys deal with condensation too as it could use similar solutions.
Don't do it. Peltiers are notoriously high wattage devices.

To adequately cool a 250w heatload (an i7 with a moderate OC and HT on) the TEC will generate (it's self) 250w of power, leading to a total power draw of 500w. Dissipating the heat from this alone will take a triple radiator with some fairly powerful fans.

And the temperature you'll get won't be stellar. To get seriously sub ambient, you'll need at least a 400w TEC and a 14.4v PSU. TEC's pulling these wattages are known to burn out fairly fast and become fantastic insulators after this happens.

Tec's are fun, great for some applications (like lasers!) but that's about it.
As in above post, don't bother. It's by far the most inefficient cooling setup you can think of.
damn, I appreciate the advice.

I guess I'll find some other project to mess around with.
theres always phase change you can play with or chilled water loop. Did a chilled water loop my self back in the athlon xp ages. Used a thermal take water cooling system added in an extra water block with a small tec attached to its cold side and a athlon xp stock hsk fan combo sucking out the back of my case. pretty much kept my temps to just ambient or a degree or 2 over with a healthy oc on my 2400+ will post some picks if i can find them. If im not mistaken i got it to 2.5-2.7ghz