Technology Gone Wrong: Urine Detection Device

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
If you are like me, you are probably wondering why there would ever be a need for a urine detection device. Exhibit A: The Peelevator.

WSB-TV reports that the program — supposedly the first of its kind — is currently being tested in a single elevator in a Midtown Atlanta train station. It apparently uses sensors to detect when someone has decided to go #1 somewhere between floors 2 and 3.
I suppose I should be glad we only have smokers abusing the elevator where I work, though someone once did a #2 in a closet.
Best part? $10,000 per elevator and there 110 more to install. I want to meet the salesman that tricked MARTA into these things
Its pretty sad that it's gotten to this point where they need to spend $10k per elevator to get a pee detector installed because people in Atlanta are so fucking backwards they can't hold their piss until they get to a real bathroom... that said, San Francisco is hardly any different :D
"Before the UDD, MARTA says this particular elevator was being urinated in on a daily basis. "
Maybe you should build a bathroom next to that elevator? It's not like people are holding it in for hours JUST to pee in an elevator.

This is just another case of tax money being wasted on directly attacking a problem, with no effort spent on actually finding the cause of the problem
I thought the main concern of elevator rides, was someone dropping a fart bomb?
How does someone pee so quickly? I usually take a good 20-40 seconds, depending on how many beers I've had to drink.
This is going to turn out really bad because this is Georgia, and you know there are alot of dumb hicks willing to test this out.
In the month since the one test UDD was put into place (along with a sign warning people about the UDD’s existence), MARTA says there has only been one incident and that elevator violator was arrested. Before the UDD, MARTA says this particular elevator was being urinated in on a daily basis.

As the article mentions, it is probably much cheaper to just install the signs in all the elevators without the system, and pay for the once/month cleaning when it does occur. However I still find it questionable if the $10k per system is cheaper than a janitor cleaning the elevator once per day.
You read stories like this and then see an inspirational show like Star Trek and wonder if we will ever really get there....
I think you all underestimate the damage to the elevator having it constantly being sprayed with acidic urine constantly. Also you know, the stench and filth for everyone else to deal with - and especially the people who have to clean it up constantly.

Also I'm pretty sure even if there were restrooms, the habitual offenders would still piss in the elevator. I mean if you're already of the mentality or state of mind that an elevator == urinal, I doubt you care about what others or social norms...

As for just having the signs, no... in this case I think you better back it up. Because unless you *really really* have to go that badly (in which case you just piss your pants, NOT whip it out and start a spray down), you're just doing this "to get away with it" or some other BS.

No actually I think the level 2 of this system involves wiring the UDD to a tazer attached to the floor =)
Why not just install moisture sensors or cameras and then call the cops on these disgusting assholes?
Either option would must be cheaper than this right?
Just electrify the floor, no bare feet and when that urine stream hits...


Like when your cousins tricked you into taking a whiz on the electric fence.
Wouldn't it make more sense to just install more public restrooms so that people don't have to urinate in public, rather than bizarre and creepy piss detection robots that alert the police when someone pees? Public urination is usually due to a lack of public restrooms in many cities.
This is for the bums, which..... you guessed it... will go anywhere they please. This just forces them to do it in a cup, and then dump the cup out as they exit the elevator.
Stand alone public restrooms are scary places. All kinds of shit goes down in those.

I used to work in a 40 story building and all floors had to lock their doors not to keep general people out but to keep the bums out of the bathrooms because they would mess them up bad.
Wouldn't it make more sense to just install more public restrooms so that people don't have to urinate in public

Then you need to pay people to clean the bathrooms. Also security issues regarding the bathroom. You can have a camera in an elevator, but it is more difficult to convince people you need a camera in a bathroom.
The wonderful BART system in the Socialist Republic of CA. That is Bay Area Rapid Transit for those of you that live in some place cool, like Texas. They are complaining that the homeless are riding their trains and dumping and peeing all over the cars. You Go Boys!
I suppose I should be glad we only have smokers abusing the elevator where I work, though someone once did a #2 in a closet.

A friend of mine did that in a crane cab once :D
What benefit does that have to the common man? I understand the cleanup crew responsible to maintain bathrooms and public places will have an easier time cleaning up, but thats pretty much it....Possibly good for public pools. But nothing more. Maybe a fecal matter detter will come in the Pee sensor version 2.0.
It's not the first of its kind. Singapore was all over that a few years ago... around the time that the American kid spray painted a car and got in trouble. You can't even walk on the grass there.
Ugh that damn transit system can't even break even and the fare hikes have made it stupid expensive. Waste of funds.
Atlanta, no surprise they need it there. Although shouldn't they respect the multi-cultural diversity of peeing in the elevator?
I remember one time someone took a shit in one of the urinals at this awful job I had. We put up a sign with a picture of a stick figure sitting in the urinal with a big X through it. Never happened again.
This is going to turn out really bad because this is Georgia, and you know there are alot of dumb hicks willing to test this out.

If you knew anything about MARTA you would know that this is about the mentally unstable homeless people who are on all sorts of intoxicants who probably live in that elevator.

MARTA has three real problems: 1) they're practically insolvent and will never make money with their current system. 2) average people don't want to ride it because of the crazy homeless people who do things like piss in the corners, and 3) average people don't want to ride it because of the gangbangers who ride it and leer at/harass anyone who looks moderately middle class.

I have to question the wisdom of $10k per elevator piss detectors, but it's no surprise that there's more freely-available public debt out there to finance stupid crap like this, and more government-employed middle managers who think shit like this is a great idea.
"Before the UDD, MARTA says this particular elevator was being urinated in on a daily basis. "
Maybe you should build a bathroom next to that elevator? It's not like people are holding it in for hours JUST to pee in an elevator.

This is just another case of tax money being wasted on directly attacking a problem, with no effort spent on actually finding the cause of the problem

The cause it that people are lazy and don't give a shit. Building a bathroom in an existing facility would cost many time 10k$.
The wonderful BART system in the Socialist Republic of CA. That is Bay Area Rapid Transit for those of you that live in some place cool, like Texas. They are complaining that the homeless are riding their trains and dumping and peeing all over the cars. You Go Boys!

Can't BART employees just hog tie the rowdy patrons and shoot them in the back point blank range? I thought that's how they "handled it" over there?
How long until they combine this with the suicide booth?

"You have been detected guilty of public indecency and will be terminated"

That's chilling.
Sheese Who knew is was socially acceptable to pee in elevators?

My God Man...Human decency is gone for those peeing in elevators.
They use sensors like this in Singapore, they detect someone urinating, stop the elevator, lock it and call the police to pick up the offender.....