Teen Hacker Turns Corporate Cyber-Crime Consultant

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
How do you punish a hacker for skimming $20 million from unsuspecting people’s bank accounts? You send a strong message to other hackers by making an example out of this guy…by giving him a security consultant job for a major telecom company. That’ll teach him! :rolleyes:

Walker pleaded guilty last July — when he was 18 — to a raft of charges connected to his work for an international network that the FBI estimated infiltrated 1.3 million computers and skimmed bank accounts or damaged computer systems to the tune of more than $20 million.
He should have to consult while in a jail cell, or work for free for five years or something.
Yeah. He should be sentenced to do the work as community service. That's actually a great idea.
Weird. This story seems very similar to the fabricated one by Stephen Glass for "The New Republic." That one was called "Hack Heaven" and eventually led to his downfall when Forbes Digital tried to do a follow-up and found the entire thing was full of holes.
So far, it seems real. Here's an older version of this guys free ride, from the BBC.

Judge Judith Potter dismissed the charges, relating to a 2006 attack on a computer system at a US university, saying a conviction could jeopardise a potentially bright career.

He's got that world-famous, excuse-providing mental disease... Asperger's!

In short, if you're under 19, you've got free-reign of the criminal world. Just skim me a couple of million while you're out there, okay?
Consulting as community service wouldn't provide any incentive into doing a good job, or worse, you're having to provide the employee with confidential information of the company. I'm sure that the employer would much rather pay him properly for his services and have more peace of mind.

You see this sort of thing with safe cracking, slot machine rigging, etc. Best way of testing and improving security of your systems is to have someone who is an expert at breaking them.
In short, if you're under 19, you've got free-reign of the criminal world. Just skim me a couple of million while you're out there, okay?

This, excluding having neekid pics of your gf, or yourself. Then you're an adult pedo.

But everything else is free game w00 w00. (what i wouldn't give to be 17 again ') )
I'm not surprised really, corporate headhunters jump on these kids. They become security experts in companies to keep other hackers out, and make 6 figure incomes as a result.
He should have to consult while in a jail cell, or work for free for five years or something.

Yeah. He should be sentenced to do the work as community service. That's actually a great idea.


That's a good idea!

Unfortunately, if there is no reward for him that makes him happy, he will likely do exactly the opposite and will render his work insecure in some way that cannot be detected unless you are of a similar skill level.

Later he can sell this information on or use it himself and get the reward he feels he should have.
So far, it seems real. Here's an older version of this guys free ride, from the BBC.

He's got that world-famous, excuse-providing mental disease... Asperger's!

In short, if you're under 19, you've got free-reign of the criminal world. Just skim me a couple of million while you're out there, okay?

Bright career of theft and wire fraud. Heh, yeah right.
How about a free bullet to the head instead? :rolleyes:

Maybe you'd feel differently if a chunk of your savings was lost due to this fucktard. These people rarely apply their talents to anything good. Maybe death is a bit extreme but at least put him in some really shitty job for the next 10-15 years and make him pay off some of the money.
Maybe you'd feel differently if a chunk of your savings was lost due to this fucktard. These people rarely apply their talents to anything good. Maybe death is a bit extreme but at least put him in some really shitty job for the next 10-15 years and make him pay off some of the money.

I will not continue to talk to myself - instead I'm taking a class on proper use of the 'quote' feature :p
Or perhaps, the proper middle ground approach:

Let him begin that six figure career, but garnish his wages until every penny is paid back..?

Also he had to have done something with that money anyway.....it doesn't simply vanish, liquidate any and all remaining assets toward the debt. Unless he gambled it away, but at under 18 I don't think that's likely.

Regardless of how rediculous a death sentence would be, it also would do absolutely nothing productive towards fixing the damage he caused.
Maybe you'd feel differently if a chunk of your savings was lost due to this fucktard. These people rarely apply their talents to anything good. Maybe death is a bit extreme but at least put him in some really shitty job for the next 10-15 years and make him pay off some of the money.

You misinterpreted the post that you quoted.
The guy gets a job and gets out of jail; companies get a skilled consultant; clients of said companies get reassurances of possibly better security; taxpayers don't have to foot the bill for his incarceration. Sounds like everyone wins. Is putting a bullet in his brain now really serving justice?
The guy gets a job and gets out of jail; companies get a skilled consultant; clients of said companies get reassurances of possibly better security; taxpayers don't have to foot the bill for his incarceration. Sounds like everyone wins. Is putting a bullet in his brain now really serving justice?

The guy gets a job and gets out of jail; companies get a skilled consultant; clients of said companies get reassurances of possibly better security; taxpayers don't have to foot the bill for his incarceration. Sounds like everyone wins. Is putting a bullet in his brain now really serving justice?

You can argue that same argument also by not jailing Charles Manson, Jack the Ripper, Jeff Dahmer, Tedd Bundy, and Richard Chase....

Believe it or not, they can solve a lot of the crimes we have today with their skill and mindset.

Jail is there for a reason, for those who BROKE the law. If you want to play bad cop good cop thing, then perhaps you should play good cop first and not break the law. ;) Just my two cents...

The last thing you want to do his throphy the hardest and most badass criminals. All this does it sends a message, if you are going to break the law, make it great, so you can get a six figure job.
Total BS I tell yah, people who do less stuff get more then this douche.