Teen Jailed for Refusing to Tell Cops His Password

Wow.. What the hell is wrong with this world? He should sue the pants off of them.
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Oliver Drage, 19, of Liverpool, was arrested in May 2009 by police tackling child sexual exploitation.

the dude has child porn on his computer, hes aint worth a fuck, wish they take him outside and shot his ass like they do to people in china.

10 bucks says he got nudes from a 17 y /o.

I think 16's the age of consent in the UK anyway aint it?
the dude has child porn on his computer, hes aint worth a fuck,

Yeah well, that would violate his rights... assuming he had any, but this is in the UK.

This news article is a repeat from General Mayhem's Soapbox. Just one of the perks of being a subscribed member.
I love when people don't read the story, this guy is a creep.

Doesn't matter if he is a creep, he has the right not to increminate himself (in the US at least)

But yes, he is good for nothing
This is fked up. 16 weeks is nothing. Lock him up and throw away the 'key'.
Did anyone read the story? The guy is under investigation for child porn.

I'm almost certain that most countries require you give passwords with a warrant. Otherwise you'll be penalized for interfering with an investigation. That's pretty much what's going on here.
I don't know. On one hand, I've seen plenty of people do jail time for not obeying court orders, but wouldn't something kick in about self-incrimination? Although the officer did say that legislation used in that instance was specifically brought in to deal with those who are using the internet to commit crimes.It must have been enacted to close some loophole.
you guys say about his right cause it not your, kids, nieces,nephews or one of your family members.
Eh, I was forcibly searched every day before school when I was in the 12th grade, lest I should be arrested or expelled, despite being deprived of due process, there being no evidence of any wrongdoing, and that whole fourth amendment thing. I had never been in any trouble in my life. Basically, someone who didn't like me conjured up some fantasy tale, and everyone bought it since I guess if you don't incessantly yammer to other human beings about inane, empty thoughts, you must be a threat.

In short, teenagers the whole world over don't have any rights when it comes to the legal system. The police do whatever the hell they want and get away with it, because everyone automatically assumes "WELL HE MUST HAVE DONE SOMETHING! THEY WOULDN'T DO THAT FOR NO REASON!"

Also, I don't really see what possessing photographs of a particular subject matter has to do with exploitation. I suppose if I have a huge cache of images of citrus fruit, I must be railin' those lemons hardcore, man. Gotta get a piece of that grapefruit, I tell you what.
You mean the cops don't know how to get into his PC without his password?!?!?!?!
He's a 'teen' because he's 19. But he's a legal adult. So the headline is a little misleading.
You mean the cops don't know how to get into his PC without his password?!?!?!?!

Police seized his computer but could not access material on it as it had a 50-character encryption password.

So many people don't know how to read.....
It is simple. He is suspected of being in possession of child pron.

Situation A: he doesn't have any hence he would give the password out
Situation B: he does have child porn on his computer. he knows that being punishment for not giving out password is much lesser than what would happen if they saw the content of computer.

Who encrypts files anyway.... only people who have something to hide.
You're unbelieveable.... Exploiting doesn't mean he has "pictures". It means that he part took in these videos/photos/ etc.

My father, being in law enforcement 30 years, do not simply arrest somebody because "they can". They have to have evidence to support the arrest. There's more to this case. The police surely have been investigating this case and had a warrant to arrest him. The password to his computer is just more evidence to support the prosecution when he goes to court.

Not every police officer is legit, but the police is there to "serve and protect" people from pieces of shit, like this guy. Anybody who thinks police are assholes are just scum of this society.
You're kidding right?

Nope. Police states are fail. Don't get me wrong - the guy is a bad person. But there's something wrong with so many of you here... You don't support the fifth amendment? Do you guys all support the PATRIOT act and warrantless wiretapping? Do you all support the fact that England is so much a police state that there are cameras everywhere and automated speed traps on their highways and all of the other crap that goes on there? Do you guys want to live in that?

Only people who have something to hide encrypt their files? SERIOUSLY? Do NONE of you care about the RIGHT to privacy?
Who encrypts files anyway.... only people who have something to hide.

Me. And the only thing I have to hide is my personal and financial information. Last year my house was broken into and 2 computers where stolen, followed closely by my bank account being compromised. So yeah, lesson learned.
Who encrypts files anyway.... only people who have something to hide.

Anyone that doesn't encrypt their financial/personal files is an idiot, as the previous poster mentioned computer theft is a very common occurance.

That said provided a warrant I don't see any issue with being required to diviluge a key. This isn't anything new from my understanding that in the physical world you are required to unlock storage containers if covered by a search warrant.
Nope. Police states are fail. Don't get me wrong - the guy is a bad person. But there's something wrong with so many of you here... You don't support the fifth amendment? Do you guys all support the PATRIOT act and warrantless wiretapping? Do you all support the fact that England is so much a police state that there are cameras everywhere and automated speed traps on their highways and all of the other crap that goes on there? Do you guys want to live in that?

Only people who have something to hide encrypt their files? SERIOUSLY? Do NONE of you care about the RIGHT to privacy?

If there could be such laws without a slippery slope, I'm fine with wiretapping on suspected terrorists and child porn filmmakers. And that's about it. (Maybe a few other extreme crimes that I'm not thinking of at the moment). Problem always is, it can be a slippery slope and how thing can get abused. But if the limits of the law were rock solid and couldn't be abused. Then I'm 100% for wiretaps and such. Maybe that's fantasy though.

This bozo with a 50-character encryption password must be a lot more than just a casual child porn viewer though.
Nope. Police states are fail. Don't get me wrong - the guy is a bad person. But there's something wrong with so many of you here... You don't support the fifth amendment? Do you guys all support the PATRIOT act and warrantless wiretapping? Do you all support the fact that England is so much a police state that there are cameras everywhere and automated speed traps on their highways and all of the other crap that goes on there? Do you guys want to live in that?

Only people who have something to hide encrypt their files? SERIOUSLY? Do NONE of you care about the RIGHT to privacy?

I assume given that you are worried about Privacy you meant the FOURTH amendment. Also like you mentioned this guy in England, the rights provided by the Constitution do not extend to foreign nationals in their home countries.

If this guy was in the States he would probably get the same treatment. He can (and probably would) be compelled to provide his password by the court, and if he refused would serve jail time. Or the Police would have just filed a warrant that any judge would probably sign to have his password cracked and the contents of his computer revealed.

On a side note the Fifth amendments protects you in legal proceedings, "due process" etc.

password combinations ;\ roughly.
Nope. Police states are fail. Don't get me wrong - the guy is a bad person. But there's something wrong with so many of you here... You don't support the fifth amendment? Do you guys all support the PATRIOT act and warrantless wiretapping? Do you all support the fact that England is so much a police state that there are cameras everywhere and automated speed traps on their highways and all of the other crap that goes on there? Do you guys want to live in that?

Only people who have something to hide encrypt their files? SERIOUSLY? Do NONE of you care about the RIGHT to privacy?

You really don't think similar actions are used in the United States? They are called warrants. You refuse to co-operate with it and you will most likely find yourself behind bars.
I'm almost certain that most countries require you give passwords with a warrant. Otherwise you'll be penalized for interfering with an investigation. That's pretty much what's going on here.

This, It seems reasonable they should be able to view the contents of the computer if they have a warrant. At the same time I don't think you should punish suspects for not participating in their own prosecution.
Doesn't matter if he is a creep, he has the right not to increminate himself (in the US at least)

But yes, he is good for nothing

But he doesn't have the right to impede justice.
the kid is 19 years old. An arbitrary number that people believe signifies adulthood doesn't mean the kid is a monster.

For all we know his 16 year old GF sent him nudies.

Get off your high horses.

"Drage was previously of good character so the immediate custodial sentence handed down by the judge in this case shows just how seriously the courts take this kind of offence.

"Computer systems are constantly advancing and the legislation used here was specifically brought in to deal with those who are using the internet to commit crime.

sounds like they cant prove anything and hope to with his computer.

No one here has a clue about the facts of the case, but automatically assuming a 19 year old kid is a monster for this kind of shit is ridiculous.
On a side note the Fifth amendments protects you in legal proceedings, "due process" etc.

You obviously know nothing about the law if that is what you think. Even when being questioned by LEO's you have the right to refuse to say a damn word or provide them with anything, including a password. If you're ever being questioned by the police the best response to give for every question is "My lawyer can answer that for you" and that's it.

Oh yeah, every machine in my house is encrypted. 50 characters...OH MY GOODNESS, this guy is definitely hiding something in his underwear!

Besides, how hard is it for them to plant some shit on your computer once they crack it just to be dicks and send your ass to prison for being uncooperative? Think about that.