Teen Swaps Cell Phone for Porsche on Craigslist

A porsche!? couldn't he afford a nice looking car? Porches are so 80's it's painful to look at. A DeLorean is cheaper and nicer looking. Maybe he can trade it for that broken lamborghini
Well, they aren't going to go through every possibility. I think it's safe to assume the 58 cars they tested all handle and accelerate better than a Town & Country. They drive more cars than any of us, most likely, and take professional driving courses. I'm sure you're an excellent driver, but they're probably better and know cars better. It is their job.

Besides all that, name more than 58 cars made in a recent production year that would even be worth testing as one of the 10 best. :rolleyes:

All depends on what I'm testing for. A Town & Country can be a top 10, if I'm looking for a van. A reason why ppl shouldn't make a Top 10 Best Cars Ever list. Sure wouldn't rate the Porsche in the top 10, if I was looking for a drift car, rally car, drag racer, etc.
Slamming the Boxster as crap shows that you know about as much about cars as someone slamming the 8800GTX as crap in its day does about video cards. In either case it is hard to fathom how anyone could be more wrong.

You would seriously need to have been ignoring everything about sports cars for over a decade to miss the constant praise for the Boxster as one of the best sports cars ever built.

As far as comparisons how about this recent one:

Seriously look around, you find nothing ridiculous praise for the Boxster everywhere. Your attacks do nothing but shred your credibility.

Don't try arguing with retards, you will get nowhere.
I can't wait till the IRS comes knocking on his door. Well, I don't mean to wish it upon him but I just know it's going to happen.
So do we have a list of what he traded up for? That seems like a pretty big jump.
Drive it like you stole it and when it breaks leave it like its stolen.

Only proper thing to do with a Porsche, or give it to a very hot lady friend for some high caliber booty.

ya but dogging out a 9K Porsche will prolly get you less than a month before it breaks
I think you are misreading the article. The way I interpret is that:
He traded that phone -> better phone -> i-Pod touch -> dirt bike -> another dirt bike -> another dirt bike -> a MacBook Pro ->1987 Toyota 4Runner, etc etc

Hate to reply to something over a week old, but since this thread is still alive.

That might be the case. it just stated that "He traded that phone for a better phone, which he then traded for an i-Pod touch. He traded that for a series of dirt bikes, a MacBook Pro, and a 1987 Toyota 4Runner"

I took that to mean that he traded the ipod for all of that. maybe you are right and it was one after another after another with him trading up. that would make a little more sense there.