Teen Tops More Than 300,000 Texts In Month

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Okay, I was trying hard to believe that some kid sent 300,000 text messages in one month (421 texts per hour, 24 hours a day for 30 days) until I read she also has a full time job and gets straight As in school. Let me be the first person to say there ain't no way someone is sending seven text messages a minute 24 hours a day for a month.

To put 303,000 text messages into perspective: that's more than 10,000 text messages a day, 421 messages an hour and seven texts a minute.
I dunno ... I probably type around the same number of lines in emails/msn/IRC per month. The only weird thing here is it's on an iphone, which isn't exactly the most convenient platform for mass messaging.
Well, luckily we have family unlimited Texting from AT&T. Last month my Daughter (14) sent 7,624 text messages. I know on weekends she'd be playing wii, texting with 3 different friends at once, and she has all A's in school.

Still, 300,000 seems like a joke, I could swallow maybe 30,000
Anyone who does things like this.. seriously.. take away their cell phone and computers. This is such bullshit.
I call shens. She has a 40 HOUR A WEEK JOB! AND SCHOOL! No way. I don't buy it.
This just shows the level of education in US if somebody like doing all the texting can actually get an A
Multiple recipients at once maybe? and maybe they are counting incoming too? Either way, that is entirely too much texting, even if she is sending to 30 people at once.
I call shens. She has a 40 HOUR A WEEK JOB! AND SCHOOL! No way. I don't buy it.

I agree. There's no way I would be employed if I kept telling folks to hold on while I sent 7 texts per minute, let alone know what the hell was going on in a classroom. I might buy it if they are counting inbound as well as outbound messages. Otherwise, it's BS.
You people didn't even read the article did you?

"She logged more than 300,000 text messages in one month."

send AND recieve.

Follow a bunch of people on twitter and have it set to send them to your mobile; and BWAM massive ammounts of texts. Most likely she doesn't even read most of the spam just skims it.
While you guys argue about the fact she has a job and school, I'm looking at the iPhone and thinking, "That many texts? With an iPhone? Righhhhhht." lol
You people didn't even read the article did you?

"She logged more than 300,000 text messages in one month."

send AND recieve.

Follow a bunch of people on twitter and have it set to send them to your mobile; and BWAM massive ammounts of texts. Most likely she doesn't even read most of the spam just skims it.

If her hands are cramping I think she is doing a little more than following people on Twitter. :rolleyes:
Anyone who does things like this.. seriously.. take away their cell phone and computers. This is such bullshit.

Somebody said in the comments section that her myspace page is just one long tribute to drugs. Texting might be the least of the things that needs to be taken away.
This really wouldn't be that hard to do, I believe you can type one text and send it to a group of people. Say she has 200 friends in her phone she just has to type hey and then select all contacts.
I call shens. She has a 40 HOUR A WEEK JOB! AND SCHOOL! No way. I don't buy it.

Ya this article is complete BS, a the titles says "Teen" which means she is probably still in High School and there is no way she can work a 40 hours a week... With that many text messages she must not sleep either...
It could possibly be done by mal-ware.
I read an article a few years ago about a trojan that would infect cell phones and PDA's causing it to become a proxy (a.k.a. a zombie). The malicious user would infect other phones. Then when (s)he made a call, it would be routed to the infected phone and then go to whoever is being called. This resulted in the owner of the infected phone getting the bill for what the malicious user did.
Perhaps a couple hundred thousand text messages, calls to the Pope or download Wall-e down in Mexico.
This article is so behind the times. Texts aren't 10 cents each, they're 20 cents each without a plan.
It could possibly be done by mal-ware.
I read an article a few years ago about a trojan that would infect cell phones and PDA's causing it to become a proxy (a.k.a. a zombie). The malicious user would infect other phones. Then when (s)he made a call, it would be routed to the infected phone and then go to whoever is being called. This resulted in the owner of the infected phone getting the bill for what the malicious user did.
Perhaps a couple hundred thousand text messages, calls to the Pope or download Wall-e down in Mexico.

This could be quite possible. I've had several text messages from friends that were blatant advertisements which I'm sure they didn't authorize.
Parents bought her a iPhone and she holds down a 40 hour a week job. I swear to god the way parents spoil their kids now a days pisses me off, or its jealousy. My family was 'you want it? you buy it!'. Probably why I'm so behind in computers compared to friends I knew in HS that had their own computers and I did not.

I own a iPhone myself and I would like to add there is no way she is texting that much without being tethered to a wall outlet. Mine barely makes it through the day without a mid-day charge.

As for 300,000 texts. Unlimited plan or not (those plan's are not cheep) I would yank that phone away.
Big whoop. IDK my Emo BFF WTF LOLCAT. As long as she doesn't text while driving I don't care.
show me the damn bill, it will show how many, i also think this is BS without paperwork.
Man, some of you need to actually read the article.

They are counting sent and recieved, you could easily get 1000's of incoming texts a day from twitter alone.
"I'm popular, I can't help it"

What, are you friends with everyone in the entire school district? Fuck you.
aren't there jobs where you can text people for answers? doesn't the chacha service do that?? if so then technically you can answer questions all day AND get paid.
I was too cool to hang out with the "popular" kids. I don't think I would have did this back in High School.
I call shens. She has a 40 HOUR A WEEK JOB! AND SCHOOL! No way. I don't buy it.

That one raised a flag for me as well. I didn't think students were allowed to work more than 20/week during the school year.

With that said, 300,000 messages is a lot, but it's possible that she's sending each message to 10 or more people....if it's 300k individual SMSs, that's just insane....and they must be pretty short messages, since I"m pretty sure her teachers would take her phone away if she was texting throughout her classes.
This whole story just scream big pile of horseshit. There's no way she can do that while working and going to school. I don't care how fast you are. What the hell are these texts anyways? Separate words?
Parents bought her a iPhone and she holds down a 40 hour a week job. I swear to god the way parents spoil their kids now a days pisses me off, or its jealousy. My family was 'you want it? you buy it!'. Probably why I'm so behind in computers compared to friends I knew in HS that had their own computers and I did not.

I own a iPhone myself and I would like to add there is no way she is texting that much without being tethered to a wall outlet. Mine barely makes it through the day without a mid-day charge.

As for 300,000 texts. Unlimited plan or not (those plan's are not cheep) I would yank that phone away.

OR she could've gotten the iPhone as a birthday present? Or do your family tell you to buy your own birthday presents too?
If you take a look at her MySpace profile, it becomes pretty clear exactly what her 40hr/wk job is. The chick is totally dealing pot, which would also help explain at least part of the 300k texts that she sent.
"I am popular. I can't help it," Crystal Wiski added.

I want an oompa loompa too, daddy!
Sounds like half the story. Mass texting 50 people, then getting a response of two from each adds up to 100+ texts.