Tekken 7 Loses Playable Character Roger the Kangaroo to Public Shaming from PETA


Fully [H]
Apr 10, 2003
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, otherwise known as PETA, has publicly shamed Namco into dropping Roger the kangaroo from their Tekken 7 lineup. Tekken is a fighting game series in which you can choose from a wide assortment of humans, robots, devils, animals, and mystical creatures to battle an opponent in the ring. PETA was outraged at the thought of a poor virtual kangaroo, that can eviscerate a human with it's muscular legs in real life, getting beat up in a video game. They based this outrage on a viral video of a man punching a kangaroo in the face to rescue his dog. Instead of applauding the man for showing restraint by not killing the kangaroo to save his dog, PETA has used the opportunity to make a mockery of the Tekken 7 developers. Personally I would have made kangaroo burgers or kangaroo on the barbie.

What do you think of this censorship? I wouldn't have capitulated if I were the Tekken 7 developers as this seems like more silliness from PETA. They did keep the character Kuma in the game, which is based on a bear, as executive producer Katsuhiro Harada explained that he was "obviously stronger than a human being." I would argue that the kangaroo would have beat the human if he wasn't in a three vs one situation. Also this is a video game; it's supposed to be fantasy! You can watch the controversial kangaroo tragedy[/URL] here if so inclined. Tekken 7 launches on PC and consoles on June 1, 2017.

Meanwhile Roger Jr, the boxing kangaroo, has sadly been cut. “There was a video of a man’s dog being headlocked by a kangaroo, and he punched it in the face”, Harada says. “It turned into a big problem. People were complaining about him punching a kangaroo. It seems that in the last few years there’s a lot more animal activists – even though they probably wouldn’t play our game they would still hear about that, about a kangaroo in our game being punched, and would complain about it.” Kuma the bear is still in the game, though, because a bear is “obviously stronger than a human being”.

"PETA trusts in players' ability to understand that the kangaroo in Tekken 7 wasn't real, so no animal was in danger—but the outcry over even virtual violence toward a kangaroo shows that today's public is opposed to cruelty to animals," says PETA Vice President of Marketing Joel Bartlett. "When real-life kangaroos and bears are still being dragged from town to town and bullied into performing circus tricks, video games can help move us toward a kinder future by celebrating animals instead of depicting harm to them. Just as Jun Kazama and the WWWC [Tekken's in-game wildlife protection organization] fight for animals in the world of Tekken, we ask that people join PETA in standing up for animals in the real world."
Rip Roger the kangaroo.

Have to shake my head,
they drop fighting a kangaroo but you can still beat up female characters as a male :)
Sounds like PETA does not care about domestic abuse if they wish to go down this line - I do appreciate domestic abuse is also the other way round but less so.

Probably have feminists/SJW insisting female characters can only fight female characters in future fighting games.
Every person from peta must buy this game, since the publisher catered to them. I expect a huge viral Instagram series of showing the game box right next to the peta card.
If I was a game developer/publisher would tell these people go fuck themselves and not change a thing. Capcom is another one that is bending to the will of this fucktard.
They should've just switched the character into a Robo-Roo. Nobody would give a crap about beating up a robot.
Have to shake my head,
they drop fighting a kangaroo but you can still beat up female characters as a male :)
Sounds like PETA does not care about domestic abuse if they wish to go down this line - I do appreciate domestic abuse is also the other way round but less so.

Probably have feminists/SJW insisting female characters can only fight female characters in future fighting games.

For the love of everything please don't give people ideas. :p
Have to shake my head,
they drop fighting a kangaroo but you can still beat up female characters as a male :)
Sounds like PETA does not care about domestic abuse if they wish to go down this line - I do appreciate domestic abuse is also the other way round but less so.

Probably have feminists/SJW insisting female characters can only fight female characters in future fighting games.

well that will be difficult because that will imply gender based on appearance and name. Who's to say how Bob identifies?
Up next on PETAs to do list:
Goat Simulator

Na, that one gets a pass because the Goats triumph over everything and busts everyone in the arse.

Here is the deal; you cannot confer rights, ethics, morals, etc for people to animals.
Animals are without morals or ethics, so they have no rights. Animals are instinctual not analytical. They cannot self govern; and because of this they thrive when they are governed by people.
Any RIGHTS have to be confirmed by God first (which they are not) and governments (which they shouldn't)
( the Bible actually call for man's domination and conversations of nature)
PETA (People for he Ethical Treatment of Animals) seek to confirm human RIGHTS to animals.
So you don't have a RIGHT to have a steak, since that cow has human RIGHTS. And if you disagree, you are NOT Ethical.
Now that is a TWISTED world view.
But likely you are surrounded by people that think this way so look out!
just further proof that PETA members are clinically fucking insane

Hey careful there. I belong to PETA. People for the eating of tasty animals.

If I were the game developer I wouldve made it a pregnant kangaroo or something more offensive...
i would be more impressed with PETA if they didn't euthanize animals at an incredibly alarming rate.

feel good activism.

Have to shake my head,
they drop fighting a kangaroo but you can still beat up female characters as a male :)
Sounds like PETA does not care about domestic abuse if they wish to go down this line - I do appreciate domestic abuse is also the other way round but less so.

Probably have feminists/SJW insisting female characters can only fight female characters in future fighting games.

equal rights you know...and maybe a few equal lefts too.
well that will be difficult because that will imply gender based on appearance and name. Who's to say how Bob identifies?
Not really,
the characters are visually represented and name is more meaningless as you say in this context.
The difference between a male Bob and a female Bob is visual character representation.
So names have less relevance in this context.
Becomes more complex if they (lobby groups/activists/etc) start to argue about other characters that do not fit into such categories and SJW are seriously antsy about that, just like how one can now be 'officially' pansexual.

I bet we see Roger as an unlock at some point. Especially on the PC where anything "hidden" will be found immediately.
Honestly, if companies and people would just ignore the 'outrage', these people would lose power and go away. The would would be a much better place.

On the flipside of things; that's exactly what ISP's, Facebook, Google, etc do from all the valid criticisms about their products/services.
Things like this tell me that PETA has completely lost its marbles. Them complaining that the President killed a fly was also a publicity stunt to try and remind people they still exist. I can't imagine that this is any different.
If you care about animals locate https://www.aspca.org/
or https://secure.humanesociety.org
Don't give a flying dollar to PETA as they care more about bs then they do actual animals.
Ignore PETA they don't even know what they stand for anymore.
For the love of everything please don't give people ideas. :p

Yeah hypocracy or flawed logic much of these activists provide is bizarre.
You can have a game designed to promote sexuality beyond hetrosexual because SJW push that agenda without any complaints or protests when said game will also include sexual relationship between a human and a character that is more close to being a beast than human...
Yet I bet they would say bestiality is sick if raised by others but it is ok to promote it in a game that is focused on SJW attitude.
It becomes a very fine line on selective logic many of these groups or individual people push.
i would be more impressed with PETA if they didn't euthanize animals at an incredibly alarming rate.

feel good activism.

equal rights you know...and maybe a few equal lefts too.
You know it is funny that they claim to be fighting for equal rights but in reality it's about taking rights away from the top dogs. It is the same with femenist and BLM.
Personally, I think it's about time. My sensibilities are assaulted just recalling the barbarism of the thousands of atrocities committed towards tortoises, all in the name of "entertainment" in the Mario series.

Animals are instinctual not analytical.

You've obviously never witnessed my dog breaking into my pantry.
You know it is funny that they claim to be fighting for equal rights but in reality it's about taking rights away from the top dogs. It is the same with femenist and BLM.

I want what you have and I want you to not have it anymore. Thats all their messaging says at its core. I would respect these groups more if their message was "I want what you have and I want you to have it too".
You know it is funny that they claim to be fighting for equal rights but in reality it's about taking rights away from the top dogs. It is the same with femenist and BLM.
'Positive discrimination' over whoever is best, which is ironically discrimination but accepted by those with the agenda.
Social behaviour/structure did need to change in many ways (and has been over the centuries-decades-years) but some approaches can be more negative than actual improvements.
What do you think of this censorship? I wouldn't have capitulated if I were the Tekken 7 developers as this seems like more silliness from PETA.

A nitpicking note: it can't be censorship if the developers have a choice in the matter. NAMCO chose to give in to the pressure. They could have chosen to tell PETA to take off, those hosers.
Seriously? I didn't even know this was an issue until now. How the hell did PETA manage to change their minds? Something is strange. I am calling DLC.
I would have purchased a copy of that game, with no intention of even playing it, just to support the studio *if* they had stood up to the PETA police...

Now I could care less about it.
Peta hasn't said anything about it at all.


Peta has not said anything about it at all.

The Kangaroo was removed because they were afraid that someone would be offended by it, using the reaction that some people had when that guy punched a Kangaroo that attacked his dog last year. Think about it, Why just the Kangaroo, when there's a panda in it too...

From the director himself:

"Huh? PETA has not said anything. And I said we've worries. What are you talking about."

"I haven't said anything like PETA. It'a only a story about "who has complaints whatever we do" But even Panda enters TEKKEN"
Peta hasn't said anything about it at all.


Peta has not said anything about it at all.

The Kangaroo was removed because they were afraid that someone would be offended by it, using the reaction that some people had when that guy punched a Kangaroo that attacked his dog last year. Think about it, Why just the Kangaroo, when there's a panda in it too...

From the director himself:

"Huh? PETA has not said anything. And I said we've worries. What are you talking about."

"I haven't said anything like PETA. It'a only a story about "who has complaints whatever we do" But even Panda enters TEKKEN"

Tekken Zoo DLC confirmed
Tekken today is probably one of the worst fighters games imo..