Temps good after Prime95


Mar 22, 2004
Are these temps good after running Prime95 In-place large FFTs (second option under torture test) for about 37 mins

idle cpu 36 deg C

After test 45 deg C

Then after about a minute of turning off the test, my tems drop back down to about 36
This all watched with MBM5
Forgot to mention that this is an AMD64 3200 at stock, with TT Bigwater, Fan at 2000rpms
is that a clawhammer 3200+?
temps are pretty good, though i'd expect a smaller change between idle and load at stock with water cooling. the bigwater got some decent reviews iirc.
ah. it should be a lot lower then.
try a new bios to make sure the one you've got isn't misreporting. if that doesn't help you have the newest one, check the mount between the heatspreader and water block.
clean it off really well with some q-tips and 91 or 99% isypropyl (rubbing) alcohol.
then apply thermal paste like this (assuming you don't have ceramique. if you do, let me know)
you can't compare temperatures like that, you have to also take ambient air temperature into consideration
Okay, I reset the cpu over lunch, I'm waiting for a couple of days to let the AS5 settle and I'll let you guys know what happens. As for ambiant temps, I would say they are around 65 - 70 degrees, plus the system says its sitting at 19c.
66.2f = 19c
if that's a case temperature, it seems that you have decent airflow.
Okay, after removing the waterblock, cleaning both the cpu and copper, then redoing the AS5 (according to artic silvers web site) and running for about 18hrs, (no prime or anything) the temps started to drop and are around 35 right now. I'm waiting for the AS5 to settle and see if it drops any more. Also what I might do is for some reason TT instructions when you mount the radiator on the outside of your case, have the fan sucking air from inside and blowing it out (right accross the radiator). Now why would you have hot air from inside your case blow across your radiator :confused: doesn't make any sense. So if temps don't drop anymore, I'll reverse the fan and see what happens. Thanks for everyones help.