Temps question + Case fans


Limp Gawd
Jun 8, 2004
Running a AMD Athlon 64 3000+ @ 2.25Ghz...probably could push it a bit more, but first a few things.

Core runs at 36c/44c idle/load. I don't think this is too bad.
Chipset (nF4) runs at 50-52c idle, though...anything to be worried about?

Some of it is probably because I only have one fan as an intake in the upper chamber of my P180. I'd probably move the fan tot he back, but the Kaharajan or wahtever audio module is too tall for a fan to fit in the back there, so I'd have to take that out somehow. And it doesn't help that it's dying. I need a high CFM, low noise fan or two to help out with this. Suggestions?
I've had good luck with the Noctua fans from Austria. They're not LED fans, they're a bit expensive and they have a white frame and burgundy blades that some may not like, but I don't have a window in my case.

I'm running two 120mm (intake/exhaust) and one 80mm (side intake) at the moment. I'll likely be going with a third 120mm if I decide to use Noctua's heatsink.

This is where I bought mine, it's a local place where I used to work - http://www.performance-pcs.com/catalog/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=49&products_id=21136

With two 120s and an 80 it's barely perceptibly louder than when I had it running the single stock Coolermaster 120mm intake fan. I'm running all three fans at full speed right now and it's very tolerable.
[+Duracell-];1031049481 said:
I need a high CFM, low noise fan or two to help out with this. Suggestions?

those noctua fans are nice if you have money to spend, but if you want something that performs just as well but for a quarter of the price some good ole Yate Loon fans are what you need. they are definately the most widely used fan on these forums, they are almost silent and move a very respectable amount of air. when you factor in they only cost 5 bucks its a killer deal. i used to use vantec stealths, but these are even quieter, move more air, and dont cost $22 per fan.
Links? I googled really quickly and all I found were 1350rpm and 1000rpm varieties that move ~40CFM. Or is that what you're talking about?
they come in three speeds/sound levels

low Airflow: 47.0 CFM Noise: 28.0 dB
medium Airflow: 70.5 CFM Noise: 33.0 dBA
and highAirflow: 88.0 CFM Noise: 40 dBA

the low/medium are more then enough airflow for most applications. the low speed version is complely silent from more then a foot or two away.