Temps with HW Monitor


Feb 12, 2006
Along with diagnosing my busted 8800GTX this weekend, I've been trying out a few different programs that display the temps from various parts of my mobo.

HW Monitor is giving me one strange reading, and that is the AUXTIN value. Right now it's reading at 125C, which is obviously insanely hot. Is this a known bug with the software, or the temp sensor on the board? I have a hard time believing anything in my case is that hot as none of the other temp sensors for anything break 50C. It also doesn't seem to be changing at all; both the current, min, and max values all read 125C.

This is with an Asus P5K Deluxe/WiFi-AP mobo.
if anything in a computer was running at 125C i think youd have a fire in your case. Safe to assume it's just a reading error and not all programs read the same it seems.
I've had temp programs read non-existant sensors.

Like Sojuuk says, you'd probably be smelling smoke if something hit 125C. ;)