Terminal is Gone


Limp Gawd
Jun 22, 2005
Hi everyone,

I recently reformatted my MacBook (after backing everything up of course) to get rid of all the bloat from the factory install. However, I'm trying to install Synergy, and it requires me to login to Terminal, but Terminal's nowhere to be found on my MacBook. It was there pre-format, and I installed everything I needed except the bloated trials and such. I've checked both install CDs, done a spotlight, checked the usual places for it, and it's nowhere to be found.

I'm pretty aggravated/scared with this now, and would appreciate any help you can give me. Thanks!
it's been a LONG time since I last used OS X, but don't you have to install X for terminal?
I installed X11, and it works, but it won't let me "drag" a program into it to give me the path of it. Like I said, I'm installing Synergy and trying to follow the instructions, since I'm new to OSX, so I don't know what the path of the program would be, or if X11 would even work as a replacement for Terminal.
Wel, If someone doesn't answer in a while I'll drag out my old iMac G3 and take a look.
ryan_975 said:
Wel, If someone doesn't answer in a while I'll drag out my old iMac G3 and take a look.

Thanks, but I don't want you to go through all that, heh. I appreciate your help, however.

However, you may know this from memory: how could I get the path of a program, and then give it a command. Basically, I need to do this:

On OS X open Terminal in the Utilities folder in the Applications folder. Drag the synergyc program from the synergy folder onto the Terminal window. The path to the synergys program will appear. Add the following to the same line and press enter:

    -f server-host-name

When you added the client to the server's configuration you chose a name for the client. If that name was not client's host name then you must tell the client the name you used. Instead of the above command use this instead:

    synergyc -f --name name server-host-name

where name is the name for the client in the server's configuration. (On OS X drag the synergyc program to the Terminal window rather than typing synergyc.)
When you reinstalled, you probably didn't install the "BSD Subsystem". Put the system DVD in the drive and rummage through the software packages until you find it. Or take the easy way out and just reinstall.
Black Morty Rackham said:
When you reinstalled, you probably didn't install the "BSD Subsystem". Put the system DVD in the drive and rummage through the software packages until you find it. Or take the easy way out and just reinstall.

Ah BSD, okay, not X, I knew it was something like that. It's been over a year since I last messed with OS X
Thanks everyone. Unfortunately, Synergy didn't want to cooperate, so I'm uninstalling it, but my Terminal is indeed back.

Thanks for both of your help.
I've been using synergy (the itunes app, correct?) for a few years now and can't recall ever needing to do anything in terminal for it :confused:
No, I'm talking about the Synergy that lets one computer share its mouse and keyboard with another.