Terminal opens, immediately closes


[H]F Junkie
Oct 10, 2001
Installed Linux Mint with Cinnamon and had everything up and running great.
I was using tmux in terminal just fine, then under the profile settings decided to see if I could pipe fish after tmux, so I put this in the command.

tmux | fish

I could swear I saw a check box about closing terminal or something under the command area, but closed it too quick. Now terminal just opens and closes immediately. I check $HOME/.profile and don't see anything in there. I'm looking for where that command might be saved, but can't find it. Maybe that's not the problem, I don't know.

Any help would be appreciated. I'd hate to have to reinstall over a silly little setting somewhere.

I can open xterm to run some commands if it would help.
Well, I don't know exactly what problem was but I created new account, copied the .gconf/gnome-terminal folder and replaced it. Something weird happened there. It's ok, fish is cool, but not that cool. :)

Just deleted extra account.

Ok, fish is cool enough that I added this to my .tmux.conf
set-option -g default-shell /usr/bin/fish
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