Terminator Salvation: Free!

Deal went through for me, but I'm unable to download. It's forwarding me to a page not found.

I didn't think much of Salvation anyway, so no biggie. If it works later, cool. If it doesn't, well, I'm only out a few minutes of my time.
Well I still havn't seen it, so I could really care less if it's HD. Thanks. Glad I still had my DIVX pro serial too. Mine is downloading as I type.
Deal's dead now, but if that's the answer the MPAA has come up with movie distribution, no wonder piracy is so rampant.

First, I had to download the newest Divx. Okay, no problem. I installed but then guess what, I get some crazy error about not being able to find the divx.exe after I've installed it. The only way to uninstall the damn software is through windows (no uninstall option in the divx tree). First strike because any normal user would have stopped right there. End. On to piratebay.

So I continued. Okay, need to sign up for an account for the website and put down my address. Why? Who knows, so I make one up.

Oh look, I need to create another account for divx which is separate from the warner bros website. Yay.

So activate the account get the torrent file (it's 938 bytes and the d/l manager acts exactly like bittorent minus the uploading).

Then takes a good twenty minutes just to hit 1%. I restart the download and it improves a bit more. I restart it again, and it's a bit faster. How fast? Can't tell due to the crappy software.

I got it for free yeah, but there's no way I'm going back to that site to get any movies. I'll transfer this thing to a dvd format and be done with it.
If torrents aren't connecting.. its usually a user error.
If torrents aren't connecting.. its usually a user error.

Considering I can torrent just fine, but not use this shitty d/l service, I don't see how the problem is on my end. Thanks for the implication though and maybe next time try it out yourself.
I have a decent cable connection, and it took a few hrs to download. Not good........but who cares? I got it for free. Account creation was easy too.

If I paid a premium price I might complain - but then again - it was free.
Finally the price matching the quality of this movie ;)

You'd have to pay me to watch this sorry excuse for a movie ever again. I watched it together with my housemate (avid film fan) and we both concluded that it was the most cliche-ridden, painfully obvious movie we had seen in a long, long time. It's not even bad enough to be good.
Just watched it, was average to below average action flick. Nothing stellar like the first two. Catch it on cable if you're bored. Christian Bale does that horrible forcing-the-deep-voice BS like he does in batman. Pseudo romances. Broken Lore. Action is really what is has.
You'd have to pay me to watch this sorry excuse for a movie ever again. I watched it together with my housemate (avid film fan) and we both concluded that it was the most cliche-ridden, painfully obvious movie we had seen in a long, long time. It's not even bad enough to be good.

Come on. The movie isn't that bad. Sure it might not have substance but it's an action flick. It wasn't no judgment day but easily one of the better action flicks to come out recently.

I'm sorry, my standard doesn't lower for action flicks just because current action flicks have blown balls.
still not worth the price

I'm simply amazed at this comment. People bitch because movies, music, video games are to expensive. WB just GAVE the movie away for free, and people are still bitching.

Goes to prove that some people will never be satisified and will always find somethin to bitch about.

I for one, grabbed the download, one less movie to get rent from netflix
I'm simply amazed at this comment. People bitch because movies, music, video games are to expensive. WB just GAVE the movie away for free, and people are still bitching.

Goes to prove that some people will never be satisified and will always find somethin to bitch about.

I for one, grabbed the download, one less movie to get rent from netflix

Having to jump through hoops to make the thing download and play doesn't mean 'free' as people's time isn't 'free'. If they're going to give it away for real free, then I'm sure they don't mind if I download it from my favourite P2P site in a format which will work without issues on my system.

That said, my housemate and I watched the free copy we downloaded, and we'd like the hours we spent watching it back.
Having to jump through hoops to make the thing download and play doesn't mean 'free' as people's time isn't 'free'. If they're going to give it away for real free, then I'm sure they don't mind if I download it from my favourite P2P site in a format which will work without issues on my system.

That said, my housemate and I watched the free copy we downloaded, and we'd like the hours we spent watching it back.

I did not have any issues downloading it. Grandit the divx software is crap, but i didn't have any issues
I thought the whole process was pretty easy.

The movie was good (not great), except for the end. It was like I was watching T2 again (refinery scene was pretty much a re-hash)........and the impalement through the heart and walking out/ living long enough for a transplant was pretty lame IMO.

An ok movie though. I liked it better than the third one.
To demonstrate my bad taste in movies I'm gonna say I loved this movie from beginning to end. In still don't wanna install the DRM crap that is associated with DIVX and WMA. Now if it were iTunes, that's another thing.

I just feel that with stuff like that the MPAA is just trying to get there software on your PC so that if in the future legislation passes in there favor they just need to turn it on rather then trying to trick you later on after you know its out there. Then again, that is just me being paranoid.