Terra MMO

Feb 6, 2006
Has anyone tried out Terra ? I have been seeing ads for it non-stop for months and was thinking about giving the free trial a go. I am a longtime WoW player and also play League of Legends, so for me to spend time on a new MMO it better be good. I've heard mixed things from people, but I wanted to see what my fellow [H]'s thought.

Is it worth giving a shot ? and is it even worth putting in the time that an MMO requires ? There has to be other MMO life out there besides WoW. That can't be the only good one in existence. Oh and LoL of course, love that game too.

Honestly, between work, college (I go for Audio Engineering/Music Production & Music Arts) and recording an album with my band, as well as playing Shows, I only get maybe 2 or 3 days of playing WoW and LoL and even then I only get to play for a couple hours at a time. But I make it work. And If I can find a good enough MMO I can manage to squeeze it in there. And I am almost done with College and recording this album, so it will free up my time some more.

Watching Gameplay Videos like this, definitely make it look like it may be a fun game to play - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLScNVdsGP0
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It is F2P.

There is a thread about it in PC Gaming if you want to read more about what other peeps here are saying.

I like it very much but I only have FFXI and FFXIV to compare it to. I tried WoW but I could not get into it.

There are some performace issues if you have an AMD CPU. Very CPU bound and it does not use crossfire/SLI effectively if at all.

I only get to play it on the weekends due to work and school.

It is very easy in most aspects.

EDIT: Are you planning to use the rig in your sig to play it? o_O

I have an alt and I play that one on a phenom II X4 965 @ 4ghz with dual 4870X2's and it hits 30fps at max setting and really bogs down most of the time. I play my main char on my main rig and that is a i7 960 @ 4ghz with a 7970ghz edition and I hit 80 fps max and maintain it in the 60's most of the time.
Your rig might have some issues in the GPU department. My 5770 and Core2Duo 3.4ghz was good enough for decent framerates but just barely. You might be able to drop the graphics settings way down but it would be a shame to have to do that, this is the first MMO I've played in a very long time that actually had me stopping to take in the scenery. Their environmental art designer did an excellent job with this game IMO.

All that aside, what Tera really comes down to is the gameplay. Do you enjoy the "go here, quest for these people, go there and quest for those people, move to the next zone and do it again." element common to many/most MMO's these days? If you do, then I highly recommend it. The combat itself is fantastic, and although I've seen a lot of complaints about the lack of story that's to be understood when most people don't read any of the dialogue. I didn't find the story was any better or worse than a typical MMO, but the combat blew me away.

Are you looking for something to play for a few months, get a couple characters to max level and then move on? Or are you looking for a "long haul" MMO with full-fledged raiding and endgame content? If the former, it's hard to go wrong with Tera. If the latter, look elsewhere.
I didn't know it was F2P, i thought it was just a free Trail. Is it fully F2P, or only up to like level 20 like WoW is. Or with SW - The Old Republic, its completely free to play, but its a lot better if you go with the paid option from what I hear. I haven't played Old Republic too much. My laptop didn't like it. And my Desktop is at my bands studio cause I built it as a Gaming and Recording Rig last year. So I need to build a new one for at home cause I just wanna keep that one at the Studio we built. That rig has no problem playing anything, even Far Cry 3 on high settings. But my Laptop, it will only play games like WoW or Black Ops II on Low Settings. CoD i was pretty surprised it would run at all, but I had to turn shadows and everything off. WoW, i wasn't surprised cause they made that game very scaleable. The difference between low and high settings is very significant.

Anyways, thanks for the info.
As far as I know it's fully F2P - you can get to max level and run endgame dungeons and get the best gear without paying. What you have to pay for are things like "boosters", extra character slots, and cosmetic stuff like weapon "skins" etc. I haven't played it since it went F2P but this is what I hear.

The difference between low and high on this game is pretty extreme in terms of visual quality. I can't comment on how scalable it is in terms of what hardware it will run on because I've only run it on my one machine, but I have to imagine it would scale quite well. You can turn the settings down to the point where the game looks like it came straight out of 1999 pretty much.
Your rig might have some issues in the GPU department. My 5770 and Core2Duo 3.4ghz was good enough for decent framerates but just barely. You might be able to drop the graphics settings way down but it would be a shame to have to do that, this is the first MMO I've played in a very long time that actually had me stopping to take in the scenery. Their environmental art designer did an excellent job with this game IMO.

All that aside, what Tera really comes down to is the gameplay. Do you enjoy the "go here, quest for these people, go there and quest for those people, move to the next zone and do it again." element common to many/most MMO's these days? If you do, then I highly recommend it. The combat itself is fantastic, and although I've seen a lot of complaints about the lack of story that's to be understood when most people don't read any of the dialogue. I didn't find the story was any better or worse than a typical MMO, but the combat blew me away.

Are you looking for something to play for a few months, get a couple characters to max level and then move on? Or are you looking for a "long haul" MMO with full-fledged raiding and endgame content? If the former, it's hard to go wrong with Tera. If the latter, look elsewhere.

Yea, i was worried about the GPU having issues. Like I said, my Laptop is mostly just good for playing WoW and Battlefield 2 (it wont run BF3, tho it does run Black Ops II smoothly as long as I play it on super low settings with shadows turned off like I said). I also play StarCraft II on it and then some odler games like Counter Strike, Half Life 2, stuff like that. Mostly my Laptop is used to school and portable recording. Like i said, I am in school for Audio Engineering and Music, and I am in a band, I am a Guitarist. Been a musician all my life. I am 26 now. But like i said, my Main rig is being used at our studio now. So I am getting ready to build myself a new PC for at home. I build/Mod/Repair PC's for a living so I get deals, so I will be building a new Beast pretty soon.

And based on what you said, I am a lil iffy on whether or not I would like it. I am looking for something in-depth and has good Story lines and plots like WoW is and does. If I want something that is just Questing Hack n' Slash, then I will jsut play some of the badass Single-Player RPG's that are out right now. I've been playing Torchlight II and I am diggin that. As well as Bastion, which is a very Unique Action-RPG.

I do wanna give EVE Online a try tho. Been wanting to try that since the first iteration of it came out back in the day. The new version of it sounds really badass from what I Read, Seen & heard. Any thoughts on that one ?
As far as I know it's fully F2P - you can get to max level and run endgame dungeons and get the best gear without paying. What you have to pay for are things like "boosters", extra character slots, and cosmetic stuff like weapon "skins" etc. I haven't played it since it went F2P but this is what I hear.

The difference between low and high on this game is pretty extreme in terms of visual quality. I can't comment on how scalable it is in terms of what hardware it will run on because I've only run it on my one machine, but I have to imagine it would scale quite well. You can turn the settings down to the point where the game looks like it came straight out of 1999 pretty much.

I wasn't questioning whether its F2P, it is, i looked it up. When i said that I thought it was just a trial, i wasn't questioning whether it was or not, i just meant "Oh, I didnt know that, I thought it was just a trial" lol I believed him
And based on what you said, I am a lil iffy on whether or not I would like it. I am looking for something in-depth and has good Story lines and plots like WoW is and does. If I want something that is just Questing Hack n' Slash, then I will jsut play some of the badass Single-Player RPG's that are out right now. I've been playing Torchlight II and I am diggin that. As well as Bastion, which is a very Unique Action-RPG.

I would personally say the storylines/plots are on par with WoW, but neither Tera nor WoW's plot stands out to me really.

In the end what do you have to lose but a few gigs of hard-drive space?
I would personally say the storylines/plots are on par with WoW, but neither Tera nor WoW's plot stands out to me really.

In the end what do you have to lose but a few gigs of hard-drive space?

40gigs and any money you plunk down (if any) :p