TERRIBLE framerates in oblivion =/


Jun 6, 2006
Oblivion is averaging 20 or so fps but during fights will drop down to 4 or less. I have lowered the resolution down to 1024x768 so I'm not sure why it's still doing this...every other game I'm running in 1280x1024 with all the eye candy on and getting smooth framerates.

my specs are:
asus p5w dh
2 gb ddr2-800 g.skill
ati x1800xt 512 mb
2.93 ghz celeron d...temp cpu while i wait for conroe preorder to come =/

i know this game is tough on any system but i just don't see why i would be able to average such high fps in cod2, ut2k4, and hl2 with so many effects turned on but be absolutely destroyed by oblivion when the graphics are turned down so far that it doesn't even look the least bit decent anymore. anyone have any ideas on how i can get this up to playable performance?
My guess will be that Celeron you have. Oblivion is also pretty heavy on the CPU. A Celeron is more of a value line of CPU's. I bet once you that Conroe you will higher frames. Also what are your sliders at. Grass is a very demanding. I dont even have it turn on because I just dont like the frames it gives me with grass even 1/4 turned up.
shit are you sure? have you seen what this game looks like if you select "very low" mode? It looked like I was playing dark forces or wolfenstein 3d just a second ago and it was still under 20 fps. it shouldn't have anything to do with the grass, as the framerates are so unbearable I have not yet made it through the first 10 minutes of the game...i'm only at the first autosave right before the games first set of enemies appear (coulpe of assassins and some mice)

well hopefully the conroe will fix the problem. nice to know that this might only be temporary
asty said:
shit are you sure? have you seen what this game looks like if you select "very low" mode? It looked like I was playing dark forces or wolfenstein 3d just a second ago and it was still under 20 fps. it shouldn't have anything to do with the grass, as the framerates are so unbearable I have not yet made it through the first 10 minutes of the game...i'm only at the first autosave right before the games first set of enemies appear (coulpe of assassins and some mice)

well hopefully the conroe will fix the problem. nice to know that this might only be temporary
If lowering gfx settings did not help then that celery is holding you back...
Pretty sure your celly is holding you back by a lot.
Here's a review from Firingsquad.
Test system

I used to average in the 20s with the CPU I run now and a 9800 Pro at 1280 with everything turned down. When I got my 6800 GS unlocked (which is still slower than your card) I put everything up @ 1280 and was able to get 30s most of the time. The one thing I did was to turn the grass all the way down. I can live without the 3d grass. The textured grass on the ground is what I'm used to in most games anyway.
Just re-read your post and saw that you are dropping down to FOUR fps during fights. I have never seen 4 fps before. Even the 9800 pro would only drop to like 8fps or so. With the 6800 gs I would bottom out around 18 in intense fights.

I'd have to agree with the other guys in that it's your celeron hold you back. But do try the grass trick.
I'm rocking Oblivion with my X1900XT with HDR and AA enabled. I'm running at 1152x864 with an Opteron 165 and 1 GB of RAM (going to get another gig).
You could also try editing the oblivion.ini file as there are some settings in there that may help you out some. I found good info on that at www.tweakguides.com (whenever I get a new game, I check them out to see what I can fix)
asty said:
Oblivion is averaging 20 or so fps but during fights will drop down to 4 or less. I have lowered the resolution down to 1024x768 so I'm not sure why it's still doing this...every other game I'm running in 1280x1024 with all the eye candy on and getting smooth framerates.

my specs are:
asus p5w dh
2 gb ddr2-800 g.skill
ati x1800xt 512 mb
2.93 ghz celeron d...temp cpu while i wait for conroe preorder to come =/

i know this game is tough on any system but i just don't see why i would be able to average such high fps in cod2, ut2k4, and hl2 with so many effects turned on but be absolutely destroyed by oblivion when the graphics are turned down so far that it doesn't even look the least bit decent anymore. anyone have any ideas on how i can get this up to playable performance?

I believe that Celeron is at stock speed... so you should be able to get at least a 1-1.5ghz overclock on it as they are decent OC'ers. That would help out alot I think. Nice ram and video card though : )