Terry Crews Brings Celebrity Muscle To PC Gaming

Now he should hook up with like Blizzard. Make a new in-game hero for Overwatch. One that he designs and sketches himself. Where he's an attack hero with an automatic shotgun. His ultimate is an area affect fire attack from a flame sax. In game taunt would be "Muscles!"
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I can't believe you guys that haven't heard of Terry Crews. Heads in sand or up own asses?
This is the kind of thing that breaks down walls. So much more refreshing watching a black guy do typically white guy stuff instead of some stupid white boys trying to act like they are black rappers or some shit.
Terry Crews and his wife were on MasterChef Celebrity Showdown. They seemed really grounded compared to Terry's persona in some of his acting gigs. And that he's building a gaming computer to help him connect to his son is great - the world needs more involved dads. Nice to see somebody building a gaming PC from scratch! I have relatives who are Apple/Mac users and they have an XBox. Their kids really like MineCraft (?), but the Mac version is pretty limited vs the Windows version - they were asking me about building a Windows PC. They were at my home the day my 5960X arrived, I think its $1K price tag scared them off asking me to build one for them :)
I don't think I know who this guy is, but I gotta say I got a kick out of the video. I laughed quite a bit and had a smile throughout. Probably the only thing I'd change is get the EVO instead of the Pro (he's not running a server, so it's wasted money..not that it matters to him) and maybe the case, though I'd have to research his case to be sure, but that's personal preference and general cheapness.

One thing I don't get is the 6800k. Shouldn't a Broadwell CPU be a 5800k (or alternatively a Skylake CPU). I feel like Intel is pulling a fast one.
The PRO series drives are MLC, which is more reliable and more consistently performing than the TLC arrangement used in the EVO series. It's not "wasted money" if you're not running a server.

-E series processors from Intel have always been serialized for the current generation. The 5900 series are Haswell-E, 4900 series were Ivy Bridge-E, 3900 series were Sandy Bridge-E, etc.
The PRO series drives are MLC, which is more reliable and more consistently performing than the TLC arrangement used in the EVO series. It's not "wasted money" if you're not running a server.

Mostly agree. If you do a lot of writes the pro drives are worth it. That being said, the 3D NAND used in the 850 series of drives is VERY resilient to writes. This results in the 850 EVO having almost as much write resiliency as the MLC in the old 840 Pro, so for the overwhelming majority of users, even power users, the EVO drives are probably sufficient.

See this Anandtech assessment of the write endurance of the 850 EVO.

I've been so impressed with the 850 EVO's that my main boot and datastore drives on my Proxmox KVM server are a mirrored pair of 512GB 850 EVO drives.
Broadwell-E are i7-6800K, 6850K, 6900K, 6950X
Nevermind. I thought they would use the same first number for the entire generation of chips. Then again, I guess they can't manage to get Extreme chips out until well after the next generation of chips is out.
The PRO series drives are MLC, which is more reliable and more consistently performing than the TLC arrangement used in the EVO series. It's not "wasted money" if you're not running a server.

-E series processors from Intel have always been serialized for the current generation. The 5900 series are Haswell-E, 4900 series were Ivy Bridge-E, 3900 series were Sandy Bridge-E, etc.
Thanks on the CPU

Everything I've read about the Pro vs the Evo (current gen) is that there's no point to Pro for gaming/home computing. And I suspect that's true for us Programmers too. Your drive is going to sit idle 99.999% of the time (unlike enterprise servers).

As for reliability, by the time a 2TB Evo dies, it will be more than 5 years old (assuming you don't do something stupid to fry it...person XP there). Even my cheap ass mechanical Green drives last longer than that.