Tesla Factory Described as a “Predator Zone” by Female Employees


Aug 20, 2006
Discrimination at Tesla is supposedly “too big to deny” as more and more female employees are beginning to speak up, following scandals at Uber and other prominent tech outfits. Numerous stories of sexual harassment, mistreatment by male managers, and unfair promotion decisions were reportedly shared at town meetings, yet one of the company’s immediate reactions was to fire an engineer who initially sued for such pervasive and discriminatory behavior.

One woman described parts of the factory as a “predator zone” for harassment. When the moderator asked women in the room if they had ever been catcalled, a significant number of women raised their hands, according to Vandermeyden. Other women allegedly talked about feeling unsafe around male managers and facing sexist remarks from superiors. Women talked about being dismissed and talked over in meetings with no other female employees, and asked questions about diversity in hiring and the lack of women in leadership positions.
Have to be VERY careful with analyzing these kind of stories related to Tesla. Unions (UAW) have been engaging in all sorts of tactics in order to get traction here, such as embedding employees into the workforce to later "come out" about conditions. Unfortunately the media generally plays along. This particular case was studied over a month ago and it was found she was not improperly fired. As far as the source for this story goes, it's using the typical CNN tactic of "sources say," "one person said," "a person familiar with thinking stated," combined with a liberal dose of conjecture. Quite frankly the most important part is when Musk says, "the list of companies that want to kill Tesla is so long, I’ve lost track."
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I would be very hesitant to believe half the stories, since I was sued by a feminist back in 2001 for sexual harassment for "looking at her funny". (I never asked her out. I didn't even like her, at all, in any way. She was fat and ugly to me, and mean on top of it. She thought she was hot stuff because she was blonde, yet didn't consider her 350lbs to be an issue.) Of course, the judge dismissed it with prejudice once her lawyer rested her case, and censured the lawyer for bringing a trivial case to court. My lawyer didn't even have to present anything or even cross examine her claims. When the other lawyer finished with the questions for the woman, he immediately called a recess for 15 minutes, and when we came back, immediately announced that he was dismissing the case.

The modern wave of feminism is about attacking men. That's all. Since a man built and owns Tesla Motors, they will attack it. They'll go through whatever underhanded claims they can think of to attack men, any men.
Have to be VERY careful with analyzing these kind of stories related to Tesla. Unions (UAW) have been engaging in all sorts of tactics in order to get traction here, such as embedding employees into the workforce to later "come out" about conditions. Unfortunately the media generally plays along. This particular case was studied over a month ago and it was found she was not improperly fired. As far as the source for this story goes, it's using the typical CNN tactic of "sources say," "one person said," "a person familiar with thinking stated," combined with a liberal dose of conjecture. Quite frankly the most important part is when Musk says, "the list of companies that want to kill Tesla is so long, I’ve lost track."
Seriously. Also it could of been just people telling female co-workers they look nice today and got reported for it.
Have to be VERY careful with analyzing these kind of stories related to Tesla. Unions (UAW) have been engaging in all sorts of tactics in order to get traction here, such as embedding employees into the workforce to later "come out" about conditions. Unfortunately the media generally plays along. This particular case was studied over a month ago and it was found she was not improperly fired. As far as the source for this story goes, it's using the typical CNN tactic of "sources say," "one person said," "a person familiar with thinking stated," combined with a liberal dose of conjecture. Quite frankly the most important part is when Musk says, "the list of companies that want to kill Tesla is so long, I’ve lost track."

This. It's SO easy for the liberal media to portray a sense of sexual harassment and too many are willing to give in to the "evidence" as 100% verifiable. I've seen many cases of sexual harassment over the course of my career, and all but one were invalid. I knew one woman who threatened her boss that she would claim sexual harassment if he fired her, and the company kept her simply because they didn't want to do the lawyer thing. I also hate it when they say, "There's too few women in management..." Again, put people who are actually GOOD in management, not more women simply because we need more women somewhere.
I also hate it when they say, "There's too few women in management..." Again, put people who are actually GOOD in management, not more women simply because we need more women somewhere.

Which actually lead to this specific case.

I quote Musk, "We have had a few cases at Tesla where someone in a less represented group was actually given a job or promoted over more qualified highly represented candidates and then decided to sue Tesla for millions of dollars because they felt they weren’t promoted enough. That is obviously not cool.” He was subtly pointing to this woman which is especially relevant because part of her complaint is that women weren't being promoted enough or treated/paid fairly. He is basically saying they gave her a chance (incl. overlooking the fact she didn't have an engineering degree) and it bit them in the ass doubly so, and yet some people wonder why the "environment" appears to be biased...
The modern wave of feminism is about attacking men. That's all. Since a man built and owns Tesla Motors, they will attack it. They'll go through whatever underhanded claims they can think of to attack men, any men.

My point was that Tesla has plenty of enemies with deep pockets and while lobbying used to be the direct, effective way to deny your competition, it seems in recent years companies have realized that utilizing social engineering is more effective. It's a dangerous precedent whereby special interests and identity politics are leveraged for economic gain - all the more ironic since people supporting these groups are usually and supposedly against corporations and the white male oligarchy.
This. It's SO easy for the liberal media to portray a sense of sexual harassment and too many are willing to give in to the "evidence" as 100% verifiable.

This case is not just about sexual harassment but also "equality" in the workforce, which is a large reason I bought up the UAW case first. There are certain groups trying to get their foot in the door who really do look for any excuse as an opportunity to do so. It's important to be aware of that since Tesla is a very delicious target recently.
I love how they mix in examples, if true, of actual sexual harassment with the meaningless "Feeling unsafe". No one is responsible for your feelings, point to actual, objective conditions or get some psychological help. If consequences can be imposed on people because of someone else's asserted feelings we're going down a dangerous path.
Watch the red pill, heck watch the australian ambush interviews on it as well. People that never watched it accused woman of making it on things that weren't even in film and then questioned if they watched it had 3 excuses for not watching it.

She was also attacked by feminist, after formerly being praised by them for her pro feminist films when she was a feminist.
Then went on record for saying how privileged of a life she has after doing the film, realizing her and her BF work the same hours total but she took a job she wanted to do and would be fun but pay less, where he wakes up at 4am to do physical labour job in heat or snow so he can make more money and pays majority of the household expenses. When she was a feminist she would fight with him once a month over how he didn't earn his keep around the house, then after making the film and realizing how mens issues are just never addressed or any credit is given for sacrifices they make for households so their SO could work a job they would love.

There's going to come a point when guys just say F it, I don't want to work 10 hours a day in a high stress office job or 12 hours a day all summer doing construction, let the women do that work I'll go personal train/massage yoga moms at gym down the street or be an idiot on youtube for money
I am a manager where I work. I have to tread lightly - so I just try to keep everything business like. I don't make comments if someone looks nice (or not), if a man wears lipstick that doesn't match his hoop ear-rings - I keep my comments to my self. It's kind of absurd at times.
(I'm not saying what did or didn't happen at Tesla - since I don't work there, no clue.)
As a male that works in a female dominated field, sexual harassment comes from women as well.

I know how that goes. I had one place I worked as a support tech where the accounting department were all women, all 6 between 40 and 60. I had to crawl under a desk to replace a network cable, and heard behind me several cracks from the other women, including "what do I have to do to get a man under my desk?"
This just in: Feminists achieved what we thought was the impossible! Now we no longer believe women are mistreated in a workplace even if it is really the case.
To them a man getting promoted is already an unfair decision period without looking at any other variable.
Some account are overblown, and some are dead on. I've worked in places where the all-male support departments would deliberately delay or screw up any project that had a female engineer attached to it. Millions of dollars in lost revenue, any they're trading high-fives for missing another production deadline. Between the sabotage and the constant leering, I'm surprised none of the women went postal on the place.
Men in this country have made themselves second class cucks by bending to the will of feminism. Predator zone, gamer gate etc etc
Blind study in Australia stopped after they did not get the diversity results they wanted.

The scrubbed all identifying info from employment apps, so employers had to go on just work history.... And woman and minority's got even less jobs.... Had to put a stop to that.

In actuality they were not being discriminated against they were actually receiving affirmative action.

Blind study in Australia stopped after they did not get the diversity results they wanted.

The scrubbed all identifying info from employment apps, so employers had to go on just work history.... And woman and minority's got even less jobs.... Had to put a stop to that.

In actuality they were not being discriminated against they were actually receiving affirmative action.

This makes sense and should continue. I think any self respecting feminist would support it.
I found an alternative work place.

As a male that works in a female dominated field, sexual harassment comes from women as well.

I know how that goes. I had one place I worked as a support tech where the accounting department were all women, all 6 between 40 and 60. I had to crawl under a desk to replace a network cable, and heard behind me several cracks from the other women, including "what do I have to do to get a man under my desk?"

Yep. Been there as well! Women are actualy way worse and vocal from my experiences in a mostly female work space.
Feminists achieved what we thought was the impossible!
I wish people would stop using the term feminism to define these kinds of people. They are obviously not for equal rights for everyone but more than likely seeking revenge for something some dude in their past did to them. In other words, they are horribly misguided people who probably need psychological help.
As a male that works in a female dominated field, sexual harassment comes from women as well.

Yeah I was thinking the same thing its just that guys probably don't report it except to their friends at a bar with a beer in their hands. *Deep Voice* "Yeah today a chick at work was playing Grabass with me" *High Pitch Voice* "I'm gonna report her now!"

I do think its wrong if it is true, there is no need for any of that at work.
Yeah I was thinking the same thing its just that guys probably don't report it except to their friends at a bar with a beer in their hands. *Deep Voice* "Yeah today a chick at work was playing Grabass with me" *High Pitch Voice* "I'm gonna report her now!"

I do think its wrong if it is true, there is no need for any of that at work.

Believe me, being a 20s guy getting hit on by 40-60 year old women is FAR more embarrassing, and not something usually bragged about by any guys I know. When I was 25, that was the LAST thing I've want my friends to know about. I would haven't heard the end of it for decades. Heck, even as a 45 year old now, I wouldn't go bragging about a 60 year old woman hitting on me at the grocery store.
I wish people would stop using the term feminism to define these kinds of people. They are obviously not for equal rights for everyone but more than likely seeking revenge for something some dude in their past did to them. In other words, they are horribly misguided people who probably need psychological help.
It's not only these kind of people who do it for profit. It's the kind who preach that there is sexism everywhere and everything is sexist. There is equal rights for everyone, feminism in the first world was not about equal rights for a long time it is about making women a preferenced and protected class whether they want it or not.
And they don't hesitate to throw under the bus any woman who doesn't tow their line or rather lie. They're trampling over other women all the while shouting that they're for women's rights. In reality they're only for the rights of people who agree with them, and that makes them intellectually dishonest. Well that and a thousand other things.
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this can't be...Elon Musk is a saint and has his finger on the pulse of the planet...no one knows more about social justice , the environment , economics , politics , science , mathematics , knitting , horseshoes , kayaking , handball etc than he does...surely nothing like this could happen on his watch

Yep. Been there as well! Women are actualy way worse and vocal from my experiences in a mostly female work space.
Yep, because no matter how hideous they are, they still think you want them. Think you are happy to receive their advances. Meanwhile you could not even consider saying "hi, I like what you have done with your hair", without risking a sit down with HR. I swear, our society rewards women for acting like men, and punishes men for acting like men. It's retarded.
Yep, because no matter how hideous they are, they still think you want them. Think you are happy to receive their advances. Meanwhile you could not even consider saying "hi, I like what you have done with your hair", without risking a sit down with HR. I swear, our society rewards women for acting like men, and punishes men for acting like men. It's retarded.

Society hates young boys that's why they want to turn them in to girls.
Glad the women I work with are cool. Hell, they harass me more than I do them. One of them actually looked over at me at the table, grabbed both of her sizable boobs. Lifted them up and dropped them back on the table hard. Cracked me up. She's married and so am I. No issues.

I have worked with absolute horror show though. My last job was just death. I had to go downstairs to use the restroom bc BOTH of the bathroom on my floor were reserved for the women. I had to curtail my bathroom breaks bc the area was secure and I had to go through that crap, then get in an elevator. All just to take a leak. Then there was my boss. Shudder. Good to be gone from there.
Well, let's not complain too much guys, I mean at a certain point we'll start growing vaginas all over our bodies and that's not a cool look
Yep. Been there as well! Women are actualy way worse and vocal from my experiences in a mostly female work space.

agreed. last job was for a woman owned business. almost nothing but women, except of course the It dept was nothing but us guys.. LOL

my direct boss would love to go on and tell us how great she is at giving blow jobs.. and the like.. loudly.

then there were the raging bitches who expected us "mere" men to cower to them.. LOL

the place was sooo toxic i was thankful when they laid me off