Test Your Knowledge of Online Scams

BTW, for those people that are questioning the selections, McAfee had 2 things in mind here. First, they wanted to help you see some of the things to look for that stands out as something is wrong here and cause you to think twice but, their MAIN purpose was to advertise SiteAdvisor and why you need something like it to help you because you can't always tell the fake from the real thing.

I mean most of us here are [H]ard people and been around enough to pretty much tell the difference but, even most of us missed at least 1 and that's all it takes to get scammed so, it's still nice to have something to protect you from that one slip up.

That and the fact that it would make people that scored pretty poorly or even missed 3 or 4, would say hmm, maybe I need SiteAdvisor. Even missing 1 is a failing grade when it comes to scams.

That was the purpose of the little exercise :)
Sweet 10/10. I personally use siteadvisor all the time. In fact I looked up a site earlier today, and install it on any clients' machine that I work on (with their permission).
worthless test, not all screenshots show the URL, and the URL is the sure way to know which one is fake/not fake.

they failed with this test imho.
...but, their MAIN purpose was to advertise SiteAdvisor and why you need something like it to help you because you can't always tell the fake from the real thing.

And that, imo, is part of the problem with this survey. It is designed to make you fail at least SOME of the questions, so that you will buy their software.

For this to be legit, I think it should've been produced by a 3rd party.

Wasn't too hard if you pay attention.

To all those that said Chase was hard - What question# was chase??? Didn't even see it up there.
9 out of 10. Missed question 4... which was a question I should have known the answer to. Oh well, it confused me. lol

As far as phishing site detection goes, that wasn't much of a problem.