Texting While Landing A Passenger Airplane = Bad

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Before we all start judging the pilot for texting during a landing, how do we know texting wouldn't have actually helped the pilot? "LOL, OMG, U ttly forgot 2 put ur weelz dwn. :D

Then at 1,000 feet, the co-pilot felt something was off, but couldn't put his finger on it. The landing gear hadn't been lowered by the captain and neither one of them went through their landing checklist. A cockpit alert sounded to be like, hey guys, what's up, we need some wheels. By then it was too late to lower and extend them, so the landing was aborted at 392 feet.
Add a layer that jams cell phones to the cockpit, so he'll have to step out.

If he steps out while trying to land, then he's just an idiot, and deserves prison for doing something so stupid/negligent while being entrusted with the lives of many.
This is something one of the Waynes brothers would put in a movie or something that Naked Gun would have used. If it weren't real life it would be really funny.
I think although texting while piloting an airplane is fairly negligent, I don't think it actually had anything to do with this issue. I think the problem was both the pilot and co-pilot failing to follow the landing checklist which would have resulted in the wheels being down.
The title is rather misleading. The pilot wasn't actually texting when he attempted to land the plane. His phone went off, and he was trying to silence it while landing, and missed a step. It should also be noted that the co-pilot did not seem to notice the landing gear was not down either.
Wait a minute, aren't we suppose to shut off our phones and other electronic devices when the cabin door is shut, because of all the bad things it can do to the airplanes sensitive electronics? /Sarcastic

Oh do as I say not as I do.
The title is rather misleading. The pilot wasn't actually texting when he attempted to land the plane. His phone went off, and he was trying to silence it while landing, and missed a step. It should also be noted that the co-pilot did not seem to notice the landing gear was not down either.
The title could have said pilot was slathering co-pilot in peanut butter during the landing, it doesn't really matter. The only thing that matters is both of those idiots forgot to lower the landing gear. This is scary shit. Some things you just don't overlook.
Add a layer that jams cell phones to the cockpit, so he'll have to step out.

If he steps out while trying to land, then he's just an idiot, and deserves prison for doing something so stupid/negligent while being entrusted with the lives of many.

Everyone deserves prison.
The title could have said pilot was slathering co-pilot in peanut butter during the landing, it doesn't really matter. The only thing that matters is both of those idiots forgot to lower the landing gear. This is scary shit. Some things you just don't overlook.

LOL I almost spit my coffee all over the screen when I read that. ROFL
I have a friend who's a pilot, he says he does nothing after check list, and in the air he just watches.

that in other countries, before and maybe now Norway disallow autopilot landing, Boing 737-800 series is very common aircraft in Norway as we are not densely populated and those planes are very automated.

but to UK they read papers, watch films, cause they are kind of standby if something happens, earplugs are ofc not allowed, airbuss wants to allow pilotless planes with connections to a central for remote operations if needed.

I don't actually think people would even notice there isn't pilots there....
I have a friend who's a pilot, he says he does nothing after check list, and in the air he just watches.

That's what a commercial pilot friend told me also, pilots are bored out of their minds between takeoff & landing and have to do stuff to keep busy and pass the time...
Guy should lose his job, which for piloting means a reset of career (seniority). There's no way you should ever get to 300-something feet without landing gear down. His excuses are irrelevant.
I have a friend who's a pilot, he says he does nothing after check list, and in the air he just watches.

that in other countries, before and maybe now Norway disallow autopilot landing, Boing 737-800 series is very common aircraft in Norway as we are not densely populated and those planes are very automated.

but to UK they read papers, watch films, cause they are kind of standby if something happens, earplugs are ofc not allowed, airbuss wants to allow pilotless planes with connections to a central for remote operations if needed.

I don't actually think people would even notice there isn't pilots there....

Pretty much this. You'll see more and more flight automation before long, and a pilot will just be there in case something goes absolutely haywire with the flight system. These things pretty much just fly themselves these days.
good thing I dont plan to fly again unless its life or death type of thingy lol or over sea's
He might have forgotten to add the TSA raping.

I've been traveling almost every year now and not once did I have an issue with TSA, then again I make sure to not carry anything I shouldn't be.
Do you drive? Which one do you think is safer, statistically speaking?

It should be clear that when comparing these two modes of transportation an important element that is typically ignored is in comparing the relative amount of exposure to risk that each traveler incurs. As a result, the assumption that air travel is orders of magnitude safer than an automobile is simply urban legend..