Texture shimmer possible explaination (Sakuras)


Jun 11, 2000

This is basically the same 2D Sakuras visual distortion you get when you lay down a repititious 2D texture grid on a flat 3D plane with minor variations.

At first I thought it was my videocard or the game video engine going screwy, but then I noticed it also moved when I moved my head, and not the image itself.

So for all the people who complain of texture shimmer, it may literally be all in your head. Strange how the human mind distorts images that are perfectly still :p
As a repetitive 3D image moves ever so slightly, it can appear to move back and forth or even swim. In this case, to get the effect you move your head. In the other case you keep your head still but watch a slightly moving image.

I guess its more for people who compain about "swimming" textures, I have heard both Nvidia and ATi know of this issue, and are working on ways of decreasing its noticability because of human limitations.
His point was: try moving your head side to side to see if you can see the shimmering in a game. If you can, then it's all in your head. :) Otherwise, there are other factors at work.

I've personally never noticed it or I would try it myself.
I've noticed that specifically, with nvidia cards and AF, there will be assloads of shimmering on "quality" mode, because it uses several forms of AF optimizations.

If you turn it up to "high quality" in control panel the vast majority of the shimmering goes away. Not to mention it's gone completely if you turn off AF all together.
Not the same thing, but an interesting hypothesis. That doesn't explain why Nvidia cards do it and ATi cards don't.