TF2 Engie Update: ?

Gold wrenches? I haven't touched TF2 in ages (a year or so) and it was turning into an MMO back then...the gold wrenchs just confirm it's gotten worse. Yuck.
I feel kinda the same way about it, I have tons of hours as an engie and never wanted to deal with the whole crafting bull. As a result I had 2 full backpacks of crap I decided to turn to scrap metal two weeks ago in prep for the long awaited engie update.

I logged in to find out I had zero chance to get the first part of the update, not that it's a huge deal but it left a bad taste in my mouth and haven't logged on since. I mean heaven forbid they award skill or time played....

Aw well, I'll just dust off the BF BC 2 disk and give it an honest shot, untill the engie craze is over.
Yup. I won't be logging back in for a bit after last nights disaster. Just another unbalanced and unnecessary update.
anyone else kind of underwhelmed by the update? I was hoping they would focus on the sentry. Given, they included the sentry in a couple of the items, but really didn't add anything to it.

I would have liked to see something like a flame sentry for better spy detection, or some kind of device that will randomly kill spys if they try to sap it (random meaning sometimes it'll kill them, sometimes it won't, or maybe sometimes it'll malfunction and blow the sentry up), balanced accordingly of course.

Read the TF2 blog. They try dozen and dozens of ideas but they're extremely concerned with balancing issues, something that doesn't work well when modifying the sentry.
Read the TF2 blog. They try dozen and dozens of ideas but they're extremely concerned with balancing issues, something that doesn't work well when modifying the sentry.

So they modify it anyway and it's still unbalanced? Nice.
I haven't logged in in a couple of days because I'm kind of scared to see how unbalanced stuff is. Am I overthinking the matter, or are things absolutely bat shit insane
I haven't logged in in a couple of days because I'm kind of scared to see how unbalanced stuff is. Am I overthinking the matter, or are things absolutely bat shit insane

Everyone is playing engineer right now, so you can drop any hopes of having a normal game. However, everyone playing engineer makes getting some of the achievements (and hence the new items) much easier. If you want to get the items fast, jump in right now... if you aren't particularly concerned with the new unlocks, wait out at least the weekend before playing.
I ubered two Heavies simultaneously and we couldn't take out that damn shielded sentry gun. I'll admit that we wasted some of the uber, I had to hit it a couple seconds early to avoid dying but both Heavies went at it with what would be plenty of time to wreak havoc and we got nowhere.

Basic rule now is to try to kill the Engineer controlling the sentry first but that could be difficult because he could be hiding just out of reach and have another Engineer wrenching his sentry from behind the shield. For tighter maps it's going to require a good Spy to get in before you even think about trying to destroy a wrangled sentry. Coordinating with Spies and having Demos that aren't retarded and actually have the sticky launcher equipped are now required more than the typical one-medic one-Heavy/Soldier combos because if the Engineer uses the Wrangler and can stay alive then your uber is going to run out before you can do enough damage to take down the sentry.
Well I was pretty worried about the update not being balanced and low and behold valve once again dissapoint. The toughest defence class is now tougher.

There is 2 main weakess of the sentry:
1) It is stationary and cannot be moved once placed, you can now pack it up, shift it and deploy it in a few seconds with no penalty.
2) It had limited range, now you can remote control which comes with autoaim, and can attack anyone at any range, you can also spam rockets to do splash damage around corners at long range. Again there is no penalty for use, in fact the senty gets a shield which makes it insanely tough.

This was the most imba class before the patch and they've just buffed it significantly, I really am lost for words, the game is a mess, i played about 20 payloads maps today and attackers won maybe twice because defence went heavy engineers and was invincible.

Yup. I won't be logging back in for a bit after last nights disaster. Just another unbalanced and unnecessary update.

unbalanced in the sense that you can be pretty much any other class and get hundreds of points easy because engineers are free kills if you have a medic behind you.

i've just been making a mad dash for the opposing spawn. 6 teleporter kills and then they get camped the rest of the game.
Well I was pretty worried about the update not being balanced and low and behold valve once again dissapoint. The toughest defence class is now tougher.

There is 2 main weakess of the sentry:
1) It is stationary and cannot be moved once placed, you can now pack it up, shift it and deploy it in a few seconds with no penalty.
2) It had limited range, now you can remote control which comes with autoaim, and can attack anyone at any range, you can also spam rockets to do splash damage around corners at long range. Again there is no penalty for use, in fact the senty gets a shield which makes it insanely tough.

This was the most imba class before the patch and they've just buffed it significantly, I really am lost for words, the game is a mess, i played about 20 payloads maps today and attackers won maybe twice because defence went heavy engineers and was invincible.


There's your problem, that game mode is fucking retarded.

Engineer was never imbalanced, he was in fact one of the weaker classes. The sentry was stationary, had limited range, slow turning speed, died in 2-3 explosive hits, and still has a ridiculous build time to get to level 3. Sentries are and were never hard to take out. They are easy to take out if the team are you facing has the mentality that sentries are there to protect them and not that they are there to protect the sentries and the sentries are there to protect the point. If the team you are facing is properly protecting sentries then that's just good teamwork and not a broken class/weapon. I'm sorry but you guys are implying you are ubering and these sentries are killing you 1v1 when it's more likely you are facing more than 1 person, be it their whole team or more engineers.

It's more likely that you are just bad at killing sentries than it is that sentries are overpowered. Also the worst part about playing the new update is that TF2 is a still a laggy shit fest for me. Game just runs awful.
I play as Engy and I know that sentries are very weak in terms of hp. 2 stickies from Demos destroy a lvl 3 sentry and the stickies dont even have to be in close proximity to it. Good Pyros can even solo a lvl 3 sentry and kill its Engy.

What I find broken for the Engy though is how the Wrangler can turn a sniper's nest into an effective foothold for their sentries. I tried playing on 2Fort the other day and instead of snipers on the balcony, you have Wrangled sentries destroying everything in its path. The ability to move buildings around is also insane since you could then just build things in your spawn to lvl 3 and then rebuild it in the front lines in a short amount of time. This forces teams to play more defensively than they used to since you now have to constantly watch out for Engies that might sneak a lvl 3 sentry behind your team.
I play as Engy and I know that sentries are very weak in terms of hp. 2 stickies from Demos destroy a lvl 3 sentry and the stickies dont even have to be in close proximity to it. Good Pyros can even solo a lvl 3 sentry and kill its Engy.

What I find broken for the Engy though is how the Wrangler can turn a sniper's nest into an effective foothold for their sentries. I tried playing on 2Fort the other day and instead of snipers on the balcony, you have Wrangled sentries destroying everything in its path. The ability to move buildings around is also insane since you could then just build things in your spawn to lvl 3 and then rebuild it in the front lines in a short amount of time. This forces teams to play more defensively than they used to since you now have to constantly watch out for Engies that might sneak a lvl 3 sentry behind your team.

Engies are pretty overpowered now. Especially good ones. I disagree and 2 stickies will NOT kill a full hp level 3.
Things I see as wrong with the update... The 66% shield is just WAY too much. And the remote control thing is ok, but the accuracy doesn't fall off, or at least it doesn't appear to. If the accuracy of the guns and rockets fell off over distance when being remote controlled then I think it might be a bit more balanced.

Overall, I'm underwhelmed. I saw MANY more cool community ideas that I thought would be more fun.
I've done a bit of play with the new NG update, on both sides of the fence. Thoughts so far.

* A couple servers I play on allow building in spawn. Just about everyone was constructing equipment to level 3, packing it up, and teleporting to the front. If NGs are working together, they should be at level 3 very quickly.

* Nice to be able to construct something in a safer corner, then drop it in the melee. You really have to watch for the ninja sentry guns now. Defense, more so, needs to have demos who can knock out an SG quickly. Many times, I was able to get to the last point, drop a level 3 SG, and the team was able to press the point. Also nice to be able to move equipment up, rather than destroy and rebuild.

* Unpack time is too fast. I expect them to adjust this.

* It won't take long for snipers to figure out anyone carting a tool box is a high value target.

* I like the Frontier Justice, for the most part. Seems to do better damage, from the looks of things, at range. (Just an observation, no hard data yet - might just be more careful aim on my part) Three round clip is enough, without feeling short. I'll usually spam shot in support of my equipment, so one of the bummers is getting the crits shots - I have to wait for a legit target. Wish you could alt fire your 'saved' crits. Will be using this as a primary weapon, I suspect.

* When paired up with the gunslinger, I'd burn through a lot of those mini sentries, thus stacking up a bunch of crits. With full SGs being so easy to make and move, the mini sg has limited utility. Unpack time is close enough to build time, this sort of thing is only useful in metal limited maps... I think.

* The mini SG is perfect for sentry jumps, since it does half damage. There are whole new areas of the map to explore with the wrangler.

* God help the poor folks stuck in spawn, who don't think to uber out, or uber out heavies. The wrangler really gives some focused fire. If NGs are helping each other, you can keep a hail of bullets on a couple doors. Ammo goes fast, however, if covering a gun on your own. Did not really see this come into play, unless it was a server with class limits.
I bought this game way back in 2007 and played it for a few hours then stopped until this last weekend. So much has changed since then, item "drops" now, hats, unlockable weapons, scrap metal, crafting. I don't even know how to get half of that stuff or where to begin. I asked a few questions in game and people come back with "fucking noob" comments :rolleyes:

Aside from that I have fun actually playing the game itself. I have more hours as the sniper than any other class currently. It's addicting to pop heads across the map on 2Fort and too easy to get suckered into "I'll get him this time" when I end up getting dominated by an opposing sniper.

I switched to heavy late last night because we were getting raped and I made a stand near the sewer entrance and had a ton of fun mowing down dudes. It's definitely a fun game and I'm glad to be back into it again after so long. Nice change from the usual stuff I play.

So many classes I want to try and get good with.
I've done a bit of play with the new NG update, on both sides of the fence. Thoughts so far.

* A couple servers I play on allow building in spawn. Just about everyone was constructing equipment to level 3, packing it up, and teleporting to the front. If NGs are working together, they should be at level 3 very quickly.

* Nice to be able to construct something in a safer corner, then drop it in the melee. You really have to watch for the ninja sentry guns now. Defense, more so, needs to have demos who can knock out an SG quickly. Many times, I was able to get to the last point, drop a level 3 SG, and the team was able to press the point. Also nice to be able to move equipment up, rather than destroy and rebuild.

* Unpack time is too fast. I expect them to adjust this.

* It won't take long for snipers to figure out anyone carting a tool box is a high value target.

* I like the Frontier Justice, for the most part. Seems to do better damage, from the looks of things, at range. (Just an observation, no hard data yet - might just be more careful aim on my part) Three round clip is enough, without feeling short. I'll usually spam shot in support of my equipment, so one of the bummers is getting the crits shots - I have to wait for a legit target. Wish you could alt fire your 'saved' crits. Will be using this as a primary weapon, I suspect.

* When paired up with the gunslinger, I'd burn through a lot of those mini sentries, thus stacking up a bunch of crits. With full SGs being so easy to make and move, the mini sg has limited utility. Unpack time is close enough to build time, this sort of thing is only useful in metal limited maps... I think.

* The mini SG is perfect for sentry jumps, since it does half damage. There are whole new areas of the map to explore with the wrangler.

* God help the poor folks stuck in spawn, who don't think to uber out, or uber out heavies. The wrangler really gives some focused fire. If NGs are helping each other, you can keep a hail of bullets on a couple doors. Ammo goes fast, however, if covering a gun on your own. Did not really see this come into play, unless it was a server with class limits.

Is NG supposed to be Engineer? I'd like to see that explained, lol.

I've played a lot over the weekend. Especially the new maps. Upward is okay. Hightower sucks and Thunder Mountain is pretty cool.

I honestly don't play a lot of other maps outside goldrush, but I feel these new maps really cater towards the spy. I good spy on defense with a good support team will tear shit up. I know I did.
Is NG supposed to be Engineer? I'd like to see that explained, lol.

Pronouncing "en gee"... I see this short form used all the time when folks are using terse communication in chat or voice.
any of these updates added grenades? Or is it still like a casual wii game?
Pronouncing "en gee"... I see this short form used all the time when folks are using terse communication in chat or voice.

I guess. I understood the pronunciation. I've just never seen it like that before though.
any of these updates added grenades? Or is it still like a casual wii game?

So how much spam do you want in this game? There's no need for "grenades." And Demos already have pipe-bombs.
i logged in a week or so ago and all i saw were guys running around with broadswords
at first i was O_O, then I was -_______-

i doubt im going to play tf2 again in a hurry
i logged in a week or so ago and all i saw were guys running around with broadswords
at first i was O_O, then I was -_______-

i doubt im going to play tf2 again in a hurry

Yeah, shit like the "Skillsman" and "Sucklander" really hurt this game imo.
i mean dont get me wrong I LOVED the beta and played it to death at release and more than got my money out of it. I just dont understand why the need for crafting in an fps game. I mean vanilla tf2 is great as it is (was).
i mean dont get me wrong I LOVED the beta and played it to death at release and more than got my money out of it. I just dont understand why the need for crafting in an fps game. I mean vanilla tf2 is great as it is (was).

Because it gives the casuals something MMO to do. lol. And it gives them a reason to release shit like "the golden wrenches." Instead of just adding maps, which I think most people would be fine with.

My favorite time in maybe the last year or so was when my usual server lost connection to steam for like a week. Everyone had the default weapons. It was great.
i logged in a week or so ago and all i saw were guys running around with broadswords
at first i was O_O, then I was -_______-

i doubt im going to play tf2 again in a hurry

I dont like the sword/shield and dont care for the hats either. It makes the game too goofy.
I think upward is the new server killer, seems like every time that map pops up in rotation a lot of people bail..and by the time it's over the server is nearly cleared out. It's an OK map and all, but I dunno, I think it's that second cap point that leads to a lot of spawn camping for a bit that pisses people off.

I hope they spice up the mini sentry a little. It only takes one hit to kill it from a rocket, sniper shot or demo grenade without being wrangled. Maybe if they made it easier on ammo during wranglers or not suffer from the "downtime" after being de-wrangled. You could use the wrangler to actually give it a chance at killing someone with it's low damage if it didn't suffer from the downtime. And I find that switching between wrench/glove for the sentry destroys everything I have built, this is very annoying. I could see destroying the gun, but my dispenser and teleporters? Why?

And after all this time, I hope they finally spend some time streamlining the game and fixing crashing bugs. I''ve have the sound loop crash bug ever since they started doing these class updates it seems, I can't remember having it when the game first came out and I played a lot. But it's becoming really annoying because the crashes happen more often with the busy play time periods and less with the lower population play times. So I dunno if it's caused by people joining and leaving servers a lot or steam being bogged down under the player crush. So I hope they spend time addressing that crashing bug and then work on fixing the weird little lag stutters the game gets, it seems like sentry guns cause it on most servers especially if they are being wrangled and fired often.

Definitely want the crash bug fixed because it's the thing that stops me playing for long stretches, I get tired of it crashing consistently when it's at the high volume of players times. And no one has found a solution to it, but a lot of people claim it's related to the steam overlay.....
To me this game is still alot of good fun. If I am bored I can easily hopin for 30min or so, kick some ass and be on my way. Other than the influx of a single class right after these updates, I enjoy them. They add new things to the game by adding new options but dont really make things overpowered. Oh and i have never had a crash that wasnt my fault since the game has been released.
Ugh, what's with the "I wish it was still vanilla" nonsense? Vanilla had some pretty big weaknesses. Maybe you want the ridiculous Soldier crit rate restored as well, along with a 36-ammo clip too? There's plenty of servers if you want to play in 2007 - that's your choice. The rest of us prefer to play in 2010 though.
Ugh, what's with the "I wish it was still vanilla" nonsense? Vanilla had some pretty big weaknesses. Maybe you want the ridiculous Soldier crit rate restored as well, along with a 36-ammo clip too? There's plenty of servers if you want to play in 2007 - that's your choice. The rest of us prefer to play in 2010 though.

I don't think anyone is arguing against fixing class problems and tweaking actual balance. But adding stupid shit like hats and swords is what we protest. There's a difference.
The hats are a choice, like anything else. The Eyelander/Shield is a choice. They took away idle servers (for item finding) and awarded the "halos" for players who didn't cheat. I imagine you would have a halo if you didn't play recently, by default. Like anyway update, the cheese will go away after a couple weeks when you realize you need to win. The eyelander drops your health by 25. Depending on how you play, you might actually need that 25hp (ditto with the Sandman being -15hp).

Stuff like Jarate or the Razorback weren't that extreme, and I think many get a false sense of security with Razorback (easier to kill w/o Jarate for detection). Direct Hit is a nice change of pace from the regular rocket launcher.

I dunno, but other than MAYBE the eyelander, the updates haven't been that extreme. I do expect the transport/setup time of existing building to be nerfed though. I joked that 3 engies would be like siege tanks in TF2...and it's not that far from the truth.
The hats are a choice, like anything else. The Eyelander/Shield is a choice. They took away idle servers (for item finding) and awarded the "halos" for players who didn't cheat. I imagine you would have a halo if you didn't play recently, by default. Like anyway update, the cheese will go away after a couple weeks when you realize you need to win. The eyelander drops your health by 25. Depending on how you play, you might actually need that 25hp (ditto with the Sandman being -15hp).

Stuff like Jarate or the Razorback weren't that extreme, and I think many get a false sense of security with Razorback (easier to kill w/o Jarate for detection). Direct Hit is a nice change of pace from the regular rocket launcher.

I dunno, but other than MAYBE the eyelander, the updates haven't been that extreme. I do expect the transport/setup time of existing building to be nerfed though. I joked that 3 engies would be like siege tanks in TF2...and it's not that far from the truth.

I bet you use the huntsman regularly and have many hats.
Nope - 99% default sniper rifle with Razorback. The one hat I do have is the Halloween one - which makes no sense, since I was on vacation during that time.
Nope - 99% default sniper rifle with Razorback. The one hat I do have is the Halloween one - which makes no sense, since I was on vacation during that time.

It isn't a time limited update, you can get it just from playing the Halloween themed map and getting its specific achievements.
I haven't really played TF2 since 2008, so this is all fucking mindblowing for me. Every time I join a server I have no idea WTF is going on, hats and broadswords and cats shooting fuckin lasers, god damn