TF2 for PC - $9.99 on steam

Dammnn, nice deal. Will pass this along to a few friends, thanks.
I already own this game but I think I will buy it twice so I can play against myself...
I already own this game but I think I will buy it twice so I can play against myself...

If i could find a program that i could toss a mecic up while i play heavy, i would totally buy it again :p
wow is it that good? I'll definitely pick it up for $10 if so. i've hardly played any steam games (including hlaf life 1 and 2 :()
I would go as far to say that its the best online shooter of all time. but thats me. I think its impossible to get bored of this game, so many classes, so many maps.
wow is it that good? I'll definitely pick it up for $10 if so. i've hardly played any steam games (including hlaf life 1 and 2 :()

It's really, really fun, moreso than any other online shooter I've ever played. The playable characters are hilarious and equally entertaining to play; once you understand how to impliment each class's strengths and weaknesses in certain situations, the game becomes infinitely more enjoyable. There's hardly any bitching about hitboxes, no dolphin diving, nor cocky pretentious asshats who ruin certain other shooters (*cough CSS, COD4, *cough). The community's high class, and there are some really great servers.

Highly recommended.
I would go as far to say that its the best online shooter of all time. but thats me. I think its impossible to get bored of this game, so many classes, so many maps.

I think it is too easy to be considered for that. Then again people now a days don't seem to want to put in the effort to mastering any of the harder shooters.
I'm actually not a huge fan on TF2. I have found while I can play most games for hours upon hours; with TF2 I can play a max of 30 min to an hour before I want to stop.

That being said it is worth 10 bucks. I got the whole Orange box from g2play for 10.50 though a few days ago. Its worth the extra .50 cent I think :p
I'm actually not a huge fan on TF2. I have found while I can play most games for hours upon hours; with TF2 I can play a max of 30 min to an hour before I want to stop.

That being said it is worth 10 bucks. I got the whole Orange box from g2play for 10.50 though a few days ago. Its worth the extra .50 cent I think :p

Is that still available? If so, link?

Even though I have Orange Box on my 360, I may buy this. That good.

Edit: Lol, looking at the steam page you can get TF2 and Garry's Mod for $10 each, but if you buy them together, it's $25, saving you negative $5.
I'm actually not a huge fan on TF2. I have found while I can play most games for hours upon hours; with TF2 I can play a max of 30 min to an hour before I want to stop.
That's just how the game is I think; same for me and I'm a huge fan. You play a couple rounds and call it a day.
You can buy one copy to test your cheats, then use on your primary until VAC banned...
I have been hearing about this game for too long. Now that it's half off i just bought it. Thanks for posting this thread OP.
I already own this game but I think I will buy it twice so I can play against myself...

This sounds like the start of a Chris Rock joke. I am so f**king good at TF2 that the only time anyone could compete with my mad skills would be if I cloned myself. Damn I am good.