TF2 Launch Options/how to stop those pesky sounds


Feb 20, 2006
Sorry for the (probably) simple question. I assume a bunch of people here play TF2 and I am hoping someone else can provide a quick answer to my question.

I am trying to stop TF2 from downloading sounds from the servers I play on. I am aware of the CL_downloadfilter option, and am trying to get it to work. I have set up the launch options for TF2 like this


...but it doesn't work. Do the options have to be in quotes or something?

Also, does anyone know where the downloaded sounds are stored? I have found some stuff in the "\Steam\steamapps\<my steam ID here>\team fortress 2\tf\sound" folder, but some of it looks like the intro sounds that come with the game. Is it safe to delete everything in this folder? Or should I only delete what I don't recognize/want?
sv_pure 2?

Or you could use a combination of sv_pure 1 and the sounds directory being added to pure_server_whitelist.txt.
Sorry if I was unclear. I am looking for a client option to make the game not load custom sounds. SV_pure seems to be a server option, which doesn't look like it would do what I want. Is there a way to use SV_pure as a client? To be clear, I don't want to only play on servers without custom sounds, I just don't want to hear them.
dont use launch options for anything except -novid (to skip valve vid)

instead create an autoexec.cfg (just a txt file renamed) file in your "team fortress 2\tf\cfg" directory

and add cl_downloadfilter nosounds to it (along with w/e other cvars you want loaded on start)

then go to your tf\sounds directory and delete all the custom crap (but dont touch the 6 files in the "ui" folder)
Thanks for the quick replies. :) I have setup the autoexec.cfg like so


Is this the correct way to specify the command line parameters in the .cfg file? I suppose I can use trial and error to figure it out, but if someone knows, that would save me some time.

And since we are on the subject, and there any other cvars worth running?
remove the "-"

just "cl_downl......"

basically what the autoexec file does is make your options stick

some things (like demos and bad servers) can actually modify your config.cfg file (all your options) but not the autoexec or individual class files

there are many cvars you can use depending on what you want

type "cvarlist" in console and pick out which ones you like
Can't you also just set your download preferences in the options in game? There should be three options, allow all downloads, no sounds, and no downloads.

Don't forget to go into your tf2 folder and delete all the sounds you've already downloaded, too.
Can't you also just set your download preferences in the options in game? There should be three options, allow all downloads, no sounds, and no downloads.

Don't forget to go into your tf2 folder and delete all the sounds you've already downloaded, too.

Yeah i thought this was possible to just set it in the options.
yeah but like I said, some servers and watching demos can mess up your config.cfg (which stores all your settings)

so an autoexec with all the commands copied over isnt a bad idea