TF2 - Medic update

I will! I will!

No really, I will. 28 points as a medic. :)

Anyway, to get Second Opinion, activate your charge on one teamate then go to another teammate and right-click on him.

Easy Achievement.

Now, what I want to see is the first person to get to 1 million healing pionts...that's a feat.
She told me not to brag on her, so no steam id, but the best medic I know has 54 of 56 achivements, only 3 of which she didn't obtain during normal gameplay. One was an engineer achievement that she got because of some time glitch. The two she got playing private servers were "Play Doctor" and "You'll Feel a Little Prick". The two she has left to get are "Doctor Assisted Homicide" and "Blast Assist". By the way, she has 14 million healing points and 398 hours as medic, that's a feat...
Just played a 90 min session and i unlocked Trauma Queen, Triage, Double Blind Trial and First Do No Harm. That was all playing a support medic, helping soldiers etc. get intelligence. Didn't even know i had unlock the others with the exception of First Do No Harm till i checked achievements.

I recently got the new syringe gun but it'll be quite some time before I get the next one. You basically need a friend for most of these achievements and repeatedly try and try again.
Last night, at first I joked "at least I don't have play medic for once" and I worked on my demoman skills. I quit not long afterwards since we'd have a ton of medics and none had much interest in healing. :rolleyes: Guess I'll play Opposing Fronts for a while until things settle down.

/played medic before it was cool
I played last night also and I thought the number of medics was already starting to get back to normal. One server I joined, half the people were whoring achievements and another had quite a few but the one I played on for a while had 3 medics total out of 10-12 people.
Still not playing yet, but checked my stats already ~780,000 out of 1,000,000 healing points. So it is carrying over healing done before the patch.
Still not playing yet, but checked my stats already ~780,000 out of 1,000,000 healing points. So it is carrying over healing done before the patch.

Yeah, a clanmate who has always played medic joined up again last night, amazingly we only had 1 med on a 10 person team so he went for it and as soon as he started healing someone he got the Achievement since he's well past whats required for it lol.
Indeed, i was annoyed. Earlier I was playing on a server and i was defending the base, but the medic wouldnt heal me, instead he ran after the scout with the syringe gun. My god.
Indeed, i was annoyed. Earlier I was playing on a server and i was defending the base, but the medic wouldnt heal me, instead he ran after the scout with the syringe gun. My god.

Ouch, lol. I know I'd be pissed if I was there in the game but from my standpoint right now......I'll admit, that's pretty funny. :)
Ouch, lol. I know I'd be pissed if I was there in the game but from my standpoint right now......I'll admit, that's pretty funny. :)

Yeah I can see how that could be funny, lol. But it does get annoying when all the medics on your team dont heal but try to whore achievements :p
Thing is, why are people going after these achievements so much? It is a support class, and in the end no one will really play medics except for the type of people (teamplayers who are in it for the greater good) who already knew how to play it.

The douche bags who play it now think medic is an offense class or something, running around with their saw..

I hope Valve doesn't ruin a good game by trying to get these solo-type players into the game, because it doesn't work that way.

I admit I shouldn't be so annoyed, but I really am.
I've really been annoyed in games lately....out of 14 people there are 8 god damn medics...ridiculous...I used to play a lot..but now have only put in like 3 hours in the last week...
I admit I shouldn't be so annoyed, but I really am.

Feel the same way. At least I'm not like the people who run around screaming that valve should nerf whatever it is they don't like about the game.....but, damn. It's not often a game of this caliber comes around, and stays around. (Note I wasn't into gaming when the original was popular). I guess the time spent away from the game will make the return that much sweeter.