TF2 Spy Update!

has anyone else noticed that there's now a permanent (even when unzoomed) reticle for the sniper?
Fuck casuals, seriously. No offense but casuals are ruining gaming.

With the same vehemence, I saw fuck achievements. Personally I think they should just give the new items to people. If someone wants to get achievements just because they want too, more power to them (I know quite a few people who just like to get them) They grind to their hearts content.

But for those of us who actually want to win the map and not jump in place for 10 minutes or run around punching people while ubered, just give us the damn weapons.

Its not like most of the new weapons are super awesome anyways. (At least with previous updates, I haven't tried new ones yet). They are different, but rarely ZOMG overpowered.
People would be ok with it if you only got items you dont have and you didn't get multiple of the same. People get Sandman x 3 and shit like that.
People would be ok with it if you only got items you dont have and you didn't get multiple of the same. People get Sandman x 3 and shit like that.

I'm not ok with it, even if I got new items. I want achievement milestones back. Call it a reward for playing well and putting the effort in. Not some russian roulette joke of a reward system, that 'gifts' you randomly. Zero sense of accomplishment
Well if you got items you didn't have it would be a better solution for what they are trying to do for casuals (aka more money)
You know what, after thinking about it, I don't mind this. Now when an update comes out I don't have to spend my play time grinding for achievements. I'm not a casual TF2 player and every update that came out before this I've always hated getting achievements (which I couldn't care less about) just to unlock a weapon (which I did care about).
Anyone else disappointed with the lack of an update for the snipers machete? They've had melee unlocks for every single other class, and almost all of them (exception of bullshit sandman) being good enough to replace the standard one.
Anyone else disappointed with the lack of an update for the snipers machete? They've had melee unlocks for every single other class, and almost all of them (exception of bullshit sandman) being good enough to replace the standard one.

well, we got 2 smg replacements to make up for it i guess...

i dunno, i guess i'm biased, but i always loved the sniper's machete... sometimes when i jump down on a group of enemies wielding it (and many times killing lots of them), i feel like rambo :)
well, we got 2 smg replacements to make up for it i guess...

i dunno, i guess i'm biased, but i always loved the sniper's machete... sometimes when i jump down on a group of enemies wielding it (and many times killing lots of them), i feel like rambo :)

a little CHOP CHOP
I love melee, esp as pyro. Light 2-3 people up and then start swinging the fireaxe
i hope someone gets a cheat out for this asap, new unlock system is horrible.
I keep unlocking items that I already have... what is the point of allowing that?
Unless there is some way to trade or sell your already unlocked unlocks, it's totally stupid.
gah, just give everyone the option to use the new weapons... the nobody gives a shit after the first hour of new weapons and goes back to the classes they normally use...

That kind of brings up a point.

If you are taking away the "new weapon unlocks from achievements" so that 'casual players' can now get them, and making it completely random...

...well, I mean, if you really don't care ANYTHING about how engaged someone is with the game, how much time they put into it, or how much skill they have, before you start giving them freebies...

...why not just give EVERYONE playing ALL the unlocks right away? I mean, the affect is the same - casual players get all the new toys. And it would feel a little less arbitrary (and still make them just as empty and meaningless to piss off your long-term players, which seems to have been the goal).
It's bugged apparently


I bounced a quick mail to Valve’s very own Saxton Hale, TF2 lead-guy Robin Walker, who reckons there’s some sort of bug in the system that’s meaning people aren’t getting unlocks even after hours of play. “Not at all how it’s tuned,” apparently. Which is, I think, the first time I’ve been relieved to hear a game has a bug - it means the problem will get fixed.

“As in everything else we do, we want to iterate, so this is really the first step towards our desired implementation. We also think we have bugs in the system as well, since we’re seeing some players not finding any items after a few hours of play, which is not at all how it’s tuned. We want unlockable drops to be a pretty regular occurrence for players, with the cosmetic hats being the rare finds.”
I still don't get it...

Do you get new weapons by picking up ammo? Or are they rewarded after you die and respawn, or what?

I killed a Scout last night and remember moving forward, maybe I picked up his gun, and picked up (I think) one of the Spy's weapons... or is that how I got it?
And if you happen to not pick up their ammo, you end up missing an unlock?

You can also go to the ammo cabinets just randomly?
I don't think anyone knows for certain. I played for 5 hours yesterday and did not find anything except a new spy watch.
I don't think anyone knows for certain. I played for 5 hours yesterday and did not find anything except a new spy watch.

Yeah, that's exactly what I found... and have no idea how I actually "found" it... walking over the person's weapon I just killed? Was it just "awarded"?

I have no idea how this is working, and "finding" that watch (like you did) happened in four hours of play for me, while others were "finding" things left-and-right.

How could they release a patch without telling people for sure how the hell this works?

Well, if anyone does know for certain, I and obviously others would like to know, so please drop a line because this is relatively aggravating. Don't want to be wasting time trying to run up and grab fallen enemy weapons if that's now how you "find" things.

I was just on a popular server filled to the brim with people asking this same question and no one seems to have a clue.
Yesterday I found the KGB, the kritzkreig, and the Jarate. Finding shit you already have sucks.
Ok, I haven't played TF2 since the pyro update, so it's been a while. If you die, do you lose your new weapon? I mean, is the purpose of collecting the same ones to avoid running out? So, if the sniper has the bow and you take him out and pick it up, it's now yours, and he can no longer use it? I'm just taking a random guess from what people are saying, I can't understand why else you would need the same weapon. It seems kind of like a weird system. The purpose of the game is working with your team, and developing a strategy, not collecting items.
I played for about 2.5 hours today and found the Ambassador, Razorback, Huntsman, Dead Ringer, and the KGB. I don't think it has to do with picking anything up, it's just random. One thing that I did notice is that I was laying down the law damn near everytime I found something. The last half hour or so i was just dicking around with a heavy and didn't find anything. FYI...all weapons were found with a soldier.

How? Are they laying around? Do players drop them when they die? Do you get them by picking up ammo?

No, No, and No. It's completely random from what I and 31 others experienced earlier today.
Hopefully someone makes a hack to circumvent the retarded random weapon unlock system like with the achievements.
I played for about 2.5 hours today and found the Ambassador, Razorback, Huntsman, Dead Ringer, and the KGB. I don't think it has to do with picking anything up, it's just random. One thing that I did notice is that I was laying down the law damn near everytime I found something. The last half hour or so i was just dicking around with a heavy and didn't find anything. FYI...all weapons were found with a soldier.

No, No, and No. It's completely random from what I and 31 others experienced earlier today.

yea, i dont know if it helps, but when i got my unlocks, i was beating the shit out of the entire other team at the moment...

maybe your kill/death ratio in the moment has something to do with it?
It doesn't help to be owning the other team. It is totally and utterly random.

My first unlock was when the gate opened and I was headshotted instantly at the starting horn. I got Jarate wtf?
It doesn't help to be owning the other team. It is totally and utterly random.

My first unlock was when the gate opened and I was headshotted instantly at the starting horn. I got Jarate wtf?

You won the newb achievement of getting headshotted.
im pissed off at this new system, i loved tf2, and now i cant seem to find enough energy to double click it because its SO gay now..
i've been afk in a server for probably the past 5 hours and only unlocked one thing, sitting in spawn the whole time.

fyi it was that glass of juice for the sniper. I played a few minutes and noticed it gave me the back-burner which I already had.
It doesn't help to be owning the other team. It is totally and utterly random.

My first unlock was when the gate opened and I was headshotted instantly at the starting horn. I got Jarate wtf?

I've said it over and over if you are losing you are not owning the other team they are owning you. TF2 is not a twitch shooter. A good mix of classes working together will beat even so called fps elite that are just trying to score kills. Yeah some of the one on one may be random (most of it isn't) but a good TEAM will steam roll a bad one every time.
I played the payload map a bit more, it's actually pretty fun if you get some even teams battling back and forth... It's not as much fun when you just steam-roll them though, rounds end too quickly..

The more coordinated team will definitely win, you need atleast 1 engy on defense with a sentry, cause if they get it inside your base, they can go the back-route and ninja-cap it on 2 of the levels. (the one where the payloads go up side-by-side is fun as well, but they're out in the open so it's pretty much whoever can scout-rush and keep the scouts on the payload longer is gonna win)

It helped I was playing in a server with 10-15 second respawns, I figure that map would be too hard with instant-respawns... I do loathe defending with 20 second respawns though... you can push a cart pretty far within 20 seconds =/
I'm pretty sure that those achievement servers are the main reason why valve went to the random unlocks. Some people got them the hard way (by playing the game) and the rest got them through achievement servers or cheated via/shitty scripts and hacks.

valve didn't like people doing that, so they took it away :(

sucks... I worked very hard to upgrade my medic without ever once stepping into an achievement server. Now some schmuck can get the same shit in 5 mins

Why didn't anybody else pick up on this? This is what I thought right out of the gates. I have people on my friend's list with ridiculous total damage and most health healed stats, you know what I mean, the 1,264,968 points healed stuff? Why work for what you can get for free. The actions of few dictate the many yet again. Instead of people discouraging the servers, they had their patrons and served their purpose.

Don't get me wrong, I have a few hours invested in the game and never once logged onto an achievement server. I am actually really surprised I haven't read a "come on, who HASN'T logged on to an achievement server!?!?" and then 97% of us would raise our hands. But I actually think Valve gave when they were pushed. I don't think they are getting soft just smart, even if I really don't like it.
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Lol this reminds me of magic finding in d2, never know wtf your going to get

New tf2 blog update made me lol:

Like everything else we build, we'll be iterating on this system for a while, and have a lot of features planned. Some of the next things we have planned are:

- Item trading. This is why you're finding duplicates.

- Giving players a method to influence the system so they can work directly toward getting specific items.

- Adding more rare items like the hats.

Trade, Magic find, epic items?!?! ;) And I guess we shouldn't have been laughing when they added
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This system rocks, it doesn't change anything about the gameplay and people are upset.

Get over it, If you don't like putting hours into TF2 then maybe you don't like playing TF2 *gasp*.
This system rocks, it doesn't change anything about the gameplay and people are upset.

Get over it, If you don't like putting hours into TF2 then maybe you don't like playing TF2 *gasp*.

We LOVE putting hours into TF2 - when it feels like you are working toward a goal and you can see the results. It's like levelling up. In the old system, you can see how far you off and what you need to accomplish to get your unlocks.

This new one is totally random. A noob can spent 10 minutes in the game and get a ton of unlocks. A vet can spend 10 hours in the game and not find a single thing. Random SUCKS.