TF2's Latest & Greatest Update!

Looks like a pretty decent fake, but why add a class this late in the game? A class that can't do much at that.
interesting. Could be an update for the engy giving him a mechanical dog to protect his stuff? It is from Australia, but hard to believe they'd update the sniper so soon.
haha - that actually does look like fun. Got the impression from OP link that you could play as the dog.

Whoever made that link went to some really great lengths to put all that together... would kindof be a shame if it's fake.
If only they put as much effort into not writing the copy like an invalid as they did the layout.

it's on the TF2 developer blog... I'm guessing that letter is the response to the fakers?
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The letter is not a fake nor is the guard dog. Its on the Valve developer blog. It is all part of the typical Valve shenanigans.
The letter is not a fake nor is the guard dog. Its on the Valve developer blog. It is all part of the typical Valve shenanigans.
The letter was made by Valve, the Guard Dog was made by a fan. It popped up on the SteamPowered forums first.

And no, Valve doesn't intend on creating a dog class according to Robin Walker.
hehe would be cool if after you killed someone with your "Guard dog" you could piss on their corpse to mark you territory. :D
I'm so fucking confused. Valve have gone a little overboard with the whole "internet-ness" of TF2 and I seriously can't differentiate between when their cracking a complex joke and just being your typical brainless internet sheeple. And yes, people who enunciate the world "LOL", frequently use the word "fail" to describe shortcomings and arbitrarily quote and reference the mannerisms and speech patterns of video game characters are, in point of fact, typical brainless internet sheeple.

It's a devolution in the modern information-based world of rather alarming implications.
Looks to me like the guard dog and the first link is a fan invention. The letter is a response from Valve thanking them for the cool idea and that it is "under consideration" but it's not really going to be in the game.
Argh...yea, I posted the original link and I'm now confused. I see the point on the URL, didn't catch that at first. Who knows at this point lol
And yes, people who enunciate the world "LOL", frequently use the word "fail" to describe shortcomings and arbitrarily quote and reference the mannerisms and speech patterns of video game characters are, in point of fact, typical brainless internet sheeple.

It's a devolution in the modern information-based world of rather alarming implications.
The guard dog was a fan mockup posted on the TF2 forum first. Valve obviously saw it and wanted to acknowledge the effort put behind it, so they made the saxton hale letter. It's not a real update, and it would horrible unbalance the game if it was.