Thank You!! [H]ardOCP


Jul 9, 2004
I would just like to say, from the bottom of my heart, thank you all. The new title is greatly appreciated. Do I get to keep it, even if i like it? Well, if you find a worse one, then I will still like it. Thanks so much! Keep it up!


fake edit: I feel so endebted that I am going to buy another year of forum membership.

real edit: I bought the extra year. After the holidays, perhaps another, but i'm minding my money ;)
NOTD665 said:
I wants a title too. :(
I'd point you to the thread ( but it's in GenMay, so you may not be able to see exactly what happened. You might try searching all of apHytHiaTe's posts to see the one in question -- don't know if it'll show despite GenMay status or not.

Here's the executive summary:

One member, after pulling a JeffK, commented "that's it, send me back to Noobie Cheeze" (which predates the modern "n00b" but postdates the classic "Stank Cheeze").

Kyle appears and says "*poof*," which is, of course, the magic word to duck and cover. Anyone else venturing into the thread -- like our intrepid friend above -- deserves what he gets.

Me, I got mine twisting the rules in a late-night poof-fest.
Hey, I asked for it! And i'm dead serious! I love it.

V V check out my sig... Is that too risky, mods?:frown: I made it up, and my mom didnt even help me :cool: