"Thanks for the Brick!" How HP Stole Christmas!


Feb 8, 2001
My wife and I are newlyweds, and would be described as your average techno-yuppies. I'm 24, she is 22. We have been married for almost 6 months, lived together for almost a year now, and before we were married, we dated for the good part of 7 years. We have spent many a Christmas together, but this year was special, this was the first Christmas as a married couple, the first year we were a unit outside our families, the first year we felt like adults.

She is a budding new esthetician at a Salon here in town, and I just got a pretty important promotion at work, so we were going to be having some money coming in. Things are going right for once in our lives, and we are finally getting ahead.

So, for Christmas this year, we both decided that we should get a joint gift for each other, something we had both been dreaming of getting for a while now. We wanted a laptop.

Now, being the computer geeks we are, we both wanted to get something high end, and HP was giving us a pretty decent line of credit for the laptop, my father in law works as an engineer for HP, and hell, I even worked on their thermal inkjet line for 3 years right out of high school. The choice was of course, HP.

So, we went online, and configured the laptop we wanted. We ended up with a 1.6 ghz Core Duo 2 with a gig of RAM and a GeForce Go 7600 with 512mb of video memory.

We were both very, very excited that it was coming, and HP had promised for it to be here on the 23rd, so we could have it all weekend to play with. My wife and I had lined out all the software we were going to install, all the games, and dreamt of playing WoW on a laptop. She would be able to bring it to work and use it between clients, and I could bring it to work at night and work on homework in my lab during my down time.

After checking the tracking number every hour to see where our laptop was, it amazingly made it from Shanghai to Anchorage to Indianapolis to Portland and finally to Corvallis in just about 48 hours. Looking at the FedEx tracking report, and due to time zones, it seemed the laptop was traveling time on its way to our home. Maybe this time travel and the speed associated with going back in time is what caused our laptop's early demise.

This morning, I checked the tracking number right before I went to bed, and it was on the truck ready for delivery. It was being delivered to our inlaws house, and no one was home to pick it up, so my wife drove out to FedEx to pick it up.

She shows up at home and yells from the door "IT IS HERE!", as I jump from bed to meet her. We both open it up, giggling giddily awaiting our new toy.

The first thing that seems weird is that the sticker on it says "Intel Centrino Duo" on it. Weird. The windows authentication sticker on the bottom was ripped up a little bit. Strange. Everything else looks prestine and in the right order.

So, we plug it in and press the power. The blue power lights come on, the CD whirls up for half a second.

Then nothing.

The lights stay on, no noise, no screen, no POST data, nothing. I try everything I could think of at the time. I check the RAM, switch the sticks, leave only one in. Nothing.

After being on hold for over an hour, I finally get through to tech support, and by tech support I mean an Indian guy who knows much less than I do about computers, and even less english, and is obviously reading from a script.

"Now take out the battery. See the 2 screws under it? Take them out and remove the 2 green chips." He was trying to get me to do what I had already done, check the RAM, but was giving me horribly wrong instructions. After talking to him for an hour, getting even more frustrated, I end up hanging up mid sentance, knowing there is no chance for this thing if I continue to listen to this guy.

Finally, extremely pissed knowing that our Christmas present is pretty much DoA, I call Customer Service and luckily get someone from North America, and tell him the problem and how pissed I was. He was nice enough to give us a $70 credit to our account, but we have to ship our lappy back to HP so they can give us a credit to our account and we can purchase a new laptop. What a pain, considering FedEx is a good 15 miles away.

So, in short, our join Christmas present of a HP dv9000t laptop turns its lights on when you press the power button and is bricked beyond that for all I can tell. Great.

I'm just hoping that when we order a new one, we can get the same one for the same price under the same specials, which are now over. If not, we are going to have to settle for a cheaper laptop, let alone get our Christmas present many weeks later.

So far, our first Christmas as a married couple is starting to suck, unless any of you know how I could possibly un-brick this thing before I send it back off this morning...
Call 'em back, raise all holy hell to get something done pronto. For all that hassle, I'd be on the phone all day long and I'd be getting a new laptop with better specs and that $70 credit or more and I'd wouldn't let up till I did.

But that's just me... doesn't hurt to call back and really let them know how you feel, and don't waste time with the first person you speak to: ask for a supervisor, and when the super gets on the phone, ask for that person's manager and then deal.

Happy Holidays... regardless :(
You should be able to get another one for the same price, even if the promo is now over. Why not changing it for another one, did you try asking that?
you should be able to return it for a replacement.....

dell = shit, except for those kickass monitors ;)
iRoNgHosT said:
So far, our first Christmas as a married couple is starting to suck, ...

Wow, the marketing machine has really done its job!! Wake up!! You're both healthy, you have each other and it sounds like your life is going good!! Don't base the quality of your holidays on a material object!! :rolleyes: (<- I know you're rolling your eyes! :D )

Having said that, I'd have called them back, demanded a new one be shipped overnight or get a complete refund and go somewhere else and buy one. ;)
When Dell f***s up they give you something better as an exchange. Im sure you can get something out of HP as well. Dont be angry but be firm. Ask for a manager etc. You will probably get a gift certificate, coupon or an upgrade. My Dell died 3 times and my laptop went from having the cheapest hard drive to having the best hard drive lol. Dont really need it but nice of them to give freebies when they screw up.
we have three dell laptops and they are all about three months old and i have had to work on all three of them twice. I have a HP and it is about 1 year and 3 months old never once worked on.
From my point of view I think Dell and Toshiba are the best. HP, umm not so good. They tend to last a little bit. I have a friend who has a HP notebook, and it was working fine, then it started to do some funny things. He didn't do anything to it, so I must warn you. Dell is selling some C2D/CD notebooks for real cheap prices.
from consumer reports:


Considering the extremely large volume of laptops Dell ships, they're doing quite well...

Do any of the keyboard LEDs blink during the booting attempt? Tried booting only from AC w/ no battery? Does the LCD backlight powerup?
Alias2 said:
I've spent alot of time defedning Sony, having owned a few of them. Now I can tell everyone where to stick it.

doesn't really mean much because it would have to be in terms of repair / sold. Id say that makes them look bad because they dont ship even remotely near the ammount of Dell and HP.

Just because they ship less machines leading to less possible broken machines doesnt make them any better.
Vashypooh said:
doesn't really mean much because it would have to be in terms of repair / sold. Id say that makes them look bad because they dont ship even remotely near the ammount of Dell and HP.

Just because they ship less machines leading to less possible broken machines doesnt make them any better.

That graph, while I don't trust it, is percentage based...
Funny thing about the windows sticker on the bottom being ripped up... I just got a DV6119us from circuit city ... first one I got had a dead pixel in the center of the screen.. circuit city exchanged it no questions asked... the next one I got worked great and had no problems... only thing I did noticde was that the windows sticker on the bottom was slightly rubbed/torn in the center.... very weird.. I thought It might be used but cant find a single thing wrong with it... Sorry your HP buying experience has been a bad one. I currently work for them in Houston Tx so of course my purcahse had to be an HP laptop.