Thanks for the Pimpage


Jun 9, 2003
I just wanted to send out a thank you to whoever put the message in the top right corner of the main [H] site - everything you guys do to keep us supported is appreciated.

I just hope I didn't make a new thread about this if there is one I missed further down. :D

But again, thanks for the pimpage guys - you keep writing, we'll keep folding.

But I'm not really bothered by reposts. I get really irritated when all anyone has to say about anything is "REPOST!!!".

It is cool though. I missed it the first few times.
Yeah, my bad...almost at the bottom of page 2 though...and I never noticed it the past couple days (either in here, or at the top of the main page) I figured it was new today and wouldn't be that far back. My mistake. :(
It's all good. The DC forum seems to be *much* friendlier than the rest of hardforms.

It irritates me to death when people get all bent out of shape over the slightest breaches of etiquette.

It happens.
don't feel bad... we need to thank Kyle, Steve and the rest of the [H]ard team for the pimpage as often as we can... It's greatly appreciated and does wonders for our team and more importantly, F@H as a whole!

Keep on Folding!!
