That's it, I QUIT!!!

Jun 7, 2004
The other day I decided it was time to quit smoking after almost 20 years of smoking a pack a day. As an incentive, to help me quit, I decided I would reward myself with a new case and custom WC setup. As if prolonging my life wasn't enough. ;)

I ordered up some stuff from DD and a new case from Newegg and it all showed up today. As I'm looking at everything I start noticing some problems. How do I mount my fan to my radiator? I've seen some pictures and it looks like they just run a bolt all the way through the rad? I guess being very careful not to damage anything as you force it through? Seems like there would be a better way. When I mount my rad, does it have to be fittings on top? Or can I lay it on its side?

I would love to be able to show you guys some pictures but I can't figure out how to post any. Can someone give me a quick rundown on how to post some pix?

Jeeez, I feel like the uber n00b. Thanks for your help guys.
There's a few ways to do it.

By far the easyest is to just ziptye the bastards together, but for thoes wanting a more "professional" look...

Use standard fan screws... Screw the fan to the rad (putting the screwdriver through the first level of holes to do it) and then the fan to the case, or whatever way you want to do it...

BUT, if you hate yourself, you can try putting some nuts behind the flange on the rad, and cut some bolts down to go just past the flange and nut.......

I hate myself... so guess what way i tried :p

BTW: grats on quitting... I've reduced my smoking from 1 pack to 4 cigs a day, and I feel like killing people... next step is to stop compleatly....
BuBBa said:
BTW: grats on quitting... I've reduced my smoking from 1 pack to 4 cigs a day, and I feel like killing people... next step is to stop compleatly....

Thanks man. To be perfectly honest I have had a few here and there from friends. But not buying them and having them around helps a lot. I'm averaging about one a day. It's not quite as bad as I thought it was going to be but still very tough. Good luck on quitting yourself and thanks for the response.

Anyone wanna help me post some pix?? Give me a quick walkthrough how to do it?
Take some pics and then create an account here and upload them:

After you upload them take the URL and post it (you can either do it as a link or use the IMG tags like this:
to embed them).

Congrates on quieting, I've smoked for close to 10 years now and I can still make a pack last me for several months (three or four at the most). :D
I actually quit .. alittle over 2 months ago now ... and i smoked for .. 24 years .. it's been rough don't get me wrong .. but .. just keep telling you self .. it seems to help i'll smoke one in a hour i'll smoke one tommorrow etc .. and that is how i've kept my self going so far

and how about this since you say you are done if you go back to smoking you have to send me your WC :)

that is good :D
Be carefull, if the screw penetrated radiator's fin then it will leak. To be safe use zipties,
If you have a shroud though, its not quite so simple. I just got some of those mounting kits from 2fresh for $10, worked really well. Just stick it through and cap the end, and cut off whats left. Check the FS/FT forums, or The nylon ones are what im talking about, nice and flexible too.
A simplier way than the bolt method is to use small/thin zip ties. This is if you don't go the shroud method. Take one zip tie, put it through the screw hole of the fan and pull until the end (locking side) stops and can't go any farther. Run the other (thin end) through the radiator's fins and out the other side, and slide another zip-ties locking end on that, cut the excess of both zip ties. You may need a washer on one end depending the radiator and weight of the fan, but it works pretty good. Repeat as necessary.
Cool!! Thanks for the link CrimandEvil and thanks for the ideas guys. I'm sure I'll have more questions. I'll get some pix together and post them.