The 2010 Illusion of the Year

Just goes to show that one shouldn't always believe what they see. ;)
thats pretty sweet. usually i cant see tho ones that u have to concentrate and look thru the image type ones, so this one makes me :)
Hah, cool. The name threw me off so I thought he was using magnets or something to pull the balls to the middle. Makes me want to build my own now :D.
Epic. I actually couldn't figure this one out until the rotation.


A couple of other optical illusions..


If you look carefully, after a few seconds you'll be able to see Toronto's CN Tower in the background..
No wonder ICP get so confused by magnets with crazy stuff like this going on
WTH ???

That was cool. And with the music, it had this interesting "7th Guest" feel to it.
They really are not optical illusions if we can only see it on a 2d surface. Then they are just images. A great optical illusion would be on a 3d surface.
Hah, cool. The name threw me off so I thought he was using magnets or something to pull the balls to the middle. Makes me want to build my own now :D.

Yea, threw me off to until the rotation...T4rd, so you wanna build one heh? I see lets do it! haha. :D
the best optical illusions are when they take a mask of a persons face, and paint the inside to look like the outside. when the viewing the inside of the mask the brain cannot properly apply depth perception, as a result it looks like a face that is always looking at you no matter the orientation
It's neat but nothing newsworthy, you can tell from the shadows that it's forced perspective, and also the last ball rolled down faster and in less time then the others. I figured it out before any balls started rolling though... I guess I'm more curious as to who gave this an "illusion of the year" award more then anything
T4rd, so you wanna build one heh? I see lets do it! haha. :D

VERY easy to do with any 3d program. Setup a camera showing the "fake" model, then extrude the "real" model from that so they match up.

I think a couple years ago on this very site there was MUCH more complex "illusions" like this shown, anyone remember? Something with a dragon or oragami-like creature.
Have to be careful on the lighting of these, otherwise the shadows give it away...
I actually built one of those dragons. really it is only an illusion when viewed in 2D, with 3D the brain can see the discrepancy and it doesn't look like much of anything
Just wondering: do girls with inverted nipples have tits that always look like they're looking right at you?
music from the wonderful "World of Goo".
best casual game ever!

after that and "Plants Vs Zombies", my GF hounds me for new similar games. shouldn't have made the mistake of spoiling her.
Just wondering: do girls with inverted nipples have tits that always look like they're looking right at you?
dunno, looking for cute female volunteers to test the theory with, please email photos or address in atl area....

lol all the 40 year old soccer moms and scrambling to get the point and shoot to meet your request enjoy!
TechLarry: The 7th guest is also exactly what I thought of when I heard that music!
listening to this, only have headphones, what are you supposed to hear?

Glad I'm not the only one to not understand this.

Supposedly, after hearing it over and over and over, it's supposed to sound like singing...

Even when you say it again yourself...

I don't sing, so none of it ever sounded like singing to me anyway, but especially not when I said it again to myself...