The 8 Most Irritating Types of Gadget Owners

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
This list of the 8 most irritating types of gadget owners is pretty funny…because it is true.

The spoiled chick: You know, the one who happens to own all the cool gadgets you could ever want, but seems content to put Hello Kitty rhinestones on them and use them for things like hanging clothes. Yeah, that chick.
I'd definitely go with the bluetooth warrior. They actually do say "chief" alot.
What I truly don't get about your typical person who is #1 is they have the bluetooth on in the office but when they get to the car they put the bluetooth away and use the handset to drive. Must I know at all times that you are on the phone?! (Sorry ladies, I see this mostly with you unfortunately)
Doesn't even need to be a bluetooth warrior... every mother fucker who uses a bluetooth headset in public is my personal enemy. I swear, I'm getting old or something because I liked the good old days when you talked to yourself in public people steered clear of your crazy ass.
I feel like probably all of us here at [H] are a little bit #4... :cool:
Doesn't even need to be a bluetooth warrior... every mother fucker who uses a bluetooth headset in public is my personal enemy. I swear, I'm getting old or something because I liked the good old days when you talked to yourself in public people steered clear of your crazy ass.

This. It's so creepy seeing some teenager walking around the mall, staring at nothing, talking out loud to nobody. I want to scream "what the makes you so important that you think you need to be in constant contact with somebody 24 hours a day? Do you have the nuclear launch codes or something, or is your life so boring that you need to manufacture drama via a constant stream of gossip with your equally unimpressive friends?"
Just a little? ;)

Well, some of the people on here for sure. Not all. Some of the, "I'll buy 3 480's in Tri-SLI and watercool them with my new SSD's" guys are for sure like that, yet they don't know basic networking or other stuff. I'm not knocking them, but yeah.

I'd say number 3 is the worst. Definitely know people like that.
they forgot the "show off" idiots that pull their shirt behind their phone/ipod, just so people can see it
Is there a #9 for linux/apple zealots? I mean windows isnt perfect but its far from the monster said zealots would have you believe and the staggering lack of insight they sometimes show is rather annoying.

#4 seems a bit biased, unless the person spouting it is actually an ignorant blockhead who is using technical jargon to impress. Example: In high school I had this nerdy guy who constantly touted his laptop around tell me once that he custom made it (the laptop) himself by sawing a motherboard up, among other components, so it would be lighter and fit into the laptop casing. :eek:

I often have to speak in a way opposite of #4 to explain things to relatives. Using expanded definitions and dumbing it down a bit. Some people might find that insulting though, so it's rather precarious.
EDIT: Probably need to change #9 in my previous post to grossly misinformed macbook users since we are talking gadgets.
they forgot the "show off" idiots that pull their shirt behind their phone/ipod, just so people can see it

You mean like this guy?

they forgot the "show off" idiots that pull their shirt behind their phone/ipod, just so people can see it

They forgot apple fanboys altogether. The single most annoying group of gadget owners.
My sister is number 5. If she weren't family I would so kick her out of the house. Or I would take her phone and smash it to bits.
I agree they missed out on "the gadget elitist" whom attach their ego to their gadgetry.

I'm #6. I have to stop myself from teaching people about something geeky that they don't care about. :p
I agree they missed out on "the gadget elitist" whom attach their ego to their gadgetry.

I'm #6. I have to stop myself from teaching people about something geeky that they don't care about. :p

Don't let that glazed look in their eyes fool you, they all want to know more!!
#1 I've seen and just laugh at them.
#2 and #5 are almost the same thing and I have a friend that does this
#7 describes a client of mine

I learned a long time ago how not to be a #4. Hint: Looked for the glazed eyes and #2 and #5
Parents. Parents are by far the worst, because if they can't get something to work right, they always blame me for "breaking" it.
Number 1 is SO annoying.

We all have number 4 in some regard.

Number 7 is WAY too many of my friends, including my mom. She won't let me show her which keyboard shortcuts are for paste and copy and cut, but always complains about how long it takes to right click and everything.

I totally agree about 9 and mac users. They think they rule the world with their laptops.. go eff off.
The bluetooth thing I hate. How many times you see this and think the person is talking to you then you respond and the look at you like you're the crazy one!?
Totally feel #8 should be omitted. I just can't figure out why some people think that once you become a parent you instantly become a moron.