The Altcoin Thread

I'm not too terribly concerned about the dogecoin buy order; 72BTC is only ~$45,000 USD (watch and you will routinely see transactions that reach into the quintuple digits). I think it's a matter of staying power. If people are using this 'for teh lulz' then it's going to fail, simple as that. If it turns into a kind of 'cryptocoin for Reddit and 4chan' then it may continue to have a future.
As fun as mining is (who doesn't want to sit there and watch a box make noise all day long while twiddling thumbs), I've decided that for me it'll be more fun to be a bit more "involved" in the process. I'll be officially changing over one of my VPS's to Ubuntu probably tomorrow when my work holiday starts and see if I can start putting together some pools for folks to use.

Don't worry, I won't muscle in on you guys here. :)
As fun as mining is (who doesn't want to sit there and watch a box make noise all day long while twiddling thumbs), I've decided that for me it'll be more fun to be a bit more "involved" in the process. I'll be officially changing over one of my VPS's to Ubuntu probably tomorrow when my work holiday starts and see if I can start putting together some pools for folks to use.

Don't worry, I won't muscle in on you guys here. :)

Good luck, I started a couple but due to low hash rates, we never found a block and it was pretty much abandoned
You're right, as far as I know you can't yet use your credit card to buy cryptos except maybe here in Canada where we have the very first BTC ATM machine. However, if someone is going to buy any crypto with USD, then I would also first invite them to buy something like BTC which is currently more accepted than WDC. In fact, they could then purchase WDC with their BTC if they wanted.

Again, I will be blunt, but I currently liken WDC to car wash tokens. Even if the ability exists to buy them with real money, outside of the limited number of locations that accept them they're pretty much useless.

It's true, the same could be said for BTC right now, but at least BTC is getting accepted (or at least getting considered) on its own merits and by some noteworthy vendors no less. If Paypal decides to accept BTC (which may actually happen), then by virtue of accepting Paypal, a vendor can indirectly accept BTC payments as well.

For the record, I'm not trying to rain on anyone's parade on purpose. I'm merely providing an unbiased point of view.

As for the wallet, yes, I have the WDC wallet. I'm glad they updated it finally.. the old one had horrendous connection issues.

Thought Finland had the first BTC ATM machine? Maybe i'm wrong, either way...

Remember when LTC was a joke? Or how about BTC?

Learn more about the team, watch the interviews, do more research. You'll thank me one day. ;)
Good luck, I started a couple but due to low hash rates, we never found a block and it was pretty much abandoned

Honestly, I'm going to do it more for fun. Plus I have a couple forums that will probably through some hashes on it. If you all don't care, once I get up and running I'll post up here to let everybody add it as an alt mining pool.

Personally, I like doing this kind of stuff. It's more a learning thing for me - if I'm not learning something I'm not having fun. I have two colocated servers basically sitting idle right now. Might as well make use of them, right?


On a more serious note, what's the consensus on the various altcoins? Which ones are here to stay long term other than Litecoin? To me, Feathercoin still has appeal, but it's just "there". Worldcoin seems to have a lot of ambition and an actual plan. Everything else really seems like a lot of "me-too".
I'm mining ftc and wdc. Although I'm only getting around 375kh/s so I switch back and forth each day
doge coin is back on the rise again.

I know... I see that and think "Just my luck". The DOGE pool I use was down this morning... all of my miners weren't connecting, or were losing connection intermittently. So I switched over to WDC (I don't have any backup pools set... I should really do that). Now I see the price is up, the pool is back, and my machines aren't working on it and I'm at work and can't switch them. Oh well, WDC needs some luvin' anyway.
I know... I see that and think "Just my luck". The DOGE pool I use was down this morning... all of my miners weren't connecting, or were losing connection intermittently. So I switched over to WDC (I don't have any backup pools set... I should really do that). Now I see the price is up, the pool is back, and my machines aren't working on it and I'm at work and can't switch them. Oh well, WDC needs some luvin' anyway.
hehe. Logmein works well. I notice it does not screw up mining :) Pulling almost 2,000 hashrates. Found a nice little pool were we are finding 1-2 blocks a day.
Anyone using middlecoin? I'm tempted to drop LTC and move to middlecoin and mine for auto BTC exchange there.
Anyone using middlecoin? I'm tempted to drop LTC and move to middlecoin and mine for auto BTC exchange there.

I've used it, but the massive growth he has had the past week has put a lot of stress on the server.

Connection issues......
Good to know. I was going to switch to Middlecoin (if DOGE and other coins kept dropping in value) today, but I guess I'll hold off to see how things pan out before switching.
Anyone using middlecoin? I'm tempted to drop LTC and move to middlecoin and mine for auto BTC exchange there.


Make sure you have backup servers defined so you're not idle if middlecoin has issues. It's nice to be able to automatically switch if a pool goes down for some reason, then automatically switch back once it comes back happy and healthy.

Make sure you have backup servers defined so you're not idle if middlecoin has issues. It's nice to be able to automatically switch if a pool goes down for some reason, then automatically switch back once it comes back happy and healthy.
How are you setting this up mind I ask?
I'm getting shit for WDC. I have about 1,100 kH/s (website estimates bounce between 950 and 1200) and I have only gotten about 12 in close to 24 hours. I should be at least double that. I am mining at the Scharmbeck pool, wtf :mad:
I'm getting shit for WDC. I have about 1,100 kH/s (website estimates bounce between 950 and 1200) and I have only gotten about 12 in close to 24 hours. I should be at least double that. I am mining at the Scharmbeck pool, wtf :mad:

when you're on a small pool they don't find as many blocks which you then don't get paid unless the pool gets really lucky. I tend to either go with a giant pool or solo mine
How are you setting this up mind I ask?

cgminer config file. You can specify multiple pools in the file, it will load them all up and keep track of them for you. Depending on the failover strategy you choose, it will bounce to the next pool in the list, and so on. You can also manually switch pools during mining without having to exit out and specify new command lines and whatnot.
I'm getting shit for WDC. I have about 1,100 kH/s (website estimates bounce between 950 and 1200) and I have only gotten about 12 in close to 24 hours. I should be at least double that. I am mining at the Scharmbeck pool, wtf :mad:

Yeah, Sharm is such a joke... same thing. I still have some miners pointed to it but I have went back to Xpool. Wish Wemine would do a WDC pool--their FTC and LTC have been outstanding and spot on for payouts. has not once had mining issues and ive been mining on it for like 7 days straight.
I'm getting shit for WDC. I have about 1,100 kH/s (website estimates bounce between 950 and 1200) and I have only gotten about 12 in close to 24 hours. I should be at least double that. I am mining at the Scharmbeck pool, wtf :mad:

I use all of the guy's pools are well set up and quite sizable. I've been very happy with his WDC pool. has not once had mining issues and ive been mining on it for like 7 days straight.

They had connection issues last week when the owner found that with the increased interest in DOGE and when they hit 2700 miners, that when a block was discovered, it would bog down the server so bad that the web front end would become unresponsive and miners were getting disconnected. To combat that, he added more server power.

However, just this morning my miners were all disconnected and I couldn't get to the web interface. So the server was having issues. I'm not the only one either according to the posts on the Bitcointalk forums.

So, while you may not have experienced issues yet with scryptpools, they exist... but the good part is it's handled quickly and everyone is back up and running as soon as possible.

EDIT: It's about 3 hours later and I already had all my miners disconnected again from The website was also unavailable at least twice more. In order to get support on this issue, you have to be a member of Bitcointalk forums which has its own inane rules about being able to post (you cannot post immediately after creating an account) which are also not posted in plain sight. So, without being able to maintain a consistent connection and no way to voice my issue, I bit the bullet and went back to the mediocre sized, yet more reliable If my payouts suffer a bit, well, it's a small price to pay to have my miners connected consistently.

EDIT #2: It almost looks like is growing faster than their servers can handle. There have been reports of people with miners sitting idle while they wait for work. I also see the pool efficiency has dropped to 68%. All the more reason to start spreading the hashes around.
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Mined my doge from multipool when they supported it. Got problem from scryptpools and netcode so switched to a more stable one.
I tried a smaller DOGE pool hosted by Nut2Pools, but felt that pool luck was interfering with payouts too often. I almost felt I wasn't earning anywhere close to what the estimate said I should. Yes I know it's an estimate, but once I switched to Scryptpools, it finally felt like I was making what I should. Aside from the hiccups that is.

EDIT: Oops... didn't see I had a further reply on the subject at hand. See the edit to my previous reply... TL,DR: I'm back at Nut2Pools' DOGE pool... too many issues with Scryptpools' pool.
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Oh noes, I sold my junkcoins too low. lol, I had an open order for what I thought was a high price but they've jumped way over that. What pisses me off is that I started mining JKC again earlier but the pool seems to be screwed up so that despite having a 47Mhash/s rate, it's been over an hour since the last block was found which seems impossible.
Unless your cashed out on doge stop wasting your time... but you know what i don't mind. keep the network hashrate low on the more important coins :).

Seriously though, keep some coins on doge, and move on.
Unless your cashed out on doge stop wasting your time... but you know what i don't mind. keep the network hashrate low on the more important coins :).

Seriously though, keep some coins on doge, and move on.

I don't know about anyone else, but I'll be the judge of how my own time is spent and whether it's wasted or not. Thanks for your concern.
Ugh, I understand everyone's complaints about cryptsy now. So terrible. I missed some big trades last night because apparently my orders didn't go through. I guess I have to make sure that the litecoins that I'm using to pay for the order actually move from my normal balance to open order. Ugh, just so slow and terrible.
Ugh, I understand everyone's complaints about cryptsy now. So terrible. I missed some big trades last night because apparently my orders didn't go through. I guess I have to make sure that the litecoins that I'm using to pay for the order actually move from my normal balance to open order. Ugh, just so slow and terrible.

It's fantastic when it works properly. When it's slow, you just have to learn how to use it to your advantage. Sadly they don't allow for negative balances anymore, that actually helped when it was slow.
Apparently Cryptsy has also removed the ability to manually self-audit.

Yay for another day of sitting on deposits for the past 10 hours! Way to cost me money Cryptsy!
I've been happy with transaction speeds at coins-e, I abandoned cryptsy

As soon as I clear all my orders and recoup my coin with Cryptsy, I'll be done with them unless they're absolutely the ONLY place to trade in a particular coin.

I'm going to check out Vircurex and see how well they do, since their market prices seem to be a bit more responsive than Coins-e in terms of volume.
As soon as I clear all my orders and recoup my coin with Cryptsy, I'll be done with them unless they're absolutely the ONLY place to trade in a particular coin.

I'm going to check out Vircurex and see how well they do, since their market prices seem to be a bit more responsive than Coins-e in terms of volume.

I've done my DOGE trading at Vircurex lately. Quick deposits (in comparison to Craptsy)... I think I only ever waited 15 or 20 minutes max for a deposit to confirm. My withdrawals have been near instantaneous. Their volume is actually very good. Prices there are actually sometimes even better than on Craptsy. The only drawback to Vircurex is the fewer trade pairs. But at least they have most of the important ones.
I hate how long these wallets take to sync. The worst of them all is the damn Bitcoin-qt client though. I have about 15gb of it stored on my external hard drive, but damn it takes ages to "scan".

In other news, Doge went through the roof making me regret selling for a loss...and WDC dropped in value after I bought it (I'm holding onto my ~215 WDC though, and will mine it again when I'm done with Doge)
If someone could figure out how to set up another profit switching pool (similar to that of Middlecoin, or that would be just awesome.... and probably a rather profitable venture as well.

Just sayin'. ;)
people on the forums are afraid of trading even when I show them ebay/heatware/amazon and others. Such a hassle sheesh