The Animated GIF Turns 25 Today


And the age old follow-up: what is the proper pronunciation of .gif? *ducks for cover*
Why are .gif's always so small when viewed? Serious question. I know I can zoom, just askin'.

These aren't. :eek::D:p (click them!)

Gifs tend to be smalls because they are usually "pixel art" and doing giant pixel art is time consuming (also most peoples monitors used to be around 800px wide so a bigger then 100px gif would be stupid huge).
I was always a fan of GIF because it supported Alpha unlike JPEG and Bitmap, and up until maybe Windows XP time was more compatible with everything then PNG. Now I prefer PNG unless its a very low color complexity image then I use GIF since it may only be 5KB and have no compression artifacts (compared to JPEG, not PNG).