The Anti-Fold Server

Nope, it's /etc/network. It's the configuration location for if{up|down|config}. Try "ifconfig lo" and see if it's UP with an address of If it is, then the commands worked.

Oh, and of course I forgot a step; add "ifup lo" to /etc/rc.d/sysinit to make sure this comes up on reboot. It has to be before samba starts, for obvious reasons.

Bad EIP Value- basically my kernal panic problems.

Quick google tells me:
1. It's a DSL (Damb Small Linux) deal
2. DSL no like Promise 66 ATA just an FYI
3. It's a hardware issue
Open items:

Samba share thingy
Monitoring via HTTP (I haven't tried this yet??)

Just my thoughts- Once this is done I'll bet you it will be 100% more popular than the fold server. Nothing against the fold server, I just think this fits the needs/wants of a far larger crowd here.
it is a great idea for people who do full system upgrades. I know of lots of people who just shell out the cash for a new box every 3 years or so. having the ability to just put in a cd rom, wait, and reboot is an awesome idea. I like the fold server better because my upgrades consist of a processor, mobo, ram, powersupply, and sometimes network card (if their is no onboard ROM). Plus naked boxen are dead sexy!! :eek: :D
unhappy_mage said:
Nope, it's /etc/network. It's the configuration location for if{up|down|config}. Try "ifconfig lo" and see if it's UP with an address of If it is, then the commands worked.

Oh, and of course I forgot a step; add "ifup lo" to /etc/rc.d/sysinit to make sure this comes up on reboot. It has to be before samba starts, for obvious reasons.

Ok, did all that and still no samba. I can see the folding box in the browse list, but when I click on it, I get permission denied. If I try to map a network drive to \\\fold I get the network path could not be found.

If I type ifconfig lo I see that it is up and has a address of
Seapirate, can you install the new version and try that? I'd like to know if it's the old version breaking things or what. The new version also has a working version of 'smbclient', which helps a lot.

If you download a new version, it'll have working samba (I hope...) and a version of /etc/fold that will finish one unit if called as "/etc/fold oneunit". What you can do is either finish the current unit and reinstall (I'd say do this...) or try to uncompress the new system.tar.gz over the existing filesystem (probably buggy). To do the second, though, do this:
Substitute your cdrom device for hdb:
mount /dev/hdb /mnt
cd /
tar zxvf /mnt/system.tar.gz

I hope that works, anyways... Probably easier to just reinstall.

I was planning on reinstalling as soon as the current work unit was finished, but one I want to reinstall it on first has been running for 2+ days and is only 1/3rd the way done. I may scrape some more parts together and try out a 3rd system tonight or tomorrow.
Did we ever get the Samba share thing figured out? I put up 3 crappers tonight and they all installed beautifully and are folding right along but can't add em to EM3. I can see the share (using \\\fold) and it shows up in Network Neighborhood but I get permission denied when I try to access it. This may have been covered elsewhere but to be honest there is so much linuxspeak in this thread that I got lost on about page 5

Oh yeah! This!

I'll go check on my configuration; I was able to get to it from my linux box, but I don't have a winslows box to test on, so I'll have to boot it up and ask RJ.

Fake edit: It works talking to itself, and to my linux box, but not to Windows. Tarnation, that rassin-frassin' thing still ain't fixed. I'll work on it.

It looks like it is just a permissions problem. Is there a way to have teh fold directory be just open and not protected?
Installed new version, getting a different error and not seeing it in my browse list. "The account is not authorized to login from this station." What user is setup in the smb.conf file?
The problem is with "machine accounts". I could tell you, but then you'd want to shoot you.

Yes, it's that boring. Yes, it breaks it. Yes, I think I can fix it.

Ok, I got my parts from Mary today, I guess I can wait to get them going. If I can edit a config file to make it work, let me know.
Wow, I'm jumping in this one late.... anyway I did not read the whole thread but one thing in the first page caught my eye.

Stanford will not assign bigpackets to any machine that doesn't have at least 256MB of ram. The fold server would have to have 256MB of ram but its clients would not.

Scripting might allow clients with less than 256MB to get a bigpacket on their first WU if the foldserver is the machine that downloads the WU in the first place. But subsequent WU's would be checking the amount of ram installed on the client machine that's actually doing the folding.

And having folded in Linux ramdisks with terminal services or live CD for awhile... running out of ram will always corrupt the WU which is a huge loss in production compared to not getting the type of WU you want. So it's best not to run well below the limits in the dept of ram useage.
Arkaine23 said:
Wow, I'm jumping in this one late.... anyway I did not read the whole thread but one thing in the first page caught my eye.

Stanford will not assign bigpackets to any machine that doesn't have at least 256MB of ram. The fold server would have to have 256MB of ram but its clients would not.

unhappy_mage said:
The problem is with "machine accounts". I could tell you, but then you'd want to shoot you.

Yes, it's that boring. Yes, it breaks it. Yes, I think I can fix it.

Any updates, got some parts on my bench that need a new version to try out.
No, I haven't had time to work on it. Worked 10 hours yesterday. Probably gonna work 10 more today. Sorry for the delays, but if you go ahead and install, I'll figure out a patching scheme so you can just download and install the changes and go from there.

Thanks for sticking with this. Keep bugging me on it, I'll try to get it done ASAP.

Ok, I think I may bug the Linux guru in our office to see if he has a easy fix for samba.
Any chance the flash drive feature will be implemented so we don't have to spin a hard drive?

Why didn't I think of that? I have a working samba configuration for fold-server that's designed for this version of samba. Let me see if that works.

I have been playing with smb.conf file and seems to be ok, but still unable to access fold share. Here is the output from running testparm:
~ # testparm cheries
Load smb config files from /etc/samba/smb.conf
Processing section "[fold]"
Processing section "[printers]"
Loaded services file OK.
Allow connection from cheries ( to fold
Allow connection from cheries ( to printers
This is just a thought....
Coming from my Windows computer to my fold-server, samba asks me for a user name and password.
The username 'dsl' with a blank password works and allows me to access the fold serve directories.
Then if you map those directories as a network drive you don't have to login to them again, or shouldn't anyway.

Hope it helps someone.

Well, I tried the fold-server samba config. No luck, still the same problem. Apparently something's missing.

I'll play with it later, I've got another 10-hour day at work today... :eek: busy? Who's busy?

I simplified the smb.conf file on the recommendation of our Linux guru at work and I get further, but fails to authenticate. Here is what I changed to smb.conf to:
security = share
guest account = nobody
log level = 2
log file = /var/log/log.%m

path = /fold
comment = Share for EM3
public = yes
read only = no
guest account = nobody
I have offically (just did in my world, never bothered to tell anyone) enlisted seapirate to keep on mages butt till this works!

:) :p :D :)

I PM'd Arkaine23 over at his house and it seems to be a law of folding that 256 (240 meg) is the limit for Stanford to send a large WU to a boxen. I guess this means keeping the overhead to an absolute min is not all that important anymore. Small is nice! Kinda screws the orginal logic of this plan, but a small, free, easy OS to get folding on a hard drive would still be cool

How hard is X? Have a real stripped down GUI with three icons- config/get/start?

Opens items: share stuff and I personally never tested the HTTP stuff (reboot boxen over web browser like fold server)

Thanks for all the work here mage!
Ohh, by the way...check the config deal this is what happened to the config I entered, I did say yes to tweaking and is crapped out back to the # deal. It seems this has happend to others also.

Username= "s"

From Stanford-

Donator s
Team [H]ardOCP (33)
Score 607 (certificate)
Donator Rank 210372 of 480389
WU 4 (certificate)
Date of last
work unit 2005-08-04 18:06:48
Active processors
(within 50 days) 4
Active processors
(within 7 days) 3
Detailed listing for projects 0-999
Detailed listing for projects 1000-1999
Detailed listing for projects 2000-2999
Detailed listing for projects 3000-3999
1) Seapirate: I still haven't figured out the "machine accounts" thingy. more reading if you're interested.

2) Marty: No X, please. This is complicated enough as it is, and I don't even have time to keep up with it now. Adding an additional layer of complexity is not going to get it ready quicker.

I know I'm kinda dragging on this, but believe me, I'm doing all I can. I've been working 6-day weeks, about 9.5 hours a day, trying to remove the backlog of work that we have coming in the door before I go to school so that there will still be a company next summer instead of a smouldering crater. I have been working on my dramatic flair, though; whadda ya think? I think the combination of "backlog" with "smoking crater" really makes it happen.

Seriously, though, I'm tired. I'm trying to keep up with your requests for help, and it's only fair that I do so; I cause 90% of those problems (see marty's sig), but if I take a little while to get to anything other than the absolutely necessary, cut me some slack. I'm only human.

Or am I... :eek:

:D :D :D

Take your time, we'll all be here and I think Stanford will have a WU or two left for us.

Thanks again!
If you're having trouble authenticating to access a samba share...
why not just get on the server and run-

smbpasswd -a some_username_here

That will set a password for some_user to have access to samba shares.


/etc/init.d/samba restart to restart the samba daemons.
unhappy_mage said:
1) Seapirate: I still haven't figured out the "machine accounts" thingy. more reading if you're interested.

It really does not apply unless samba is being setup in a domain instead of a workgroup. With the new config file it seems to have trouble with user authentication now. It should be allowing guest accounts and it does not. It allows tells me root is not a valid user account. I attempted to use adduser to add another user and that seems to be broken, which may be the problem.
Arkaine23 said:
If you're having trouble authenticating to access a samba share...
why not just get on the server and run-

smbpasswd -a some_username_here

That will set a password for some_user to have access to samba shares.


/etc/init.d/samba restart to restart the samba daemons.

/etc/samba # smbpasswd -a nobody
New SMB password:
Retype new SMB password:
User nobody does not exist in system password file (usually /etc/passwd). Cannot add account without a valid local system user.
Failed to modify password entry for user nobody

From what I can find out and have been researching the problem is a guest account needs to be setup using the adduser command, which is not working. Once that is done, then the permissions should be fixed. The small smb.conf file I posted above gets me all the way to a login prompt, but nothing works for the password, even the user root is not allowed to authenticate.
I fixed adduser, modified smb.conf to match seapirate's above, and then:
~ # adduser nobody -G nobody -h /dev/null -s /bin/false
adduser: /dev/null: File exists
Changing password for nobody
Enter the new password (minimum of 5, maximum of 8 characters)
Please use a combination of upper and lower case letters and numbers.
Enter new password:
Bad password: too short.

Warning: weak password (continuing).
Re-enter new password:
Password changed.
~ # smbpasswd -a nobody
New SMB password:
Retype new SMB password:
Added user nobody.
and was able to:
a) smbclient -L host from Linux
b) mount from Linux
c) list from a Windows VM
d) mount a share from a Windows VM

Then I uploaded it.

Or rather, I tried to get it ready to upload before I realized tar was broken. :( I'll report back later.

Okay, if I can scrounge up another PSU this weekend and I have some time, I may try this out. I have some parts for a couple other systems that I wouldn't mind getting running nekkid. I just hope I have enough spare RAM to get at least one of them up and running.

Too bad they aren't DDR boards. I have a 256 meg stick of PC2100 sitting here at the moment since the ECS board doesn't play nice with two 256 meg sticks at the moment.

And no, I'm not selling or trading the DDR.

I must be doing something wrong in EM3. I can hit the share (mapped drive in XP) but EM3 no like me.

\\ip.ip.ip.ip\fold\1\ directory hitting

FYI to all- Linux is strange with .txt files, open them in Wordpad and it formats correctly. Something I'm sure most know, just someone (like myself) might not.

It's a Unix permissions thing. I'll post a fix in a bit, but for now, try this:
chmod -R nobody:nobody /fold
and then hit the share again. The problem is that EM3 needs write access, and while samba allows it, the samba user is "nobody", who can't write if "root" owns it. Thus, chown'ing the files in question fixes the problem.

chmod -R nobody:nobody /fold gets me

chmod: invalid mode: nobody:nobody

ps, like new sig?