The Anti-Fold Server

I do have an idea; gotta run tho, so check back later. Haven't forgotten you ;)

Tormond said:
Well I just tried to get it working again and for some reason it won't draw an IP address. ... Any ideas?
The command to run to get a DHCP address is this:
udhcpc -b -s /etc/dhcp.script --clientid=
but normally the output is discarded. Running this will show you whether it works or fails. Here's a screen grab of what I did - try it once with net connected, then once disconnected.

MN Scout said:
How does one go about stopping Foldix? What's the command?
"/etc/fold stop" will do it; no quotes when you type it in. To power off, (ready for this?) "poweroff".

unhappy_mage said:
Speakeasy's bandwidth test. It's much nicer than others, even if it is flash-based. There's a decent variety of locations, and I've gotten great actual transfer rates out of it.

Of course, maybe it's because my bandwidth pwns yours... :D

At home yes, at work, probably not. All bandwidth test I have tried tell me that work is too fast to be tested. We have a fiber connection to Savvis for internet, and if I look at the number of T1's we have to customers, I come up with about 75mbs of total bandwidth, with no room for growth, which we do have. I helped install a 3rd Cisco 7200, because we have 1 that is full and the second is very close. I will try this out tomorrow at work and see what I get, probably late at night when most of the customers are at home.
As long as we're off-topic, there's a 1gbit FD synchronous link to the internet, and an oc-48 (about 2.5 gbit) to internet2 on the network. Your network is probably more durable than ours (if one t1 goes down, who cares; if the only gigE link goes down, every college student in MD cares!) but we have more theoretical bandwidth. I think. And even if we don't, there's another link of the same speed expected. They're raising the networking fee about 15% to provide for it next year.

It's said that several (!) students have been expelled over the years for tying up the ENTIRE line for hours at a time, in both directions (!). That must have been an awe-inspiring leeching spree. Truly a thing of wonder.

I seem to have exactly the same problem as Tormond, not able to get an IP address. I tried the udhcpc as you suggested and it acts as though the network is non-existent. I have tried the same nic, cable, and router with other distros and they connect w/o a problem. I am a complete linux noob, so not sure where to go from here with troubleshooting. Thanks in advance for any help ;)
Well I had a friend over last night that is a linux god and he informs me that the problem is that it is only trying to use ipv6 instead of ipv4. We were able to set it to a hardcoded static IP and put in the routes and DNS and it is working fine but it seems that the newest build that got Samba working (which it does even on the one we fixed BTW) broke DHCP (by only having the IPv6 stack installed)

I'll have to check the kernel config when I get back to college (tomorrow afternoon, probably) to see about that - I didn't think I even had ipv6 turned on, let alone made default. I'll look into it.

Tormond said:
We were able to set it to a hardcoded static IP and put in the routes and DNS and it is working fine

What commands did you use and what files did you edit?
seapirate said:
What commands did you use and what files did you edit?

Umm that would require that I could follow all the 3nsduhzhu>dgj~~!!<grep.. that is a linux command but mostly we just edited the systeminit file in /etc (I think)

IPv6 is indeed turned on. I'll re-make a kernel without it and re-up.

As for manually configuring an IP address:
ifconfig eth0 down
route add default gw YOUR.DEFAULT.GATEWAY.IP
echo "nameserver YOUR.DNS.SERVER.IP" > /etc/resolv.conf
Then try something like "wget". It should go right away. If you want to make this permanent (I'd guess so), edit "/etc/rc.d/sysinit" with vi. Arrow down to line 11 and type "i#". This will put you in insert mode, and then comment that line. It's for DHCP which we won't be using, so no need to run it. Then hit the End key and enter, then enter the lines above. When you've got them all typed in, type Esc and then ":wq" (colon w q) and hit enter. Then these settings should persist across reboots.

Quick edit: New image up, same place as usual:
Quick edit ^ 2: Don't use the bookmarklet when you finish editing.

Holy crap I actually found a bug in a linux app and it was actually the right thing. Ok I am backing slowly away from teh boxen now as they are sure to explode any moment in preperation for teh end of teh world..

unhappy_mage said:
IPv6 is indeed turned on. I'll re-make a kernel without it and re-up.

As for manually configuring an IP address:
ifconfig eth0 down
route add default gw YOUR.DEFAULT.GATEWAY.IP
echo "nameserver YOUR.DNS.SERVER.IP" > /etc/resolv.conf
Then try something like "wget". It should go right away. If you want to make this permanent (I'd guess so), edit "/etc/rc.d/sysinit" with vi. Arrow down to line 11 and type "i#". This will put you in insert mode, and then comment that line. It's for DHCP which we won't be using, so no need to run it. Then hit the End key and enter, then enter the lines above. When you've got them all typed in, type Esc and then ":wq" (colon w q) and hit enter. Then these settings should persist across reboots.

Quick edit: New image up, same place as usual:
Quick edit ^ 2: Don't use the bookmarklet when you finish editing.

I will give it a try during the weekend.
unhappy_mage what is the default check point time you have the client set for?


Holy thread revival, Batman!

I believe it's either 15 or 30 minutes. I would check for you, but I'm having a little computer(s) trouble at the moment, so I don't have vmware available. Maybe someone else will check for you.

Why do you ask?

I downloaded your latest build version and installed it over the weekend. I read through this thread and got the box up and running.
I changed the user ID to my name, but when I went back into the cfg file to make other changes, they would not save.
My apt. building has some power issues, and I only have one UPS at the moment which covers my main box. I wanted to lower the check point to 6 min, so if the power goes out I will not loose a lot of work.
Three of the four boxes in my garden have been down most of the summer, and I'm trying to get them back in the fight. Right now all three F@H boxes are up, now I'm working on the UD and the FAD boxes.

David - DF454

The command to change username is "cfgfold". Doing it this way allows automatic configuration of everything else - what unit types to get, etc. To change the checkpoint value permanently, edit /etc/fold and change the lines where the checkpoint value is defined. There are 3 places: one under timeless(), one under normal(), and the last under bigpackets(). I'd provide code, but I'm trapped in Windows at the moment. If you need more help on this, I should be able to get Linux back up by tomorrow or so.

I figured it out, I had to edit the file "" in the "/etc" directory.


Nicely done!

Is that like the Blue Oyster Cult song? Needs more cowbell.

Dammit... that song was on the radio when I read that!

Now all I hear is:

"Don't fear the Penguins...we can be like they are...."

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

I was trying this distro and whenever I try get fold a get the error "wget bad header line" check network configuration. I tried testnet and it reports okay. Any thoughts on the error? I tried running fold and apparently it didn't download properly.
Okay, I found out what the problem is, and I'll post a fix tomorrow. In the meantime, you can add this to the end of line 4 of /bin/getfold:
change this: .*/\1/p'`
to this:     .*/\1/p' | head -n 1`
and that should fix it. The problem is Stanford posted another link for the new Linux client (5.04) and it finds both, then wget doesn't understand how to get two URLs in the same command line. Head -n 1means to take the first one it finds, which will be the 5.04 one.

Mohonri said:
And we wonder why people find Linux confusing...
I wonder that too ;)

Updated; link.

For anyone who wonders how hard it is for me to do this kind of modification, here are the steps I take:
Install a fresh copy of 0.9 into my VM to make sure it's exactly what you have.
Make whatever changes as necessary, test, whatever, then run this:
umount /proc; cd / # We don't need the proc filesystem, and this will add 500+ MB...
tar czvf system.tar.gz . # Make a tar file of the root filesystem
scp system.tar.gz # Copy it to my real machine
And then on my real machine:
cd ~/foldix
#! /bin/sh
cd /root/install
umount /mnt/floppy
gzip < current.rootfs > iso/isolinux/initrd.gz
mkisofs -o test.iso -b isolinux/isolinux.bin \
  -c isolinux/ -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 \
  -boot-info-table -JR iso/
and then I rsync the iso up to my personal webspace on It looks like a complicated procedure, but really there are just 4 steps - just ask Arkaine23 what *he* goes through to add a little thing to Overclockix. ;) Using standard tar/gz files for the archive format makes it dead easy compared to that weird KNOPPIX file and stuff. Anyone interested in building their own ISO (or their own distro/autoinstaller for that matter), get in touch with me and I'll help you get set up.

unhappy_mage said:
For anyone who wonders how hard it is for me to do this kind of modification...
We don't wanna hear your whining...back to the salt mines!!!!

Nice work there Will. :)
Nice work again.
I just came back and got the latest version. Spent part of my evening updating boxes in my workshop.
seapirate said:
So, any planned updates or is this pretty much done now?

There is potential for updates, but I don't have any real plans to implement anything unless someone asks for it or I think of an easy way to do it.

The only thing I have right now is maybe a script to edit the samba info. Mainly to make each box unique.

unhappy_mage said:
It looks like a complicated procedure, but really there are just 4 steps - just ask Arkaine23 what *he* goes through to add a little thing to Overclockix. ;)

Seeing as I have several builds uncompressed on my Duallie.... I generally reboot off a live CD with the exact same kernel/cloop module as the one I'll be remastering. I pivot my root to the uncompresssed system on the drive, mount /proc and such. Then update and gut the system with apt-get. If I need to make changes to the GUI(s) that are a little more complicated than just editing config files, I fire up X and have at it. A lot of what I do is scripted to make it quicker. When its all said and done, I have to unmount everything, exit my chroot, and build the cloop file. That takes about 30 minutes or 8 hours if I opt for the best compression method. Then make the iso, 1 minute. Then upload to my server and set all the bittorrent stuff.

Going from fresh Knoppix to new release of Overclockix can take between 12 - 60 hours of work, and there's generally a bunch of stuff that's broke which takes multiple revisions to correct. Updating an existing Overclockix is more like 45 minutes to 2 hours depending on what I'm doing.
Ok after reading all of this I went to give it a shot but after buring the iso my box wont boot it, I keep getting disk boot failure bla bla and if I have the HD pluged in after about 20 secs of black its goes and boots off the HD.
Anyone know why that is?

Btw im using Nero to burn the iso.
First thing to check, are you burning it as an image? Recorder->Burn Image. You might also check the md5sum of the file to make sure it's correct. The md5 of the "latest" foldix is bf1ca5763186782b49a69b677cc1f576 (link). If you're using 0.9, 1) download the new one! and 2) ed14958f60790bebd32a101dfb31b3d4 is the md5.


Edit: Check here for more details on installing and using Foldix.

Try a different CD drive. I have a couple that will not boot this, but will boot windows fine.

I seem to be having a recurring problem. Every so often one or more of my machines will reset the userid to s. So about once a month or so, I have to do a audit and run cfgfold to make sure that the correct info is in the machines. Is there someplace I can make this more permanent or is it a bug?
