The Best PC Games of 2013 That Fell Through the Cracks


Cat Can't Scratch It
May 9, 2000
If you spent too much time playing the top shelf games to notice there were others that merit your attention, now might be the time to give them their shot. PCWorld has put together their selection of some missed opportunities in 2013.

But January is a slow month—the perfect time to dig into your "Unplayed" category on Steam and test out a few that slipped by.
Those games all looked like they sucked.

My thoughts exactly. If that's the best PC games that are not from the 'top shelf'... I can see why the top-shelf does so well and successful indie games are so rare (Minecraft being the first one I can remember since.... umm ... yes.)
Those games all looked like they sucked.

My thoughts exactly. If that's the best PC games that are not from the 'top shelf'... I can see why the top-shelf does so well and successful indie games are so rare (Minecraft being the first one I can remember since.... umm ... yes.)

I agree.

I think it's a case of all games not being alike. I can't imagine any self respecting FPS player seriously playing one of those, maybe a MMORPG player........but they really don't (can't) disconnect long enough to.

Not sure where Minecraft fit's in, I know a lot of FPS players that really like much so we run a server in's kind of an enigma.
There has to be some really good drugs involved to get me to play one of these peaces of shit.
I can't imagine any self respecting FPS player seriously playing one of those

I didn't think you could use the words "self respecting" and "FPS player" in the same sentence ... isn't that an oxymoron :p :D
Memoria looks decent.
Then again, I love my old school adventure games.
Been playing a lot of the Deponia games, dear god they're funny.
Electronic Super Joy is a great game, and usually is on STeam for less than $5 during sales.
Memoria and Shufflepuck Cantina Deluxe looks great, I will most likely buy the games at some point.
My thoughts exactly. If that's the best PC games that are not from the 'top shelf'... I can see why the top-shelf does so well and successful indie games are so rare (Minecraft being the first one I can remember since.... umm ... yes.)

lol AI Wars? Crazy addicting with a devout following.

I can't play FPS games because of my medical condition, but it seems the golden age of gaming is starting to come back. More games like Neverwinter Nights, Planescape torment, the fallout series, etc. Most seem to be coming from indie developers which is awesome IMO.
Can't say I'm disappointed to have missed out on any of these games. They look like they deserved to have fallen through the cracks in 2013.
Who wants anything that isn't a rooty-tooty-point-and-shooty man-child game, brah?

Who in their right mind wants to try something that isn't a grim, repetitive franchise built around a marketing strategy?
Those games all looked like they sucked.

Some of their descriptions don't sound much better:
Not the Robots, "Also, incredibly dumb."
Redshirts, "Unfortunately, it does so by being utterly banal to play."
Not really sounding like the best games that fell through the cracks with those descriptions.
Best games of 2013? I bought Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure for the PC for my little brother back when it was released in 2006. Did anyone bother to check the actual release dates for these games?
I don't think that games need to be like BF or COD or anything like that. in fact I don't like those series and think that they could die off along with lots of their players and the world would be a better place. That said I don't see how this are exactly the best games that fell through the cracks. Looks more like a list of fun games that nobody ever heard about that I decided to make a list about instead of a best games ever made but were eclipsed by some larger game.


I'm assuming that stupid Gone Home game was on the list though. What a steaming pile of shit that was.

nope, that game wasn't on there.

Best games of 2013? I bought Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure for the PC for my little brother back when it was released in 2006. Did anyone bother to check the actual release dates for these games?

Article states it just now got a pc port. I am thinking maybe more like just added to steam in 2013? That one got me also when I saw it on the list, thought that came out years ago on all platforms.
Only heard of a couple of those...the others don't look overly interesting.

I'm assuming that stupid Gone Home game was on the list though. What a steaming pile of shit that was.

Gone Home didn't "Fall through the cracks," in fact it ended up on many peoples GOTY list, if not actually winning it.

IMO it was a great game that told a great and memorable story through a coming of age setting in the 90's , which I grew up in, so that may be a reason it resonated with me so much.

It's right up there on my list with The last of us and Brothers.

Memoria looks decent.
Then again, I love my old school adventure games.
Been playing a lot of the Deponia games, dear god they're funny.

Daedalic has been putting out some GREAT adventure games the past few years.

I suggest if you do plan to pick up Memoria to get The Dark Eye: Chains of Satinav, as it is the first game in the series which Memoria is the sequel to.

Highly recommend if you haven't already to check out some of their other games too.

I really enjoyed The Whispered World and Night of the Rabbit.
Also forgot to mention also you should check out a little gem called The Book of Unwritten Tales. It's a great humorous adventure game that came out a couple years ago.
These look disappointing. I was expecting something like Outlast to make the list. I recently started it and it's pretty good for how little people talk about it. Especially compared to Machine for Pigs...
Although I did add a couple of these to my Steam wishlist I think the bigger releases in 2013 weren't the newest titles but some of the PC classics that saw their first digital releases on GOG:

Wizardry 6/7/8
For I have no mouth but I must scream

Hardly new or cutting edge but definitely PC gaming classics :)
i think they should have shown a bunch of mods for top shelf games of 2013 instead of whatever that crap was.
Not to bash those game or the new gaming genre, but after I went back to retro gaming, I just don't enjoy the modern pc games as much. Older games like plateformer, side scroller, shmup and rpg give me more enjoyment with their emphasys on gameplay and not pretty cgi...

And the funny thing, is that you can get a retro system with a few games for less than a single AAA pc title if you're lucky on ebay.

Many AAA these day feel like a job when you're playing them, MMORPG especially. When I get home after work, the last thing in my mind is to "work" at a game for hours... Give me Giga Wing 2 instead...
Some of those aren't too bad... but even as someone who likes indie games, the list is pretty bad.
I swear, game reviewers more and more are the equivalent of rock music critics that think RUSH sucked and loved Elvis Costello. :rolleyes: