The best VGA fan for my card

That was quick, but im looking for 20$ and under. All my money is locked in the bank, in a C.D. :( So, i just have the money from Christmas.
Spend the extra 8 bucks and get the zalman. Almost everyone here will attest to it being the best choice.
Firebat said:
That was quick, but im looking for 20$ and under. All my money is locked in the bank, in a C.D. :( So, i just have the money from Christmas.

Although I totally understand, I really do believe that for the small amount of money extra it will cost, it'd be worth shoveling snow or mowing lawns or washing cars or whatever you can do for the extra eight bucks. There really isn't a reason to purchase a sub-par cooler when waiting for a few more days or weeks will net you something that is entirely worth it.
mrbigshot said:
hell 60c is low, 6800gt and ultras are in the 70's, x1800xl hit 90c

60 Is not low. And if your running at 90c you bettter be saving up for a new card.
I got the zalman.
It got me the same temps as stock but with almost no noise.
I use the 5v plug not the 12v...
Plus this was my first time putting on thermal compound manually so I probably screwed up there.
Firebat said:
60 Is not low. And if your running at 90c you bettter be saving up for a new card.
For someone who needs help choosing a cooler, I don't think you have a word in saying what safe temperatures are ;)

Either way the Zalman is a FAR better choice over that itty bitty Vantec cooler...

For safe temperatures... look into the Pentium 4 Prescotts.. those things roast.. and they run fine.