The Callisto Protocol (survival/horror)

They probably figured it was better to get the game out the door on the same day as the console versions vs. delaying it. Not sure if that's right or not (PC gamers will complain either way), but there's no chance the devs didn't know the game is busted as-is.
I love how they say 'some users'. Like dude, it doesn't matter if you're running AMD, Intel, Nvidia, or an XGI Volari Duo V8 Ultra - The game will have awful UE4 shader comp stutter.
Hopefully it's out by the time I get out of work.
They probably figured it was better to get the game out the door on the same day as the console versions vs. delaying it. Not sure if that's right or not (PC gamers will complain either way), but there's no chance the devs didn't know the game is busted as-is.
I wonder if the talk of a delay wasn't unfounded. Have to wonder if they wanted to release the game before Dead Space remake.
I refunded for now. Gonna wait until it's in better shape, I doubt another quick patch is going to solve all the issues. The gameplay, visuals and HDR implementation are fantastic, I just don't want my experience it ruined by performance issues.
I refunded for now. Gonna wait until it's in better shape, I doubt another quick patch is going to solve all the issues. The gameplay, visuals and HDR implementation are fantastic, I just don't want my experience it ruined by performance issues.
Yeah, I’m in no rush to play this thing at this point. I’m going to wait until next summer/fall when it will likely be $30-$40 anyways.
If they can fix it (and if I can find a discount code on sale), I'm still interested in the game. I get that it's not a great game, but it still seems okay on the PS5.
I love how they say 'some users'. Like dude, it doesn't matter if you're running AMD, Intel, Nvidia, or an XGI Volari Duo V8 Ultra - The game will have awful UE4 shader comp stutter.
They say that because there are literally people so fucking oblivious that they will claim the game runs just fine and that has always been the case even in the most broken buggy games out there. Right here in this very thread you have people saying Arkham Knight ran just fine at launch and Star wars Jedi fallen order doesn't really stutter. That's right up there with people that say they couldn't see flickering on a CRT with low refresh rate or that they never noticed screen tearing with vsync off.
I think the gameplay is fine, although the loss of dismemberment is very questionable. I wonder if they couldn’t put that in for fear of being sued by EA.
I'm still going to go ahead and refund it and then maybe pick it up next year when all the content has been released and it's on sale.
So he doesn't know that you can completely turn off autoaim for both melee and firearms.

I disagree with his assessment of the combat. It feels intense and visceral, and the simplicity makes it flow. Encounters with more than one enemy at a time are there for you to do more than just try to get up in the face of them.

This is why I usually try to avoid SkillUp's reviews. He is either completely wrong, lacking completeness, are pandering to confirmation bias.
What about the repeated mention of the non-existent story and characters one could care less about?
What about the repeated mention of the non-existent story and characters one could care less about?

exactly...people are making it seem like the stuttering is the only issue and fixing that will make this a 10/10 it won''s a 7 or 7.5 game either way, the performance issues on PC just make it worse...if you want to play a better version of this game than just replay the original Dead Space (which at least has the dismemberment) or wait for the remake in January 2023...doesn't sound like a terrible game but not one anyone should be rushing out to buy

same with that Scorn game which didn't really have these issues yet seems like a niche arthouse indie game
They say that because there are literally people so fucking oblivious that they will claim the game runs just fine and that has always been the case even in the most broken buggy games out there. Right here in this very thread you have people saying Arkham Knight ran just fine at launch and Star wars Jedi fallen order doesn't really stutter. That's right up there with people that say they couldn't see flickering on a CRT with low refresh rate or that they never noticed screen tearing with vsync off.
AK was a shit show at launch, but I have recently started playing Fallen Order after picking it up in a Steam sale and I can honestly say that it hasn't hitched once, and I'm pretty sensitive to it. Maybe because I only have settings on High rather than Ultra, but 10 hours in and it runs fine for me...hopefully the incoming patch(es) will fix Callisto's performance issues. The gameplay itself though....meh.
AK was a shit show at launch, but I have recently started playing Fallen Order after picking it up in a Steam sale and I can honestly say that it hasn't hitched once, and I'm pretty sensitive to it. Maybe because I only have settings on High rather than Ultra, but 10 hours in and it runs fine for me...hopefully the incoming patch(es) will fix Callisto's performance issues. The gameplay itself though....meh.
LOL zero hitching? The game is notorious for lots of little hitches never mind the big stutters and digital foundry mentions this every time they discuss the PC version of the game. The settings have absolutely nothing to do with the stuttering in Jedi fallen order. I can run the game on all low settings at 720P and it's the exact same stutters in the exact same spots. Whether using Nvidia or AMD makes no difference neither does the type of hard drive used and I have tried this game on five different setups over the years all with the same results in the same spots. Again as I mentioned these stutters are easily reproducible and I will gladly make a video if you want it and I would love to see you post a video in the same spot showing you don't get stutters. Not one single person has ever been able to do that on the steam forums.
LOL zero hitching? The game is notorious for lots of little hitches never mind the big stutters and digital foundry mentions this every time they discuss the PC version of the game. The settings have absolutely nothing to do with the stuttering in Jedi fallen order. I can run the game on all low settings at 720P and it's the exact same stutters in the exact same spots. Whether using Nvidia or AMD makes no difference either nor does the type of hard drive used and I have tried this game on five different setups over the years all with the same results in the same spots. Again as I mentioned these stutters are easily reproducible and I will gladly make a video if you want it and I would love to see you post a video in the same spot showing you don't get stutters. Not one single person has ever been able to do that on the steam forums.
Thanks but this is just my own experience. I have no issues with the game and am happy to just enjoy it (y)
Thanks but this is just my own experience. I have no issues with the game and am happy to just enjoy it (y)
Well let's try not to get too much off topic here because I definitely get pretty heated about my experience in that game. As I've said using multiple setups over the years it's always been the exact same stutters in the exact same spots. If you ever want to follow up on this and me show you some of the most stuttering areas of the game I can PM you. I guess let's focus on the Callisto protocol stuttering now..
these stutters are easily reproducible and I will gladly make a video if you want it and I would love to see you post a video in the same spot showing you don't get stutters. Not one single person has ever been able to do that on the steam forums.

post your video in the Fallen Order thread...I played it a few months ago and there's definitely hitching but not to the extent that you are making it seem (at least not anymore)
Again I just don't get how a game like this was released on PC. Literally less than 2 minutes of gameplay or just running the damn benchmark would have shown you the game is a broken stuttery piece of shit. They spent all that time marketing the game acting like they were paying so much attention to detail when they couldn't even do the most simplest basic of all things which was playtest the game and fix obvious issues before release.
Could it be that on all their test machines the shaders were compiled already and they didn't notice it?
Shitty engine aside.. The Ray tracing work they have added to this awful engine is quite amazing i'll give them that. I'm personally waiting for game to drop to 30$ ish dollars so hopefully all patched by then.
TL;DR: save my money for Dead Space remake, got it 👍
Just watch them patch out denovo and solve part of the performance issue, que the 'it's not denovo' crowd.
Refunded. I am indeed a bit sad, but 8-9 hours of linear gameplay could probably have been overlooked if they'd done something about the horrendous shader hitching.

It was gorgeous and engrossing between the technical glitching, but it was so immersion breaking I didn't want to continue.

I'll check back on it in a few months.
Just watch them patch out denovo and solve part of the performance issue, que the 'it's not denovo' crowd.
its not from denovo's the console copies suffer it too.. It's the engine not supporting shader compilation.. Watch the digital foundry video.
It's been more than a few hours since that tweet and no patch yet. Can't say I shouldn't be surprised.
It's been more than a few hours since that tweet and no patch yet. Can't say I shouldn't be surprised.
And if they couldn't figure out their PC version was a broken piece of shit and / or how to fix it before release date how the hell could they do it the very next day? I mean are we really supposed to think they can magically fix all this within a few hours by releasing this patch they said supposedly have? So yeah I'd be very surprised if they actually released a patch today that did anything worthwhile if they release one at all.
And if they couldn't figure out their PC version was a broken piece of shit and / or how to fix it before release date how the hell could they do it the very next day? I mean are we really supposed to think they can magically fix all this within a few hours by releasing this patch they said supposedly have? So yeah I'd be very surprised if they actually released a patch today that did anything worthwhile if they release one at all.
Could have simply been an oversight, a typo, or old version of code. Maybe it's not out yet because it's not as simple as they thought.
Just watch them patch out denovo and solve part of the performance issue, que the 'it's not denovo' crowd.

It’s pretty rare when Denuvo is the source of all of a game’s performance problems. It does happen, but nowhere near as often as people like to claim. UE4 stuttering is pretty common, Denuvo could potentially make it worse but I’d be surprised if it was the sole problem.
What is so annoying is that anyone who devs with Unreal knows of the shader compilation thing... not like it snuck up on them. Stutters are so bad you KNOW when something is going to happen (jump scare for example..).

"Some users..."
Got through prologue... Stutters are there indeed....

My GPU usage is stuck at 100%, meanwhile, my CPU usage isn't going above 15%.. This is the culprit right here ..

Update - turning off vsync has worked like a charm. It's not perfect, but it's WAY better than before.
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After updating, you may see temporary stuttering in the game menu the first time you launch the app. We are working on further optimizations in the days ahead.
lol - then what's the point.

Downloading now - let's see.
Update - Oh yeah - huge improvement... I think it's fixed.
Got this free with buying an AMD 6650XT that I got for my kid. He probably won't want it but by the time I can play it hopefully they'll have fixed some issues.
lol - then what's the point.

Downloading now - let's see.
Update - Oh yeah - huge improvement... I think it's fixed.
What do you mean what's the point? They're telling you it will be pre-compiling the shaders in the menu for a little bit and then when you play the game there should not be any more stutters from that. I started up the game and the menu was pretty much slow motion for about 15-20 seconds and then it's fine after that and the game seems much better. It should not have to do the recompiling in the menu again unless maybe you install a new driver I guess.
The patch works. They shader comp in the menu, and there is no indication of progress - but the game is smooth now.
Yeah they definitely need to put a shader compiling progress meter in the menu so you know what's going on. And I thought shader compiling was only for dx12? The game stuttered pretty badly in dx11 too so how will that fix that?
What do you mean what's the point? They're telling you it will be pre-compiling the shaders in the menu for a little bit and then when you play the game there should not be any more stutters from that. I started up the game and the menu was pretty much slow motion for about 15-20 seconds and then it's fine after that and the game seems much better. It should not have to do the recompiling in the menu again unless maybe you install a new driver I guess.
Yeah I got that ;)

It's working.
Couple of stutters at random - but nothing remotely close to as before.
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