The cost of Vista

It has been posted, entirely too many times I'd say, and it's meaningless to most anyone that reads it for more than stirring up paranoia and fear, aka F.U.D.

"It hurts... please... god... make it stop... it hurts... owwww... make it stop..."
It has been posted, entirely too many times I'd say, and it's meaningless to most anyone that reads it for more than stirring up paranoia and fear, aka F.U.D.

"It hurts... please... god... make it stop... it hurts... owwww... make it stop..."
I would not go so far as totally dismissing that post as pure "F.U.D.". The author Peter Gutmann has some legitimate points that he makes. He may not be right about everything, but he is not totally wrong about everything either. Some interesting podcasts about the subject,

One other point, I do realize that there are a lot of people that blame Vista for everything and anything, and do not really know what they are talking about and are infact spreading "fud".

But on the other hand there are also people making some good in depth analysis of Vista and have a good grasp on what they are talking about.

Just because someone finds something that is legitimately wrong or bad with Vista, should not automatically be classified as someone just spreading "fud".

If you allow conversation about whats good about a product, to be fair you also have to allow legitimate criticism. Other wise there are no checks and balances.
The whole idea of FUD is to mix truth with fear, and misinformation… that article could be used for a definition of FUD.

Leo Laporte ceased to be a balanced source of information years ago he spends 90% of his time bashing Windows and evangelizing for Apple and has for years.